How to use the scanpy.logging.msg function in scanpy

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if j_connect not in segs_adjacency_nodes[jseg]:
                            segs_adjacency_nodes[jseg][j_connect] = []
                        idx = segs_adjacency_nodes[jseg][j_connect].index((point_connect, kseg_list[trunk]))
                        segs_adjacency_nodes[jseg][j_connect][idx] = (point_connect, kseg_list[not_trunk])
                        if point_connect not in segs_adjacency_nodes[kseg_list[not_trunk]]:
                            segs_adjacency_nodes[kseg_list[not_trunk]][point_connect] = []
                        segs_adjacency_nodes[kseg_list[not_trunk]][point_connect].append((j_connect, jseg))
                        # clean up the dictionary for trunk
                        idx = segs_adjacency_nodes[kseg_list[trunk]][point_connect].index((j_connect, jseg))
                        if len(segs_adjacency_nodes[kseg_list[trunk]][point_connect]) == 0:
                            del segs_adjacency_nodes[kseg_list[trunk]][point_connect]
                        connectedness[not_trunk] += score
        distances = [1/c if c > 0 else np.inf for c in connectedness]
        # distances = [1/(1+c) for c in connectedness]
        logg.msg('    ', jseg, '-', kseg_list, '->', distances, v=5)
        return distances
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'(would produce cycle)', v=4)
                    # we still have the other new segment to inspect so it's not
                    # a drama that we couldn't establish a new connection
                    if kseg != kseg_list[-1]:
                        logg.msg('            continue', v=4)
                    # we do not add add a new link
                        logg.msg('            do not add another link', v=4)
                        continue_after_distance_compute = True
            if jseg_min in kseg_list and not do_not_attach_ksegs_with_each_other:
                # we're already done as we found the new connection
                continue_after_distance_compute = True
                logg.msg('        attaching new segment',
                         kseg, 'with new segment', jseg_min, v=4)
        return segs_distances
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new_tip = new_tips.pop(tip_idx_max)
            dist_max = dists.pop(tip_idx_max)
            for iclus, clus in enumerate(self.clusters_precomputed):
                if new_tip in set(clus):
                    new_seg = clus
                    clus_name = self.clusters_precomputed_names[iclus]
            pos_new_seg = np.in1d(seg, new_seg, assume_unique=True)
            ssegs = [new_seg, seg[~pos_new_seg]]
            ssegs_tips = [[new_tip], new_tips]
            sizes = [len(ssegs[0]), len(ssegs[1])]
            logg.msg('    new tip', new_tip, 'with distance', dist_max,
                   'using constraints {} with distances'
                   .format(new_tips), v=4)
            logg.msg('   ', dists, v=4)
            logg.msg('    new sizes {} and {}'
                   .format(sizes[0], sizes[1]), v=4)
            return iseg, seg, ssegs, ssegs_tips, sizes, clus_name
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median_distances = []
            if self.attachedness_measure != 'connectedness':
                result = self.compute_attachedness(jseg, kseg_list, segs, segs_tips, segs_adjacency_nodes)
                distances, median_distances, measure_points_in_jseg, measure_points_in_kseg = result
                segs_distances[jseg, kseg_list] = distances
                segs_distances[kseg_list, jseg] = distances
            distances = segs_distances[jseg, kseg_list]
            # in case we do not have convincing evidence for a connection based on the maximal distances
            if (median_distances
                and ((max(distances) < 0.1 and min(distances) / max(distances) >= 0.4)
                     # all distances are very small, we require significant statistical evidence here
                     or (min(distances) >= 0.1 and min(distances) / max(distances) >= self.minimal_distance_evidence))
                     # distances are larger
                and min(median_distances) / max(median_distances) < self.minimal_distance_evidence):
                     # require median_distances to actually provide better evidence
                logg.msg('        no convincing evidence in minimal distances, consider median distance', v=4)
                idx = np.argmin(median_distances)
                idx = np.argmin(distances)
            kseg_min = kseg_list[idx]
            pos = segs_adjacency[jseg].index(iseg)
            segs_adjacency[jseg][pos] = kseg_min
            pos_2 = segs_adjacency[iseg].index(jseg)
            logg.msg('    group {} is now attached to {}'.format(jseg, kseg_min), v=4)
        # in case the segment we split should correspond to two "clusters", we
        # need to check whether the new segments connect to any of the other old
        # segments
        # if not, we add a link between the new segments, if yes, we add two
        # links to connect them at the correct old segments
        #'... treat new connections')
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                dtip_others += dtip_j
            tip_idx_max = np.argmax(dists)
            new_tip = new_tips.pop(tip_idx_max)
            dist_max = dists.pop(tip_idx_max)
            new_seg = np.ones(len(seg), dtype=bool)
            for constraint_tip in new_tips:
                new_seg[self.Dchosen[new_tip, seg] > self.Dchosen[constraint_tip, seg]] = False
            ssegs = [seg[new_seg], seg[~new_seg]]
            ssegs_tips = [[new_tip], new_tips]
            sizes = [len(ssegs[0]), len(ssegs[1])]
            logg.msg('    new tip', new_tip, 'with distance', dist_max,
                   'using constraints {} with distances'
                   .format(new_tips), v=4)
            logg.msg('   ', dists, v=4)
            logg.msg('    new sizes {} and {}'
                   .format(sizes[0], sizes[1]), v=4)
            return iseg, seg, ssegs, ssegs_tips, sizes
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do_not_attach_ksegs_with_each_other = False
        continue_after_distance_compute = False
        for kseg in kseg_list:
            jseg_list = [jseg for jseg in range(len(segs))
                         if jseg != kseg and jseg not in segs_adjacency[kseg]]  # prev_connecting_segments]  # if it's a cluster split, this is allowed?
            if self.attachedness_measure != 'connectedness':
                result = self.compute_attachedness(kseg, jseg_list, segs, segs_tips, segs_adjacency_nodes)
                distances, median_distances, measure_points_in_kseg, measure_points_in_jseg = result
                segs_distances[kseg, jseg_list] = distances
                segs_distances[jseg_list, kseg] = distances
            if continue_after_distance_compute: continue
            idx = np.argmin(segs_distances[kseg, jseg_list])
            # candidate for the segment to which we attach would attach the new
            # segment
            jseg_min = jseg_list[idx]
            logg.msg('    consider connecting', kseg, 'to', jseg_min, v=4)
            # if the closest segment is not among the two new segments
            if jseg_min not in kseg_list:
                segs_adjacency_sparse = sp.sparse.lil_matrix(
                    (len(segs), len(segs)), dtype=float)
                for i, neighbors in enumerate(segs_adjacency):
                    segs_adjacency_sparse[i, neighbors] = 1
                G = nx.Graph(segs_adjacency_sparse)
                paths_all = nx.single_source_dijkstra_path(G, source=kseg)
                # we can attach the new segment to an old segment
                if jseg_min not in paths_all:
                    logg.msg('        attaching new segment',
                           kseg, 'at', jseg_min, v=4)
                    # if we establish the new connection with an old segment
                    # we should not add a new connection to the second new segment
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def propose_nodes_to_contract(adjacency_tree_confidence, node_groups):
        # nodes with two edges
        n_edges_per_seg = np.sum(adjacency_tree_confidence > 0, axis=1).A1
        for i in range(adjacency_tree_confidence.shape[0]):
            if n_edges_per_seg[i] == 2:
                neighbors = adjacency_tree_confidence[i].nonzero()[1]
                for neighbors_edges in range(1, 20):
                    for n_cnt, n in enumerate(neighbors):
                        if n_edges_per_seg[n] == neighbors_edges:
                            logg.msg('merging node {} into {} (two edges)'
                                   .format(i, n), v=4)
                            return i, n
        # node groups with a very small cell number
        for i in range(adjacency_tree_confidence.shape[0]):
            if node_groups[str(i) == node_groups].size < min_group_size:
                neighbors = adjacency_tree_confidence[i].nonzero()[1]
                neighbor_sizes = [node_groups[str(n) == node_groups].size for n in neighbors]
                n = neighbors[np.argmax(neighbor_sizes)]
                logg.msg('merging node {} into {} '
                       '(smaller than `min_group_size` = {})'
                       .format(i, n, min_group_size), v=4)
                return i, n
        return 0, 0
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                dtip_others += dtip_j
            tip_idx_max = np.argmax(dists)
            new_tip = new_tips.pop(tip_idx_max)
            dist_max = dists.pop(tip_idx_max)
            for iclus, clus in enumerate(self.clusters_precomputed):
                if new_tip in set(clus):
                    new_seg = clus
                    clus_name = self.clusters_precomputed_names[iclus]
            pos_new_seg = np.in1d(seg, new_seg, assume_unique=True)
            ssegs = [new_seg, seg[~pos_new_seg]]
            ssegs_tips = [[new_tip], new_tips]
            sizes = [len(ssegs[0]), len(ssegs[1])]
            logg.msg('    new tip', new_tip, 'with distance', dist_max,
                   'using constraints {} with distances'
                   .format(new_tips), v=4)
            logg.msg('   ', dists, v=4)
            logg.msg('    new sizes {} and {}'
                   .format(sizes[0], sizes[1]), v=4)
            return iseg, seg, ssegs, ssegs_tips, sizes, clus_name