How to use the param.main.warning function in param

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few param examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github holoviz / hvplot / hvplot / View on Github external
                    var_tuples.append((, da.attrs))
                labels = {}
                units = {}
                for var_name, var_attrs in var_tuples:
                    if var_name is None:
                        var_name = 'value'
                    if 'long_name' in var_attrs:
                        labels[var_name] = var_attrs['long_name']
                    if 'units' in var_attrs:
                        units[var_name] = var_attrs['units']
                self._redim = self._merge_redim(labels, 'label')
                self._redim = self._merge_redim(units, 'unit')
            except Exception as e:
                if attr_labels is True:
                    param.main.warning('Unable to auto label using xarray attrs '
                                       'because {e}'.format(e=e))
github pyviz-dev / nbsite / examples / sites / holoviews / holoviews / interface / View on Github external
def _verify_task_times(self, task, times, strict=False):
        Checks that a given task that is scheduled to be run at
        certain times will actually be executed. The strict flag
        determines whether to simply warn or raise an Exception.
        if task.times:
            unsatisfied = set(task.times) - set(list(times))
            if unsatisfied:
                msg = "Task %r has been requested for times %s, " \
                      "not scheduled for collection." % (task, list(unsatisfied))

            if unsatisfied:
                if strict: raise Exception(msg)
                else:      param.main.warning(msg)
github holoviz / holoviews / holoviews / View on Github external
def trigger(cls, streams):
        Given a list of streams, collect all the stream parameters into
        a dictionary and pass it to the union set of subscribers.

        Passing multiple streams at once to trigger can be useful when a
        subscriber may be set multiple times across streams but only
        needs to be called once.
        # Union of stream contents
        items = [stream.contents.items() for stream in streams]
        union = [kv for kvs in items for kv in kvs]
        klist = [k for k, _ in union]
        clashes = set([k for k in klist if klist.count(k) > 1])
        if clashes:
            param.main.warning('Parameter name clashes for keys: %r' % clashes)

        # Group subscribers by precedence while keeping the ordering
        # within each group
        subscriber_precedence = defaultdict(list)
        for stream in streams:
            for precedence, subscriber in stream._subscribers:
        sorted_subscribers = sorted(subscriber_precedence.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])
        subscribers = util.unique_iterator([s for _, subscribers in sorted_subscribers
                                            for s in subscribers])

        with triggering_streams(streams):
            for subscriber in subscribers:

        for stream in streams:
github holoviz / hvplot / hvplot / View on Github external
def _process_plot(self):
        kind = self.kind
        options = Store.options(backend='bokeh')
        elname = self._kind_mapping[kind].__name__
        plot_opts = options[elname].groups['plot'].options if elname in options else {}

        if kind.startswith('bar'):
            plot_opts['stacked'] = self.stacked

        if kind == 'hist':
            if self.stacked:
                param.main.warning('Stacking for histograms is not yet implemented in '
                                   'holoviews. Use bar plots if stacking is required.')

        return plot_opts
github holoviz / panel / panel / View on Github external
def _yield_abbreviations_for_parameter(parameter, kwargs):
    """Get an abbreviation for a function parameter."""
    name =
    kind = parameter.kind
    ann = parameter.annotation
    default = parameter.default
    not_found = (name, empty, empty)
    if kind in (Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY):
        if name in kwargs:
            value = kwargs.pop(name)
        elif ann is not empty:
            param.main.warning("Using function annotations to implicitly specify interactive controls is deprecated. "
                               "Use an explicit keyword argument for the parameter instead.", DeprecationWarning)
            value = ann
        elif default is not empty:
            value = default
            if isinstance(value, (Iterable, Mapping)):
                value = fixed(value)
            yield not_found
        yield (name, value, default)
    elif kind == Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD:
        # In this case name=kwargs and we yield the items in kwargs with their keys.
        for k, v in kwargs.copy().items():
            yield k, v, empty
github pyviz-dev / nbsite / examples / sites / holoviews / holoviews / core / data / View on Github external
from .dictionary import DictInterface
from .grid import GridInterface
from .multipath import MultiInterface         # noqa (API import)
from .image import ImageInterface             # noqa (API import)

datatypes = ['array', 'dictionary', 'grid']

    import pandas as pd # noqa (Availability import)
    from .pandas import PandasInterface
    datatypes = ['array', 'dataframe', 'dictionary', 'grid', 'ndelement']
    DFColumns = PandasInterface
except ImportError:
except Exception as e:
    param.main.warning('Pandas interface failed to import with '
                       'following error: %s' % e)

    import iris # noqa (Availability import)
    from .iris import CubeInterface # noqa (Conditional API import)
except ImportError:
except Exception as e:
    param.main.warning('Iris interface failed to import with '
                       'following error: %s' % e)

    import xarray # noqa (Availability import)
    from .xarray import XArrayInterface # noqa (Conditional API import)
github holoviz / panel / panel / template / View on Github external
def _repr_mimebundle_(self, include=None, exclude=None):
        loaded = panel_extension._loaded
        if not loaded and 'holoviews' in sys.modules:
            import holoviews as hv
            loaded = hv.extension._loaded
        if not loaded:
            param.main.warning('Displaying Panel objects in the notebook '
                               'requires the panel extension to be loaded. '
                               'Ensure you run pn.extension() before '
                               'displaying objects in the notebook.')
            return None

            assert get_ipython().kernel is not None # noqa
            state._comm_manager = _JupyterCommManager
        except Exception:

        from IPython.display import display

        doc = _Document()
        comm = state._comm_manager.get_server_comm()
        self._init_doc(doc, comm, notebook=True)
github holoviz / holoviews / holoviews / interface / View on Github external
def _verify_task_times(self, task, times, strict=False):
        Checks that a given task that is scheduled to be run at
        certain times will actually be executed. The strict flag
        determines whether to simply warn or raise an Exception.
        if task.times:
            unsatisfied = set(task.times) - set(list(times))
            if unsatisfied:
                msg = "Task %r has been requested for times %s, " \
                      "not scheduled for collection." % (task, list(unsatisfied))

            if unsatisfied:
                if strict: raise Exception(msg)
                else:      param.main.warning(msg)
github holoviz / hvplot / hvplot / View on Github external
def _apply_layers(self, obj):
        if self.coastline:
            import geoviews as gv
            coastline = gv.feature.coastline()
            if self.coastline in ['10m', '50m', '110m']:
                coastline = coastline.opts(scale=self.coastline)
            elif self.coastline is not True:
                param.main.warning("coastline scale of %s not recognized, "
                                   "must be one of '10m', '50m' or '110m'." %
            obj = obj * coastline
        if self.tiles:
            tile_source = 'EsriImagery' if self.tiles == 'ESRI' else self.tiles
            warning = ("%s tiles not recognized, must be one of: %s or a tile object" %
                       (tile_source, sorted(hv.element.tile_sources)))
            if tile_source is True:
                tiles = hv.element.tiles.Wikipedia()
            elif tile_source in hv.element.tile_sources.keys():
                tiles = hv.element.tile_sources[tile_source]()
            elif tile_source in hv.element.tile_sources.values():
                tiles = tile_source()
            elif isinstance(tile_source, hv.element.tiles.Tiles):
                tiles = tile_source
            elif self.geo: