How to use the param.ClassSelector function in param

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few param examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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compositor = Compositor(
    "HexTiles", hex_binning, None, 'data', output_type=HexTiles,
    transfer_options=True, transfer_parameters=True, backends=['bokeh']

class HexTilesPlot(ColorbarPlot):

    aggregator = param.Callable(default=np.size, doc="""
      Aggregation function used to compute bin values. Any NumPy
      reduction is allowed, defaulting to np.size to count the number
      of values in each bin.""")

    gridsize = param.ClassSelector(default=50, class_=(int, tuple), doc="""
      Number of hexagonal bins along x- and y-axes. Defaults to uniform
      sampling along both axes when setting and integer but independent
      bin sampling can be specified a tuple of integers corresponding to
      the number of bins along each axis.""")

    min_count = param.Number(default=None, doc="""
      The display threshold before a bin is shown, by default bins with
      a count of less than 1 are hidden.""")

    orientation = param.ObjectSelector(default='pointy', objects=['flat', 'pointy'],
      The orientation of hexagon bins. By default the pointy side is on top.""")

    # Deprecated options

    color_index = param.ClassSelector(default=2, class_=(basestring, int),
github holoviz / panel / panel / widgets / View on Github external
if 'value' not in params:
            params['value'] = params.get('start', self.start)
        super(DateSlider, self).__init__(**params)

    def _process_property_change(self, msg):
        msg = super(_SliderBase, self)._process_property_change(msg)
        if 'value' in msg:
            msg['value'] = value_as_date(msg['value'])
        if 'value_throttled' in msg:
            msg['value_throttled'] = value_as_date(msg['value_throttled'])
        return msg

class DiscreteSlider(CompositeWidget, _SliderBase):

    options = param.ClassSelector(default=[], class_=(dict, list))

    value = param.Parameter()

    value_throttled = param.Parameter()

    formatter = param.String(default='%.3g')

    _source_transforms = {'value': None, 'value_throttled': None, 'options': None}

    _rename = {'formatter': None}

    _supports_embed = True

    _text_link = """
    var labels = {labels}
    target.text = labels[source.value]
github holoviz / holoviews / holoviews / element / View on Github external
return int(round(coord[1])), int(round(coord[0]))

class Image(Dataset, Raster, SheetCoordinateSystem):
    Image is the atomic unit as which 2D data is stored, along with
    its bounds object. The input data may be a numpy.matrix object or
    a two-dimensional numpy array.

    Allows slicing operations of the data in sheet coordinates or direct
    access to the data, via the .data attribute.

    bounds = param.ClassSelector(class_=BoundingRegion, default=BoundingBox(), doc="""
       The bounding region in sheet coordinates containing the data.""")

    datatype = param.List(default=['image', 'grid', 'xarray', 'cube', 'dataframe', 'dictionary'])

    group = param.String(default='Image', constant=True)

    kdims = param.List(default=[Dimension('x'), Dimension('y')],
                       bounds=(2, 2), constant=True, doc="""
        The label of the x- and y-dimension of the Raster in form
        of a string or dimension object.""")

    vdims = param.List(default=[Dimension('z')],
                       bounds=(1, 1), doc="""
        The dimension description of the data held in the matrix.""")

    def __init__(self, data, kdims=None, vdims=None, bounds=None, extents=None,
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class PointerXY(LinkedStream):
    A pointer position along the x- and y-axes in data coordinates which
    may numeric or categorical dimensions.

    With the appropriate plotting backend, this corresponds to the
    position of the mouse/trackpad pointer. If the pointer is outside
    the plot bounds, the position values are set to None.

    x = param.ClassSelector(class_=(Number, util.basestring, tuple), default=None,
                            constant=True, doc="""
           Pointer position along the x-axis in data coordinates""")

    y = param.ClassSelector(class_=(Number, util.basestring, tuple), default=None,
                            constant=True, doc="""
           Pointer position along the y-axis in data coordinates""")

class Draw(PointerXY):
    A series of updating x/y-positions when drawing, together with the
    current stroke count

    stroke_count = param.Integer(default=0, constant=True, doc="""
       The current drawing stroke count. Increments every time a new
       stroke is started.""")

class SingleTap(PointerXY):
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width = param.Integer(default=50, doc="Width of plot")

class BarPlot(ColorbarPlot, LegendPlot):
    BarPlot allows generating single- or multi-category
    bar Charts, by selecting which key dimensions are
    mapped onto separate groups, categories and stacks.

    color_index = param.ClassSelector(default=None, class_=(basestring, int),
                                      allow_None=True, doc="""
       Index of the dimension from which the color will the drawn""")

    group_index = param.ClassSelector(default=1, class_=(basestring, int),
                                      allow_None=True, doc="""
       Index of the dimension in the supplied Bars
       Element, which will be laid out into groups.""")

    stack_index = param.ClassSelector(default=None, class_=(basestring, int),
                                      allow_None=True, doc="""
       Index of the dimension in the supplied Bars
       Element, which will stacked.""")

    style_opts = line_properties + fill_properties + ['width', 'cmap']

    _plot_methods = dict(single=('vbar', 'hbar'))

    # Declare that y-range should auto-range if not bounded
    _y_range_type = DataRange1d
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Provides support for drawing polygons and points on top of a map.

    tile_url = param.String(default='{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png',
                            doc="URL for the tile source", precedence=-1)

    extent = param.NumericTuple(default=(np.nan,)*4, doc="""
         Initial extent if no data is provided.""", precedence=-1)

    path_type = param.ClassSelector(default=Polygons, class_=Path, is_instance=False, doc="""
         The element type to draw into.""")

    polys = param.ClassSelector(class_=Path, precedence=-1, doc="""
         Polygon or Path element to annotate""")

    points = param.ClassSelector(class_=Points, precedence=-1, doc="""
         Point element to annotate""")

    num_points = param.Integer(default=None, doc="""
         Maximum number of points to allow drawing (unlimited by default).""")

    num_polys = param.Integer(default=None, doc="""
         Maximum number of polygons to allow drawing (unlimited by default).""")

    node_style = param.Dict(default={'fill_color': 'indianred', 'size': 6}, doc="""
         Styling to apply to the node vertices.""")

    feature_style = param.Dict(default={'fill_color': 'blue', 'size': 10}, doc="""
         Styling to apply to the feature vertices.""")

    height = param.Integer(default=500, doc="Height of the plot",
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on a streams parameter, which can allow dynamic control over the
    parameters on the operation.

    group = param.String(default='Operation', doc="""
       The group string used to identify the output of the
       Operation. By default this should match the operation name.""")

    dynamic = param.ObjectSelector(default='default',
                                   objects=['default', True, False], doc="""
       Whether the operation should be applied dynamically when a
       specific frame is requested, specified as a Boolean. If set to
       'default' the mode will be determined based on the input type,
       i.e. if the data is a DynamicMap it will stay dynamic.""")

    input_ranges = param.ClassSelector(default={}, allow_None=True,
                                       class_=(dict, tuple), doc="""
       Ranges to be used for input normalization (if applicable) in a
       format appropriate for the Normalization.ranges parameter.

       By default, no normalization is applied. If key-wise
       normalization is required, a 2-tuple may be supplied where the
       first component is a Normalization.ranges list and the second
       component is Normalization.keys. """)

    link_inputs = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
       If the operation is dynamic, whether or not linked streams
       should be transferred from the operation inputs for backends
       that support linked streams.

       For example if an operation is applied to a DynamicMap with an
       RangeXY, this switch determines whether the corresponding
github ioam / boxflow / boxflow / interface / View on Github external
orientation = param.Number(default=0.0,precedence=-1)
    size = param.Number(default=1.0, precedence=-1)
    scale = param.Number(default=1.0, precedence=-1)
    offset = param.Number(default=0.0,precedence=-1)
    output_fns = param.HookList(default=[], precedence=-1)
    mask_shape = param.ClassSelector(param.Parameterized, default=None, precedence=-1)

    def function(self,p):
        return p.input()

class BinaryOp(PatternGenerator):

    lhs = param.ClassSelector(class_=PatternGenerator,
                              default=imagen.Constant(), precedence=1)

    rhs = param.ClassSelector(class_=PatternGenerator,
                              default=imagen.Constant(), precedence=1)

    x = param.Number(default=0.0,softbounds=(-1.0,1.0),precedence=-1)
    y = param.Number(default=0.0,softbounds=(-1.0,1.0),precedence=-1)
    orientation = param.Number(default=0.0,precedence=-1)
    size = param.Number(default=1.0, precedence=-1)
    scale = param.Number(default=1.0, precedence=-1)
    offset = param.Number(default=0.0,precedence=-1)
    output_fns = param.HookList(default=[], precedence=-1)
    mask_shape = param.ClassSelector(param.Parameterized, default=None, precedence=-1)

class Add(BinaryOp):
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self.annotator = annotator_type(element, **params)
        tables = Overlay([t[0].object for t in self.annotator.editor], group='Annotator').opts(tabs=True)
        return (self.annotator.plot + tables).opts(sizing_mode='stretch_width')

class Annotator(PaneBase):
    An Annotator allows drawing, editing and annotating a specific
    type of element. Each Annotator consists of the `plot` to draw and
    edit the element and the `editor`, which contains a list of tables,
    which make it possible to annotate each object in the element with
    additional properties defined in the `annotations`.

    annotations = param.ClassSelector(default=[], class_=(dict, list), doc="""
        Annotations to associate with each object.""")

    default_opts = param.Dict(default={'responsive': True, 'min_height': 400,
                                       'padding': 0.1}, doc="""
        Opts to apply to the element.""")

    object = param.ClassSelector(class_=Element, doc="""
        The Element to edit and annotate.""")

    num_objects = param.Integer(default=None, bounds=(0, None), doc="""
        The maximum number of objects to draw.""")

    table_transforms = param.HookList(default=[], doc="""
        Transform(s) to apply to element when converting data to Table.
        The functions should accept the Annotator and the transformed
        element as input.""")
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self.handles['hover'].renderers = []

class ChordPlot(GraphPlot):

    labels = param.ClassSelector(class_=(basestring, dim), doc="""
        The dimension or dimension value transform used to draw labels from.""")

    show_frame = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
        Whether or not to show a complete frame around the plot.""")

    # Deprecated options

    label_index = param.ClassSelector(default=None, class_=(basestring, int),
                                      allow_None=True, doc="""
      Index of the dimension from which the node labels will be drawn""")

    # Map each glyph to a style group
    _style_groups = {'scatter': 'node', 'multi_line': 'edge', 'text': 'label'}

    style_opts = (GraphPlot.style_opts + ['label_'+p for p in text_properties])

    _draw_order = ['multi_line_2', 'graph', 'text_1']

    def get_extents(self, element, ranges, range_type='combined'):
        A Chord plot is always drawn on a unit circle.
        xdim, ydim = element.nodes.kdims[:2]
        if range_type not in ('combined', 'data', 'extents'):