How to use the param.Tuple function in param

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few param examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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spec = param.String(doc="""
       Specification of the output Overlay structure. For instance:

       Image.R * Image.G * Image.B

       Will ensure an overlay of this structure is created even if
       (for instance) only (Image.R * Image.B) is supplied.

       Elements in the input overlay that match are placed in the
       appropriate positions and unavailable specification elements
       are created with the specified fill group.""")

    fill = param.Number(default=0)

    default_range = param.Tuple(default=(0,1), doc="""
        The default range that will be set on the value_dimension of
        any automatically created blank image elements.""")

    group = param.String(default='Transform', doc="""
        The group assigned to the resulting overlay.""")

    def _match(cls, el, spec):
        "Return the strength of the match (None if no match)"
        spec_dict = dict(zip(['type', 'group', 'label'], spec.split('.')))
        if not isinstance(el, Image) or spec_dict['type'] != 'Image':
            raise NotImplementedError("Only Image currently supported")

        sanitizers = {'group':group_sanitizer, 'label':label_sanitizer}
        strength = 1
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rot = np.array([[np.cos(self.orientation), -np.sin(self.orientation)],
               [np.sin(self.orientation), np.cos(self.orientation)]]) = [np.tensordot(rot, ellipse.T, axes=[1,0]).T+np.array([x,y])]

class Bounds(BaseShape):
    An arbitrary axis-aligned bounding rectangle defined by the (left,
    bottom, right, top) coordinate positions.

    If supplied a single real number as input, this value will be
    treated as the radius of a square, zero-center box which will be
    used to compute the corresponding lbrt tuple.

    lbrt = param.Tuple(default=(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5), doc="""
          The (left, bottom, right, top) coordinates of the bounding box.""")

    group = param.String(default='Bounds', constant=True, doc="The assigned group name.")

    __pos_params = ['lbrt']

    def __init__(self, lbrt, **params):
        if not isinstance(lbrt, tuple):
            lbrt = (-lbrt, -lbrt, lbrt, lbrt)

        super(Bounds, self).__init__(lbrt=lbrt, **params)
        (l,b,r,t) = self.lbrt
        xdim, ydim = self.kdims = [OrderedDict([(, np.array([l, l, r, r, l])),
                                  (, np.array([b, t, t, b, b]))])]
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for k, v in kwargs.items():
        kws = dict(default=v)
        if isinstance(v, param.Parameter):
            params[k] = v
        elif isinstance(v, bool):
            params[k] = param.Boolean(**kws)
        elif isinstance(v, int):
            params[k] = param.Integer(**kws)
        elif isinstance(v, float):
            params[k] = param.Number(**kws)
        elif isinstance(v, str):
            params[k] = param.String(**kws)
        elif isinstance(v, dict):
            params[k] = param.Dict(**kws)
        elif isinstance(v, tuple):
            params[k] = param.Tuple(**kws)
        elif isinstance(v, list):
            params[k] = param.List(**kws)
        elif isinstance(v, np.ndarray):
            params[k] = param.Array(**kws)
            params[k] = param.Parameter(**kws)
    return params
github ioam / paramnb / paramnb / View on Github external
# support layouts; see CrossSelect.get_state
        return self._composite.get_state(*args,**kw)

def apply_error_style(w, error):
    "Applies error styling to the supplied widget based on the error code"
    if error:
        color = '#FFCC00' if error == 'eval' else '#cc0000'
        w.layout.border = '5px solid %s' % color
        w.layout.border = '0px'

# Define parameters which should be evaluated using ast.literal_eval
literal_params = (param.Dict, param.List, param.Tuple)

# Maps from Parameter type to ipython widget types with any options desired
ptype2wtype = {
    param.Parameter:     TextWidget,
    param.Dict:          TextWidget,
    param.Selector:      DropdownWithEdit,
    param.Boolean:       ipywidgets.Checkbox,
    param.Number:        FloatWidget,
    param.Integer:       IntegerWidget,
    param.ListSelector:  ListSelectorWidget,
    param.Action:        ActionButton,
    HTMLView:            Output,
    ImageView:           Image,
    View:                Output
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def _process_property_change(self, msg):
        msg = super(RangeSlider, self)._process_property_change(msg)
        if 'value' in msg:
            msg['value'] = tuple([v if v is None else int(v)
                                  for v in msg['value']])
        if 'value_throttled' in msg:
            msg['value_throttled'] = tuple([v if v is None else int(v)
                                            for v in msg['value_throttled']])
        return msg

class DateRangeSlider(_SliderBase):

    value = param.Tuple(default=(None, None), length=2)

    value_throttled = param.Tuple(default=None, length=2)

    start = param.Date(default=None)

    end = param.Date(default=None)

    step = param.Number(default=1)

    _source_transforms = {'value': None, 'value_throttled': None,
                         'start': None, 'end': None, 'step': None}

    _widget_type = _BkDateRangeSlider

    def __init__(self, **params):
        if 'value' not in params:
            params['value'] = (params.get('start', self.start),
                               params.get('end', self.end))
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can be used conveniently as a keyword in many contexts.""")

    label = param.String(default=None, doc="""
        Unrestricted label used to describe the dimension. A label
        should succinctly describe the dimension and may contain any
        characters, including Unicode and LaTeX expression.""")

    cyclic = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
        Whether the range of this feature is cyclic such that the
        maximum allowed value (defined by the range parameter) is
        continuous with the minimum allowed value.""")

    value_format = param.Callable(default=None, doc="""
        Formatting function applied to each value before display.""")

    range = param.Tuple(default=(None, None), doc="""
        Specifies the minimum and maximum allowed values for a
        Dimension. None is used to represent an unlimited bound.""")

    soft_range = param.Tuple(default=(None, None), doc="""
        Specifies a minimum and maximum reference value, which
        may be overridden by the data.""")

    type = param.Parameter(default=None, doc="""
        Optional type associated with the Dimension values. The type
        may be an inbuilt constructor (such as int, str, float) or a
        custom class object.""")

    default = param.Parameter(default=None, doc="""
        Default value of the Dimension which may be useful for widget
        or other situations that require an initial or default value.""")
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Whether the x_range and y_range should be allowed to expand
       beyond the extent of the data.  Setting this value to True is
       useful for the case where you want to ensure a certain size of
       output grid, e.g. if you are doing masking or other arithmetic
       on the grids.  A value of False ensures that the grid is only
       just as large as it needs to be to contain the data, which will
       be faster and use less memory if the resulting aggregate is
       being overlaid on a much larger background.""")

    height = param.Integer(default=400, doc="""
       The height of the output image in pixels.""")

    width = param.Integer(default=400, doc="""
       The width of the output image in pixels.""")

    x_range  = param.Tuple(default=None, length=2, doc="""
       The x_range as a tuple of min and max x-value. Auto-ranges
       if set to None.""")

    y_range  = param.Tuple(default=None, length=2, doc="""
       The y-axis range as a tuple of min and max y value. Auto-ranges
       if set to None.""")

    x_sampling = param.Number(default=None, doc="""
        Specifies the smallest allowed sampling interval along the x axis.""")

    y_sampling = param.Number(default=None, doc="""
        Specifies the smallest allowed sampling interval along the y axis.""")

    target = param.ClassSelector(class_=Dataset, doc="""
        A target Dataset which defines the desired x_range, y_range,
        width and height.
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for k,v in kwargs.items():
            kws = dict(default=v, constant=True)
            if isinstance(v, param.Parameter):
                params[k] = v
            elif isinstance(v, bool):
                params[k] = param.Boolean(**kws)
            elif isinstance(v, int):
                params[k] = param.Integer(**kws)
            elif isinstance(v, float):
                params[k] = param.Number(**kws)
            elif isinstance(v,str):
                params[k] = param.String(**kws)
            elif isinstance(v,dict):
                params[k] = param.Dict(**kws)
            elif isinstance(v, tuple):
                params[k] = param.Tuple(**kws)
            elif isinstance(v,list):
                params[k] = param.List(**kws)
            elif isinstance(v,np.ndarray):
                params[k] = param.Array(**kws)
                params[k] = param.Parameter(**kws)

        # Dynamic class creation using type
        return type(name, (Stream,), params)
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can be used conveniently as a keyword in many contexts.""")

    label = param.String(default=None, doc="""
        Unrestricted label used to describe the dimension. A label
        should succinctly describe the dimension and may contain any
        characters, including Unicode and LaTeX expression.""")

    cyclic = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
        Whether the range of this feature is cyclic such that the
        maximum allowed value (defined by the range parameter) is
        continuous with the minimum allowed value.""")

    value_format = param.Callable(default=None, doc="""
        Formatting function applied to each value before display.""")

    range = param.Tuple(default=(None, None), doc="""
        Specifies the minimum and maximum allowed values for a
        Dimension. None is used to represent an unlimited bound.""")

    soft_range = param.Tuple(default=(None, None), doc="""
        Specifies a minimum and maximum reference value, which
        may be overridden by the data.""")

    type = param.Parameter(default=None, doc="""
        Optional type associated with the Dimension values. The type
        may be an inbuilt constructor (such as int, str, float) or a
        custom class object.""")

    step = param.Number(default=None, doc="""
        Optional floating point step specifying how frequently the
        underlying space should be sampled. May be used to define a
        discrete sampling of over the range.""")