How to use the niswitch.errors.handle_error function in niswitch

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attribute_value (float): Pass the value to which you want to set the attribute. From the function
                panel window, you can use this control as follows. - If the attribute
                currently showing in the Attribute ID ring control has constants as
                valid values, you can view a list of the constants by pressing on this
                control. Select a value by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and
                then pressing . Note: Some of the values might not be valid depending on
                the current settings of the instrument session. Default Value: none

        vi_ctype = visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_name_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        attribute_id_ctype = visatype.ViAttr(attribute_id)  # case S150
        attribute_value_ctype = visatype.ViReal64(attribute_value)  # case S150
        error_code = self._library.niSwitch_SetAttributeViReal64(vi_ctype, channel_name_ctype, attribute_id_ctype, attribute_value_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
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Returns the channel string that is in the channel table at the specified
        index. Use get_channel_name in a For Loop to get a complete list
        of valid channel names for the switch module. Use the Channel Count
        attribute to determine the number of channels.

            index (int): A 1-based index into the channel table. Default value: 1 Maximum value:
                Value of Channel Count attribute.

        vi_ctype = visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        index_ctype = visatype.ViInt32(index)  # case S150
        buffer_size_ctype = visatype.ViInt32()  # case S170
        channel_name_buffer_ctype = None  # case C050
        error_code = self._library.niSwitch_GetChannelName(vi_ctype, index_ctype, buffer_size_ctype, channel_name_buffer_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=True, is_error_handling=False)
        buffer_size_ctype = visatype.ViInt32(error_code)  # case S180
        channel_name_buffer_ctype = (visatype.ViChar * buffer_size_ctype.value)()  # case C060
        error_code = self._library.niSwitch_GetChannelName(vi_ctype, index_ctype, buffer_size_ctype, channel_name_buffer_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return channel_name_buffer_ctype.value.decode(self._encoding)
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            vi (int): A particular NI-SWITCH session established with
                _init_with_topology, InitWithOptions, or init
                and used for all subsequent NI-SWITCH calls.

                One or more of the referenced functions are not in the Python API for this driver.

        resource_name_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(resource_name.encode(self._encoding))  # case C020
        topology_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(topology.encode(self._encoding))  # case C020
        simulate_ctype = visatype.ViBoolean(simulate)  # case S150
        reset_device_ctype = visatype.ViBoolean(reset_device)  # case S150
        vi_ctype = visatype.ViSession()  # case S200
        error_code = self._library.niSwitch_InitWithTopology(resource_name_ctype, topology_ctype, simulate_ctype, reset_device_ctype, None if vi_ctype is None else (ctypes.pointer(vi_ctype)))
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return int(vi_ctype.value)
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            code (int): Returns the error code for the session or execution thread. If you pass
                0 for the Buffer Size, you can pass VI_NULL for this parameter.

        vi_ctype = visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        code_ctype = visatype.ViStatus()  # case S200
        buffer_size_ctype = visatype.ViInt32()  # case S170
        description_ctype = None  # case C050
        error_code = self._library.niSwitch_GetError(vi_ctype, None if code_ctype is None else (ctypes.pointer(code_ctype)), buffer_size_ctype, description_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=True, is_error_handling=True)
        buffer_size_ctype = visatype.ViInt32(error_code)  # case S180
        description_ctype = (visatype.ViChar * buffer_size_ctype.value)()  # case C060
        error_code = self._library.niSwitch_GetError(vi_ctype, None if code_ctype is None else (ctypes.pointer(code_ctype)), buffer_size_ctype, description_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=True)
        return int(code_ctype.value), description_ctype.value.decode(self._encoding)
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channel1 (str): Input one of the channel names of the path to break. Pass the other
                channel name as the channel 2 parameter. Refer to Devices Overview for
                valid channel names for the switch module. Examples of valid channel
                names: ch0, com0, ab0, r1, c2, cjtemp Default value: None

            channel2 (str): Input one of the channel names of the path to break. Pass the other
                channel name as the channel 1 parameter. Refer to Devices Overview for
                valid channel names for the switch module. Examples of valid channel
                names: ch0, com0, ab0, r1, c2, cjtemp Default value: None

        vi_ctype = visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel1_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(channel1.encode(self._encoding))  # case C020
        channel2_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(channel2.encode(self._encoding))  # case C020
        error_code = self._library.niSwitch_Disconnect(vi_ctype, channel1_ctype, channel2_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
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            attribute_value (float): Returns the current value of the attribute. Pass the address of a
                ViReal64 variable. From the function panel window, you can use this
                control as follows. - If the attribute currently showing in the
                Attribute ID ring control has constants as valid values, you can view a
                list of the constants by pressing on this control. Select a value by
                double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing .

        vi_ctype = visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_name_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        attribute_id_ctype = visatype.ViAttr(attribute_id)  # case S150
        attribute_value_ctype = visatype.ViReal64()  # case S200
        error_code = self._library.niSwitch_GetAttributeViReal64(vi_ctype, channel_name_ctype, attribute_id_ctype, None if attribute_value_ctype is None else (ctypes.pointer(attribute_value_ctype)))
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return float(attribute_value_ctype.value)
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relay_action (enums.RelayAction): Specifies whether to open or close a given relay. Default value: Relay
                Close Defined values: NISWITCH_VAL_OPEN_RELAY
                NISWITCH_VAL_CLOSE_RELAY (Default Value)

                One or more of the referenced values are not in the Python API for this driver. Enums that only define values, or represent True/False, have been removed.

        if type(relay_action) is not enums.RelayAction:
            raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums.RelayAction))
        vi_ctype = visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        relay_name_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(relay_name.encode(self._encoding))  # case C020
        relay_action_ctype = visatype.ViInt32(relay_action.value)  # case S130
        error_code = self._library.niSwitch_RelayControl(vi_ctype, relay_name_ctype, relay_action_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
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attribute_value (bool): Pass the value to which you want to set the attribute. From the function
                panel window, you can use this control as follows. - If the attribute
                currently showing in the Attribute ID ring control has constants as
                valid values, you can view a list of the constants by pressing on this
                control. Select a value by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and
                then pressing . Note: Some of the values might not be valid depending on
                the current settings of the instrument session. Default Value: none

        vi_ctype = visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_name_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        attribute_id_ctype = visatype.ViAttr(attribute_id)  # case S150
        attribute_value_ctype = visatype.ViBoolean(attribute_value)  # case S150
        error_code = self._library.niSwitch_SetAttributeViBoolean(vi_ctype, channel_name_ctype, attribute_id_ctype, attribute_value_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
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def abort(self):

        Aborts the scan in progress. Initiate a scan with
        _initiate_scan. If the switch module is not scanning,
        NISWITCH_ERROR_NO_SCAN_IN_PROGRESS error is returned.
        vi_ctype = visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        error_code = self._library.niSwitch_AbortScan(vi_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)