How to use the niswitch.attributes.AttributeEnum function in niswitch

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    scan_list = attributes.AttributeViString(1250020)
    This attribute contains a scan list, which is a string that specifies  channel connections and trigger conditions.  The niSwitch_InitiateScan  function makes or breaks connections and waits for triggers according to  the instructions in the scan list.
    The scan list is comprised of channel names that you separate with  special characters.  These special characters determine the operations the  scanner performs on the channels when it executes this scan list.
    To create a path between two channels, use the following character between  the two channel names:
    -> (a dash followed by a '>' sign)
    Example:  'CH1->CH2' tells the switch to make a path from channel CH1 to channel  CH2.
    To break or clear a path, use the following character as a prefix before  the path:
    ~ (tilde)
    Example:  '~CH1->CH2' tells the switch to break the path from channel CH1 to  channel CH2.
    To tell the switch device to wait for a trigger event, use the following  character as a separator between paths:
    ; (semi-colon)
    Example:  'CH1->CH2;CH3->CH4' tells the switch to make the path from channel CH1  to channel CH2, wait for a trigger, and then make the path from CH3 to  CH4.
    scan_mode = attributes.AttributeEnum(attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.ScanMode, 1250021)
    This attribute specifies what happens to existing connections that  conflict with the connections you make in a scan list.  For example, if  CH1 is already connected to CH2 and the scan list instructs the switch  device to connect CH1 to CH3, this attribute specifies what happens to the  connection between CH1 and CH2.
    If the value of this attribute is NISWITCH_VAL_NONE, the switch device  takes no action on existing paths.  If the value is  NISWITCH_VAL_BREAK_BEFORE_MAKE, the switch device breaks conflicting paths  before making new ones.  If the value is NISWITCH_VAL_BREAK_AFTER_MAKE,  the switch device breaks conflicting paths after making new ones.
    Most switch devices support only one of the possible values.  In such  cases, this attribute serves as an indicator of the device's behavior.
    serial_number = attributes.AttributeViString(1150015)
    This read-only attribute returns the serial number for the switch device  controlled by this instrument driver.  If the device does not return a  serial number, the driver returns the IVI_ERROR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_SUPPORTED error.
    settling_time = attributes.AttributeViReal64(1250004)
    This channel-based attribute returns the maximum length of time from after  you make a connection until the signal flowing through the channel  settles. The units are seconds.
    the greater value of the settling time and the value you specify as the  scan delay.

    Note: NI PXI-2501/2503/2565/2590/2591 Users--the actual delay will always be
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digital_filter_enable = attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1150016)
    This property specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the  Trigger Input. Enabling the Digital Filter (VI_TRUE) prevents the switch  module from being triggered by pulses that are less than 150 ns on PXI  trigger lines 0–7.
    When Digital Filter is disabled (VI_FALSE), it is possible for the switch  module to be triggered by noise on the PXI trigger lines. If the device  triggering the switch is capable of sending pulses greater than 150 ns, you should not disable the Digital Filter.
    driver_setup = attributes.AttributeViString(1050007)
    This attribute indicates the Driver Setup string that the user  specified when initializing the driver.
    Some cases exist where the end-user must specify instrument driver  options at initialization time.  An example of this is specifying  a particular instrument model from among a family of instruments  that the driver supports.  This is useful when using simulation.   The end-user can specify driver-specific options through  the DriverSetup keyword in the optionsString parameter to the  niSwitch_InitWithOptions function, or through the IVI Configuration Utility.
    If the user does not specify a Driver Setup string, this attribute returns an empty string.
    group_capabilities = attributes.AttributeViString(1050401)
    A string that contains a comma-separated list of class-extention groups that  this driver implements.
    handshaking_initiation = attributes.AttributeEnum(attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.HandshakingInitiation, 1150013)
    instrument_firmware_revision = attributes.AttributeViString(1050510)
    A string that contains the firmware revision information  for the instrument you are currently using.
    instrument_manufacturer = attributes.AttributeViString(1050511)
    A string that contains the name of the instrument manufacturer you are currently  using.
    instrument_model = attributes.AttributeViString(1050512)
    A string that contains the model number or name of the instrument that you  are currently using.
    interchange_check = attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1050021)
    Specifies whether to perform interchangeability checking and retrieve  interchangeability warnings when you call  niSwitch_Connect, niSwitch_SetPath and niSwitch_InitiateScan functions.
    The default value is VI_FALSE.
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power_down_latching_relays_after_debounce = attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1150017)
    This property specifies whether to power down latching relays after  calling Wait For Debounce.
    When Power Down Latching Relays After Debounce is enabled (VI_TRUE),  a call to Wait For Debounce ensures that the relays are settled  and the latching relays are powered down.
    range_check = attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1050002)
    Specifies whether to validate attribute values and function parameters.   If enabled, the instrument driver validates the parameter values that  you pass to driver functions.  Range checking  parameters is very useful for debugging.  After you validate your program,  you can set this attribute to VI_FALSE to disable range checking and  maximize performance.
    The default value is VI_TRUE.   Use the niSwitch_InitWithOptions  function to override this value.
    record_coercions = attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1050006)
    Specifies whether the IVI engine keeps a list of  the value coercions it makes for ViInt32 and ViReal64 attributes.   You call niSwitch_GetNextCoercionRecord to extract and delete the oldest  coercion record from the list.
    The default value is VI_FALSE.   Use the  niSwitch_InitWithOptions function to override this value.
    scan_advanced_output = attributes.AttributeEnum(attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.ScanAdvancedOutput, 1250023)
    This attribute specifies the method you want to use to notify another  instrument that all signals going through the switch device have settled  following the processing of one entry in the scan list.
    scan_advanced_polarity = attributes.AttributeEnum(attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.ScanAdvancedPolarity, 1150011)
    scan_delay = attributes.AttributeViReal64(1250025)
    This attribute specifies the minimum amount of time the switch device  waits before it asserts the scan advanced output trigger after opening or  closing the switch.  The switch device always waits for debounce before  asserting the trigger. The units are seconds.
    the greater value of the settling time and the value you specify as the  scan delay.

    Note: NI PXI-2501/2503/2565/2590/2591 Users--the actual delay will always be
    scan_list = attributes.AttributeViString(1250020)
    This attribute contains a scan list, which is a string that specifies  channel connections and trigger conditions.  The niSwitch_InitiateScan  function makes or breaks connections and waits for triggers according to  the instructions in the scan list.
    The scan list is comprised of channel names that you separate with  special characters.  These special characters determine the operations the  scanner performs on the channels when it executes this scan list.
    To create a path between two channels, use the following character between  the two channel names:
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    range_check = attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1050002)
    Specifies whether to validate attribute values and function parameters.   If enabled, the instrument driver validates the parameter values that  you pass to driver functions.  Range checking  parameters is very useful for debugging.  After you validate your program,  you can set this attribute to VI_FALSE to disable range checking and  maximize performance.
    The default value is VI_TRUE.   Use the niSwitch_InitWithOptions  function to override this value.
    record_coercions = attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1050006)
    Specifies whether the IVI engine keeps a list of  the value coercions it makes for ViInt32 and ViReal64 attributes.   You call niSwitch_GetNextCoercionRecord to extract and delete the oldest  coercion record from the list.
    The default value is VI_FALSE.   Use the  niSwitch_InitWithOptions function to override this value.
    scan_advanced_output = attributes.AttributeEnum(attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.ScanAdvancedOutput, 1250023)
    This attribute specifies the method you want to use to notify another  instrument that all signals going through the switch device have settled  following the processing of one entry in the scan list.
    scan_advanced_polarity = attributes.AttributeEnum(attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.ScanAdvancedPolarity, 1150011)
    scan_delay = attributes.AttributeViReal64(1250025)
    This attribute specifies the minimum amount of time the switch device  waits before it asserts the scan advanced output trigger after opening or  closing the switch.  The switch device always waits for debounce before  asserting the trigger. The units are seconds.
    the greater value of the settling time and the value you specify as the  scan delay.

    Note: NI PXI-2501/2503/2565/2590/2591 Users--the actual delay will always be
    scan_list = attributes.AttributeViString(1250020)
    This attribute contains a scan list, which is a string that specifies  channel connections and trigger conditions.  The niSwitch_InitiateScan  function makes or breaks connections and waits for triggers according to  the instructions in the scan list.
    The scan list is comprised of channel names that you separate with  special characters.  These special characters determine the operations the  scanner performs on the channels when it executes this scan list.
    To create a path between two channels, use the following character between  the two channel names:
    -> (a dash followed by a '>' sign)
    Example:  'CH1->CH2' tells the switch to make a path from channel CH1 to channel  CH2.
    To break or clear a path, use the following character as a prefix before  the path:
    ~ (tilde)
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    A string that contains additional version information about this  instrument driver.
    specific_driver_vendor = attributes.AttributeViString(1050513)
    A string that contains the name of the vendor that supplies this driver.
    supported_instrument_models = attributes.AttributeViString(1050327)
    Contains a comma-separated list of supported instrument models.
    temperature = attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150019)
    This attribute returns the temperature as read by the Switch module.     The units are degrees Celsius.
    trigger_input = attributes.AttributeEnum(attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.TriggerInput, 1250022)
    This attribute specifies the source of the trigger for which the switch  device can wait when processing a scan list.  The switch device waits for  a trigger when it encounters a semi-colon in a scan list.  When the trigger  occurs, the switch device advances to the next entry in the scan list.
    trigger_input_polarity = attributes.AttributeEnum(attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.TriggerInputPolarity, 1150010)
    Determines the behavior of the trigger Input.
    trigger_mode = attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150005)
    This attribute has been deprecated and may be removed from a future release of  NI-SWITCH.  Use the niSwitch_RouteTriggerInput and/or niSwitch_RouteScanAdvancedOutput  functions instead.
    wire_mode = attributes.AttributeViInt32(1250017)
    This attribute returns the wire mode of the switch device.
    This attribute affects the values of the NISWITCH_ATTR_NUM_OF_ROWS and  NISWITCH_ATTR_NUM_OF_COLUMNS attributes.   The actual number of input and  output lines on the switch device is fixed, but the number of channels  depends on how many lines constitute each channel.
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    A string that contains the name of the vendor that supplies this driver.
    supported_instrument_models = attributes.AttributeViString(1050327)
    Contains a comma-separated list of supported instrument models.
    temperature = attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150019)
    This attribute returns the temperature as read by the Switch module.     The units are degrees Celsius.
    trigger_input = attributes.AttributeEnum(attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.TriggerInput, 1250022)
    This attribute specifies the source of the trigger for which the switch  device can wait when processing a scan list.  The switch device waits for  a trigger when it encounters a semi-colon in a scan list.  When the trigger  occurs, the switch device advances to the next entry in the scan list.
    trigger_input_polarity = attributes.AttributeEnum(attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.TriggerInputPolarity, 1150010)
    Determines the behavior of the trigger Input.
    trigger_mode = attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150005)
    This attribute has been deprecated and may be removed from a future release of  NI-SWITCH.  Use the niSwitch_RouteTriggerInput and/or niSwitch_RouteScanAdvancedOutput  functions instead.
    wire_mode = attributes.AttributeViInt32(1250017)
    This attribute returns the wire mode of the switch device.
    This attribute affects the values of the NISWITCH_ATTR_NUM_OF_ROWS and  NISWITCH_ATTR_NUM_OF_COLUMNS attributes.   The actual number of input and  output lines on the switch device is fixed, but the number of channels  depends on how many lines constitute each channel.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (usually channels). If set or get directly on the
    wire_mode.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an