How to use the nilearn.plotting.plot_roi function in nilearn

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few nilearn examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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# Generate mask with a high lower cutoff
# The NiftiMasker calls the nilearn.masking.compute_epi_mask function to
# compute the mask from the EPI. It has two important parameters:
# lower_cutoff and upper_cutoff. These set the grey-value bounds in which
# the masking algorithm will search for its threshold (0 being the
# minimum of the image and 1 the maximum). We will here increase the
# lower cutoff to enforce selection of those voxels that appear as bright
# in the EPI image.

masker = NiftiMasker(mask_strategy='epi',
                     mask_args=dict(upper_cutoff=.9, lower_cutoff=.8,
plot_roi(masker.mask_img_, mean_img,
         title='EPI Mask: high lower_cutoff')

# Computing the mask from the MNI template
# A mask can also be computed from the MNI gray matter template. In this
# case, it is resampled to the target image

masker = NiftiMasker(mask_strategy='template')
plot_roi(masker.mask_img_, mean_img,
         title='Mask from template')

github ZitongLu1996 / NeuroRA / neurora / View on Github external
if (imgarray == np.nan).all() == True:
        print("No Valid Results")

        if threshold != None:

            imgarray = nib.load(img).get_data()
            affine = get_affine(img)

            imgarray = correct_by_threshold(imgarray, threshold)

            img = nib.Nifti1Image(imgarray, affine)

        if type == 'r':
            plotting.plot_roi(roi_img=img, bg_img=background, threshold=0, vmin=0.1, vmax=1,
                          title="Similarity", resampling_interpolation="continuous")
        if type == 't':
            plotting.plot_roi(roi_img=img, bg_img=background, threshold=0, vmin=-7, vmax=7,
                              title="Similarity", resampling_interpolation="continuous")
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# MASSP Parcellation
# ---------------------
# Finally, we use the MASSP algorithm to parcellate the subcortex
massp = nighres.parcellation.massp(target_images=[dataset['qr1'],dataset['qr2s'],dataset['qsm']],
                                max_iterations=120, max_difference=0.1,
                                save_data=True, file_name="sample-subject",
                                output_dir=out_dir, overwrite=False)

# Now we look at the topology-constrained segmentation MGDM created
if not skip_plots:
    plotting.plot_roi(massp['max_label'], dataset['qr1'],
                      annotate=False, black_bg=False, draw_cross=False,
                      vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='gray',  colorbar=True,
                      annotate=False,  draw_cross=False)


# If the example is not run in a jupyter notebook, render the plots:
if not skip_plots:
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# .. tip:: in Nighres functions that have several outputs return a
#    dictionary storing the different outputs. You can find the keys in the
#    docstring by typing ``nighres.brain.mp2rage_skullstripping?`` or list
#    them with ``skullstripping_results.keys()``
# To check if the skull stripping worked well we plot the brain mask on top of
# the original image. You can also open the images stored in ``out_dir`` in
# your favourite interactive viewer and scroll through the volume.
# Like Nilearn, we use Nibabel SpatialImage objects to pass data internally.
# Therefore, we can directly plot the outputs using `Nilearn plotting functions
# `_
# .

if not skip_plots:
    plotting.plot_roi(skullstripping_results['brain_mask'], dataset['t1w'],
                      annotate=False, black_bg=False, draw_cross=False,
# .. image:: ../_static/tissue_classification1.png


# MGDM classification
# ---------------------
# Next, we use the masked data as input for tissue classification with the MGDM
# algorithm. MGDM works with a single contrast, but can  be improved with
# additional contrasts. In this case we use the T1-weigthed  image as well as
# the quantitative T1map.
mgdm_results = nighres.brain.mgdm_segmentation(
github nistats / nistats / nistats / reporting / View on Github external
        The mask image; it could be binary mask or an atlas or ROIs
        with integer values.

    bg_img : Niimg-like object
        The background image that the mask will be plotted on top of.
        To turn off background image, just pass "bg_img=None".

    mask_plot_svg: str
        SVG Image Data URL for the mask plot.
    if mask_img:
        mask_plot = plot_roi(roi_img=mask_img,
        mask_plot  # So flake8 doesn't complain about not using variable (F841)
        mask_plot_svg = plot_to_svg(plt.gcf())
        # prevents sphinx-gallery & jupyter from scraping & inserting plots
        mask_plot_svg = None  # HTML image tag's alt attribute is used.
    return mask_plot_svg
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# import os
# region_labels.to_filename(os.path.join(folder_path,
#                                        'relabeled_yeo_atlas.nii.gz'))

# Different connectivity modes
# -----------------------------
# Using the parameter connect_diag=False we separate in addition two regions
# that are connected only along the diagonal.

region_labels_not_diag = connected_label_regions(atlas_yeo,

                  title='Relabeling and connect_diag=False',
                  cut_coords=(8, -4, 9), colorbar=True, cmap='Paired')

# A consequence of using connect_diag=False is that we can get a lot of
# small regions, around 110 judging from the colorbar.
# Hence we suggest use connect_diag=True

# Parameter min_size
# -------------------
# In the above, we get around 110 regions, but many of these are very
# small. We can remove them with the min_size parameter, keeping only the
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# **Identification of connected components** - The function
# :func:`scipy.ndimage.label` from the scipy Python library identifies
# immediately neighboring voxels in our voxels mask. It assigns a separate
# integer label to each one of them.
labels, n_labels = ndimage.label(dil_bin_p_values_and_vt)
# we take first roi data with labels assigned as integer 1
first_roi_data = (labels == 5).astype(
# Similarly, second roi data is assigned as integer 2
second_roi_data = (labels == 3).astype(
# Visualizing the connected components
# First, we create a Nifti image type from first roi data in a array
first_roi_img = new_img_like(fmri_img, first_roi_data)
# Then, visualize the same created Nifti image in first argument and mean of
# functional images as background (second argument), cut_coords is default now
# and coordinates are selected automatically pointed exactly on the roi data
plot_roi(first_roi_img, mean_img, title='Connected components: first ROI')
# we do the same for second roi data
second_roi_img = new_img_like(fmri_img, second_roi_data)
# Visualization goes here with second roi image and cut_coords are default with
# coordinates selected automatically pointed on the data
plot_roi(second_roi_img, mean_img, title='Connected components: second ROI')

# Use the new ROIs, to extract data maps in both ROIs

# We extract data from ROIs using nilearn's NiftiLabelsMasker
from nilearn.input_data import NiftiLabelsMasker

# Before data extraction, we convert an array labels to Nifti like image. All
# inputs to NiftiLabelsMasker must be Nifti-like images or filename to Nifti
# images. We use the same reference image as used above in previous sections
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# We use ndimage function from scipy Python library for mask dilation
from scipy import ndimage

# Input here is a binarized and intersected mask data from previous section
dil_bin_p_values_and_vt = ndimage.binary_dilation(bin_p_values_and_vt)

# Now, we visualize the same using `plot_roi` with data being converted to Nifti
# image. In all new image like, reference image is the same but second argument
# varies with data specific
dil_bin_p_values_and_vt_img = new_img_like(
# Visualization goes here without 'L', 'R' annotation and coordinates being the
# same
plot_roi(dil_bin_p_values_and_vt_img, mean_img,
         title='Dilated mask', cut_coords=cut_coords,
# Finally, we end with splitting the connected ROIs to two hemispheres into two
# separate regions (ROIs). The function `scipy.ndimage.label` from the scipy
# Python library.

# **Identification of connected components** - The function
# :func:`scipy.ndimage.label` from the scipy Python library identifies
# immediately neighboring voxels in our voxels mask. It assigns a separate
# integer label to each one of them.
labels, n_labels = ndimage.label(dil_bin_p_values_and_vt)
# we take first roi data with labels assigned as integer 1
first_roi_data = (labels == 5).astype(
# Similarly, second roi data is assigned as integer 2
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# Plotting anatomical images with function `plot_anat`
# -----------------------------------------------------
# Visualizing anatomical image of haxby dataset
plotting.plot_anat(haxby_anat_filename, title="plot_anat")

# Plotting ROIs (here the mask) with function `plot_roi`
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Visualizing ventral temporal region image from haxby dataset overlayed on
# subject specific anatomical image with coordinates positioned automatically on
# region of interest (roi)
plotting.plot_roi(haxby_mask_filename, bg_img=haxby_anat_filename,

# Plotting EPI image with function `plot_epi`
# ---------------------------------------------

# Import image processing tool
from nilearn import image

# Compute the voxel_wise mean of functional images across time.
# Basically reducing the functional image from 4D to 3D
mean_haxby_img = image.mean_img(haxby_func_filename)

# Visualizing mean image (3D)
plotting.plot_epi(mean_haxby_img, title="plot_epi")
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#    them with ``skullstripping_results.keys()``
# To check if the skull stripping worked well we plot the brain mask on top of
# the original image. You can also open the images stored in ``out_dir`` in
# your favourite interactive viewer and scroll through the volume.
# Like Nilearn, we use Nibabel SpatialImage objects to pass data internally.
# Therefore, we can directly plot the outputs using `Nilearn plotting functions
# `_
# .

if not skip_plots:
    plotting.plot_roi(skullstripping_results1['brain_mask'], dataset1['t1map'],
                      annotate=False, black_bg=False, draw_cross=False,
    plotting.plot_roi(skullstripping_results2['brain_mask'], dataset2['t1w'],
                      annotate=False, black_bg=False, draw_cross=False,

# SyN co-registration
# --------------------
# Next, we use the masked data as input for co-registration. The T1 maps are
# used here as they are supposed to be more similar

syn_results = nighres.registration.embedded_antsreg(
                        run_rigid=True, run_syn=True,
                        rigid_iterations=1000, coarse_iterations=40,
                        medium_iterations=0, fine_iterations=0,