How to use the nilearn._utils.niimg._safe_get_data function in nilearn

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be returned. Otherwise, only new labels image will be returned.

    See Also
    nilearn.datasets.fetch_atlas_harvard_oxford : For an example of atlas with

    nilearn.regions.RegionExtractor : A class can be used for region extraction
        on continuous type atlas images.

    nilearn.regions.connected_regions : A function used for region extraction
        on continuous type atlas images.

    labels_img = check_niimg_3d(labels_img)
    labels_data = _safe_get_data(labels_img, ensure_finite=True)
    affine = labels_img.affine

    check_unique_labels = np.unique(labels_data)

    if min_size is not None and not isinstance(min_size, numbers.Number):
        raise ValueError("Expected 'min_size' to be specified as integer. "
                         "You provided {0}".format(min_size))
    if not isinstance(connect_diag, bool):
        raise ValueError("'connect_diag' must be specified as True or False. "
                         "You provided {0}".format(connect_diag))
    if np.any(check_unique_labels < 0):
        raise ValueError("The 'labels_img' you provided has unknown/negative "
                         "integers as labels {0} assigned to regions. "
                         "All regions in an image should have positive "
                         "integers assigned as labels."
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                  threshold=None, **kwargs):
        img = reorder_img(img, resample=resampling_interpolation)
        threshold = float(threshold) if threshold is not None else None

        if threshold is not None:
            data = _utils.niimg._safe_get_data(img, ensure_finite=True)
            if threshold == 0:
                data =, 0, copy=False)
                data =, -threshold, threshold,
            img = new_img_like(img, data, img.affine)

        affine = img.affine
        data = _utils.niimg._safe_get_data(img, ensure_finite=True)
        data_bounds = get_bounds(data.shape, affine)
        (xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax), (zmin, zmax) = data_bounds

        xmin_, xmax_, ymin_, ymax_, zmin_, zmax_ = \
            xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax

        # Compute tight bounds
        if type in ('contour', 'contourf'):
            # Define a pseudo threshold to have a tight bounding box
            if 'levels' in kwargs:
                thr = 0.9 * np.min(np.abs(kwargs['levels']))
                thr = 1e-6
            not_mask = np.logical_or(data > thr, data < -thr)
            xmin_, xmax_, ymin_, ymax_, zmin_, zmax_ = \
                get_mask_bounds(new_img_like(img, not_mask, affine))
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See Also

        nilearn.plotting.plot_anat : To simply plot anatomical images
        nilearn.plotting.plot_epi : To simply plot raw EPI images
        nilearn.plotting.plot_glass_brain : To plot maps in a glass brain

    """  # noqa: E501
    # dim the background
    bg_img, black_bg, bg_vmin, bg_vmax = _load_anat(bg_img, dim=dim,

    stat_map_img = _utils.check_niimg_3d(stat_map_img, dtype='auto')

    cbar_vmin, cbar_vmax, vmin, vmax = _get_colorbar_and_data_ranges(
        _safe_get_data(stat_map_img, ensure_finite=True),

    display = _plot_img_with_bg(
        img=stat_map_img, bg_img=bg_img, cut_coords=cut_coords,
        output_file=output_file, display_mode=display_mode,
        figure=figure, axes=axes, title=title, annotate=annotate,
        draw_cross=draw_cross, black_bg=black_bg, threshold=threshold,
        bg_vmin=bg_vmin, bg_vmax=bg_vmax, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,
        colorbar=colorbar, cbar_vmin=cbar_vmin, cbar_vmax=cbar_vmax,
        resampling_interpolation=resampling_interpolation, **kwargs)

    return display
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Note: It is advised to check the mask image with your own data processing.

    See Also
    nilearn.datasets.fetch_icbm152_2009: for details regarding the ICBM152

    nilearn.datasets.load_mni152_template: for details about version of MNI152
        template and related.

    # Fetching ICBM152 grey matter mask image
    icbm = fetch_icbm152_2009(data_dir=data_dir, resume=resume, verbose=verbose)
    gm = icbm['gm']
    gm_img = check_niimg(gm)
    gm_data = niimg._safe_get_data(gm_img)

    # getting one fifth of the values
    gm_mask = (gm_data > threshold)

    gm_mask = ndimage.binary_closing(gm_mask, iterations=2)
    gm_mask_img = new_img_like(gm_img, gm_mask)
    return gm_mask_img
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if mask_img is not None:
        mask_img = _utils.check_niimg_3d(mask_img)
        if mask_img.shape != target_shape:
            raise ValueError("mask_img and imgs shapes must be identical.")
        if abs(mask_img.affine - target_affine).max() > 1e-9:
            raise ValueError("mask_img and imgs affines must be identical")

    # Perform computation
    labels_data = _safe_get_data(labels_img, ensure_finite=True)
    labels = list(np.unique(labels_data))
    if background_label in labels:

    if mask_img is not None:
        mask_data = _safe_get_data(mask_img, ensure_finite=True)
        labels_data = labels_data.copy()
        labels_data[np.logical_not(mask_data)] = background_label

    data = _safe_get_data(imgs)
    target_datatype = np.float32 if data.dtype == np.float32 else np.float64
    # Nilearn issue: 2135, PR: 2195 for why this is necessary.
    signals = np.ndarray((data.shape[-1], len(labels)), order=order,
    reduction_function = getattr(ndimage.measurements, strategy)
    for n, img in enumerate(np.rollaxis(data, -1)):
        signals[n] = np.asarray(reduction_function(img,
    # Set to zero signals for missing labels. Workaround for Scipy behaviour
    missing_labels = set(labels) - set(np.unique(labels_data))
    labels_index = dict([(l, n) for n, l in enumerate(labels)])
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niimgs = []
        for image in imgs.values():
        _check_same_fov(*niimgs, raise_error=True)
    except Exception as exc:
        exc.args = (("Input images cannot be compared, you provided '{0}',"
                     .format(imgs.values()),) + exc.args)

    # Computing input data as a dictionary of numpy arrays. Keep a reference
    # niimg for building the result as a new niimg.
    niimg = None
    data_dict = {}
    for key, img in imgs.items():
        niimg = check_niimg(img)
        data_dict[key] = _safe_get_data(niimg)

    # Add a reference to numpy in the kwargs of eval so that numpy functions
    # can be called from there.
    data_dict['np'] = np
        result = eval(formula, data_dict)
    except Exception as exc:
        exc.args = (("Input formula couldn't be processed, you provided '{0}',"
                     .format(formula),) + exc.args)

    return new_img_like(niimg, result, niimg.affine)
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imgs_img = _utils.check_niimg(imgs)
    affine = imgs_img.get_affine()[:3, :3]

    if not np.allclose(mask_affine, imgs_img.get_affine()):
        raise ValueError('Mask affine: \n%s\n is different from img affine:'
                         '\n%s' % (str(mask_affine),

    if not mask_data.shape == imgs_img.shape[:3]:
        raise ValueError('Mask shape: %s is different from img shape:%s'
                         % (str(mask_data.shape), str(imgs_img.shape[:3])))

    # All the following has been optimized for C order.
    # Time that may be lost in conversion here is regained multiple times
    # afterward, especially if smoothing is applied.
    series = _safe_get_data(imgs_img)

    if dtype == 'f':
        if series.dtype.kind == 'f':
            dtype = series.dtype
            dtype = np.float32
    series = _utils.as_ndarray(series, dtype=dtype, order="C",
    del imgs_img  # frees a lot of memory

    # Delayed import to avoid circular imports
    from .image.image import _smooth_array
    _smooth_array(series, affine, fwhm=smoothing_fwhm,
                  ensure_finite=ensure_finite, copy=False)
    return series[mask_data].T
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def _map_show(self, img, type='imshow',
                  threshold=None, **kwargs):
        img = reorder_img(img, resample=resampling_interpolation)
        threshold = float(threshold) if threshold is not None else None

        if threshold is not None:
            data = _utils.niimg._safe_get_data(img, ensure_finite=True)
            if threshold == 0:
                data =, 0, copy=False)
                data =, -threshold, threshold,
            img = new_img_like(img, data, img.affine)

        affine = img.affine
        data = _utils.niimg._safe_get_data(img, ensure_finite=True)
        data_bounds = get_bounds(data.shape, affine)
        (xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax), (zmin, zmax) = data_bounds

        xmin_, xmax_, ymin_, ymax_, zmin_, zmax_ = \
            xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax

        # Compute tight bounds
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an array of list of indices where each index denotes the identity
        of each extracted region to their family of brain maps.

    See Also
    nilearn.regions.connected_label_regions : A function can be used for
        extraction of regions on labels based atlas images.

    nilearn.regions.RegionExtractor : A class can be used for both
        region extraction on continuous type atlas images and
        also time series signals extraction from regions extracted.
    all_regions_imgs = []
    index_of_each_map = []
    maps_img = check_niimg(maps_img, atleast_4d=True)
    maps = _safe_get_data(maps_img).copy()
    affine = maps_img.affine
    min_region_size = min_region_size / np.abs(np.linalg.det(affine[:3, :3]))

    allowed_extract_types = ['connected_components', 'local_regions']
    if extract_type not in allowed_extract_types:
        message = ("'extract_type' should be given either of these {0} "
                   "You provided extract_type='{1}'").format(allowed_extract_types, extract_type)
        raise ValueError(message)

    if mask_img is not None:
        if not _check_same_fov(maps_img, mask_img):
            mask_img = resample_img(mask_img,
        mask_data, _ = masking._load_mask_img(mask_img)
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def _json_view_data(bg_img, stat_map_img, mask_img, bg_min, bg_max, colors,
                    cmap, colorbar):
    """ Create a json-like viewer object, and populate with base64 data.
        Returns: json_view
    # Initialise brainsprite data structure
    json_view = dict.fromkeys(['bg_base64', 'stat_map_base64', 'cm_base64',
                              'params', 'js_jquery', 'js_brainsprite'])

    # Create a base64 sprite for the background
    bg_sprite = BytesIO()
    bg_data = _safe_get_data(bg_img, ensure_finite=True)
    _save_sprite(bg_data, bg_sprite, bg_max, bg_min, None, 'gray', 'png')
    json_view['bg_base64'] = _bytesIO_to_base64(bg_sprite)

    # Create a base64 sprite for the stat map
    stat_map_sprite = BytesIO()
    data = _safe_get_data(stat_map_img, ensure_finite=True)
    mask = _safe_get_data(mask_img, ensure_finite=True)
    _save_sprite(data, stat_map_sprite, colors['vmax'], colors['vmin'],
                 mask, cmap, 'png')
    json_view['stat_map_base64'] = _bytesIO_to_base64(stat_map_sprite)

    # Create a base64 colormap
    if colorbar:
        stat_map_cm = BytesIO()
        _save_cm(stat_map_cm, colors['cmap'], 'png')
        json_view['cm_base64'] = _bytesIO_to_base64(stat_map_cm)