How to use the nilearn._utils.compat._basestring function in nilearn

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def mock_chunk_read_(response, local_file, initial_size=0, chunk_size=8192,
                         report_hook=None, verbose=0):
        if not isinstance(response, _basestring):
            return _chunk_read_(response, local_file,
                                report_hook=report_hook, verbose=verbose)
        return response
    return mock_chunk_read_
github nilearn / nilearn / nilearn / decomposition / View on Github external
def fit(self, imgs, y=None, confounds=None):
        """Compute the mask and the components

        imgs: list of Niimg-like objects
            Data on which the PCA must be calculated. If this is a list,
            the affine is considered the same for all.

        # Hack to support single-subject data:
        if isinstance(imgs, (_basestring, nibabel.Nifti1Image)):
            imgs = [imgs]
            # This is a very incomplete hack, as it won't work right for
            # single-subject list of 3D filenames
        if len(imgs) == 0:
            # Common error that arises from a null glob. Capture
            # it early and raise a helpful message
            raise ValueError('Need one or more Niimg-like objects as input, '
                             'an empty list was given.')
        if confounds is None:
            confounds = itertools.repeat(None, len(imgs))

        # First, learn the mask
        if not isinstance(self.mask, (NiftiMasker, MultiNiftiMasker)):
            self.masker_ = MultiNiftiMasker(mask_img=self.mask,
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    if not isinstance(imgs, (list, tuple)) or \
            isinstance(imgs, _basestring):
        imgs = [imgs, ]
        single_subject = True
    elif isinstance(imgs, (list, tuple)) and len(imgs) == 1:
        single_subject = True
        single_subject = False

    if confounds is None and isinstance(imgs, (list, tuple)):
        confounds = [None] * len(imgs)

    if confounds is not None:
        if not isinstance(confounds, (list, tuple)) or \
                isinstance(confounds, _basestring):
            confounds = [confounds, ]

    if len(confounds) != len(imgs):
        raise ValueError("Number of confounds given does not match with "
                         "the given number of images.")
    return imgs, confounds, single_subject
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for sess in range(n_sessions):
            subject_data.func[sess] = mem.cache(reslice_vols)(
            if write_output_images == 2:
                    basenames=func_basenames[sess], prefix=func_prefix,
        if write_output_images == 2:
            subject_data.func = _func
    elif write_output_images == 1:
        # write final output images
        print("Saving preprocessed images unto disk...")
        func_basenames = func_basenames[0] if (not isinstance(
                func_basenames, _basestring) and concat) else func_basenames
        _func = []
        for sess in range(n_sessions):
            if reslice:
                subject_data.func[sess] = reslice_vols(subject_data.func[sess])
                subject_data.func[sess], output_dir=subject_data.output_dir,
                basenames=func_basenames[sess], prefix=func_prefix,
        subject_data.func = _func

    # finalize
    if write_output_images:

    return subject_data.__dict__ if dict_input else subject_data
github nilearn / nilearn / nilearn / datasets / View on Github external
[1] Papadopoulos Orfanos, Dimitri, et al.
    "The Brainomics/Localizer database."
    NeuroImage 144.B (2017): 309.

    [2] Pinel, Philippe, et al.
    "Fast reproducible identification and large-scale databasing of
    individual functional cognitive networks."
    BMC Neuroscience 8.1 (2007): 91.

    See Also

    if isinstance(contrasts, _basestring):
        raise ValueError('Contrasts should be a list of strings, but '
                         'a single string was given: "%s"' % contrasts)
    if n_subjects is None:
        n_subjects = 94  # 94 subjects available
    if (isinstance(n_subjects, numbers.Number) and
            ((n_subjects > 94) or (n_subjects < 1))):
        warnings.warn("Wrong value for \'n_subjects\' (%d). The maximum "
                      "value will be used instead (\'n_subjects=94\')")
        n_subjects = 94  # 94 subjects available

    # we allow the user to use alternatives to Brainomics contrast names
    contrast_name_wrapper = {
        # Checkerboard
        "checkerboard": "checkerboard",
        "horizontal checkerboard": "horizontal checkerboard",
        "vertical checkerboard": "vertical checkerboard",
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    metadata : dict
        Metadata to transform

    metadata : dict
        Original metadata in which strings representing null values
        have been replaced by ``None``.

    metadata = metadata.copy()
    for key, value in metadata.items():
        if (isinstance(value, _basestring) and
                re.match(r'($|n/?a$|none|null)', value, re.IGNORECASE)):
            metadata[key] = None
    return metadata
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def _repr_niimgs(niimgs):
    """ Pretty printing of niimg or niimgs.
    if isinstance(niimgs, _basestring):
        return niimgs
    if isinstance(niimgs, collections.Iterable):
        return '[%s]' % ', '.join(_repr_niimgs(niimg) for niimg in niimgs)
    # Nibabel objects have a 'get_filename'
        filename = niimgs.get_filename()
        if filename is not None:
            return "%s('%s')" % (niimgs.__class__.__name__,
            return "%s(\nshape=%s,\naffine=%s\n)" % \
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confounds : list of CSV file paths or 2D matrices
            This parameter is passed to nilearn.signal.clean. Please see the
            related documentation for details. Should match with the list
            of imgs given.

         self : object
            Returns the instance itself. Contains attributes listed
            at the object level.

        # Base fit for decomposition estimators : compute the embedded masker

        if isinstance(imgs, _basestring):
            if nilearn.EXPAND_PATH_WILDCARDS and glob.has_magic(imgs):
                imgs = _resolve_globbing(imgs)

        if isinstance(imgs, _basestring) or not hasattr(imgs, '__iter__'):
            # these classes are meant for list of 4D images
            # (multi-subject), we want it to work also on a single
            # subject, so we hack it.
            imgs = [imgs, ]

        if len(imgs) == 0:
            # Common error that arises from a null glob. Capture
            # it early and raise a helpful message
            raise ValueError('Need one or more Niimg-like objects as input, '
                             'an empty list was given.')
        self.masker_ = check_embedded_nifti_masker(self)
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See Also
    nilearn.image.largest_connected_component_img : To simply operate the
        same manipulation directly on Nifti images.


    **Handling big-endian in given numpy.ndarray**
    This function changes the existing byte-ordering information to new byte
    order, if the given volume has non-native data type. This operation
    is done inplace to avoid big-endian issues with scipy ndimage module.

    if hasattr(volume, "get_data") \
       or isinstance(volume, _basestring):
        raise ValueError('Please enter a valid numpy array. For images use\
    # Get the new byteorder to handle issues like "Big-endian buffer not
    # supported on little-endian compiler" with scipy ndimage label.
    if not volume.dtype.isnative:
        volume.dtype = volume.dtype.newbyteorder('N')

    # We use asarray to be able to work with masked arrays.
    volume = np.asarray(volume)
    labels, label_nb = ndimage.label(volume)
    if not label_nb:
        raise ValueError('No non-zero values: no connected components')
    if label_nb == 1:
        return volume.astype(np.bool)
    label_count = np.bincount(labels.ravel().astype(
    # discard the 0 label
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'tmaps' string list (if 'get_tmaps' set to True)
            Paths to nifti t maps
        'masks': string list
            Paths to nifti files corresponding to the subjects individual masks
        'anats': string
            Path to nifti files corresponding to the subjects structural images

    [1] Pinel, Philippe, et al.
        "Fast reproducible identification and large-scale databasing of
         individual functional cognitive networks."
        BMC neuroscience 8.1 (2007): 91.

    if isinstance(contrasts, _basestring):
        raise ValueError('Contrasts should be a list of strings, but '
                         'a single string was given: "%s"' % contrasts)
    if n_subjects is None:
        n_subjects = 94  # 94 subjects available
    if (n_subjects > 94) or (n_subjects < 1):
        warnings.warn("Wrong value for \'n_subjects\' (%d). The maximum "
                      "value will be used instead (\'n_subjects=94\')")
        n_subjects = 94  # 94 subjects available

    # we allow the user to use alternatives to Brainomics contrast names
    contrast_name_wrapper = {
        # Checkerboard
        "checkerboard": "checkerboard",
        "horizontal checkerboard": "horizontal checkerboard",
        "vertical checkerboard": "vertical checkerboard",
        "horizontal vs vertical checkerboard":