How to use the function in multiqc

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few multiqc examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / plots / View on Github external
def highcharts_scatter_plot (plotdata, pconfig=None):
    Build the HTML needed for a HighCharts scatter plot. Should be
    called by scatter.plot(), which properly formats input data.
    if pconfig is None:
        pconfig = {}

    # Get the plot ID
    if pconfig.get('id') is None:
        pconfig['id'] = 'mqc_hcplot_'+''.join(random.sample(letters, 10))

    # Sanitise plot ID and check for duplicates
    pconfig['id'] = report.save_htmlid(pconfig['id'])

    # Build the HTML for the page
    html = '<div class="mqc_hcplot_plotgroup">'

    # Buttons to cycle through different datasets
    if len(plotdata) &gt; 1:
        html += '<div class="btn-group hc_switch_group">\n'
        for k, p in enumerate(plotdata):
            active = 'active' if k == 0 else ''
                name = pconfig['data_labels'][k]['name']
                name = k+1
                ylab = 'data-ylab="{}"'.format(pconfig['data_labels'][k]['ylab'])
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / plots / View on Github external
def make_table (dt):
    Build the HTML needed for a MultiQC table.
    :param data: MultiQC datatable object

    table_id = dt.pconfig.get('id', 'table_{}'.format(''.join(random.sample(letters, 4))) )
    table_id = report.save_htmlid(table_id)
    t_headers = OrderedDict()
    t_modal_headers = OrderedDict()
    t_rows = OrderedDict()
    dt.raw_vals = defaultdict(lambda: dict())
    empty_cells = dict()
    hidden_cols = 1
    table_title = dt.pconfig.get('table_title')
    if table_title is None:
        table_title = table_id.replace("_", " ").title()

    for idx, k, header in dt.get_headers_in_order():

        rid = header['rid']

        # Build the table header cell
        shared_key = ''
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / plots / View on Github external
def matplotlib_bargraph (plotdata, plotsamples, pconfig=None):
    Plot a bargraph with Matplot lib and return a HTML string. Either embeds a base64
    encoded image within HTML or writes the plot and links to it. Should be called by
    plot_bargraph, which properly formats the input data.

    if pconfig is None:
        pconfig = {}

    # Plot group ID
    if pconfig.get('id') is None:
        pconfig['id'] = 'mqc_mplplot_'+''.join(random.sample(letters, 10))

    # Sanitise plot ID and check for duplicates
    pconfig['id'] = report.save_htmlid(pconfig['id'])

    # Individual plot IDs
    pids = []
    for k in range(len(plotdata)):
            name = pconfig['data_labels'][k]
            name = k+1
        pid = 'mqc_{}_{}'.format(pconfig['id'], name)
        pid = report.save_htmlid(pid, skiplint=True)

    html = '<p class="text-info"><small><span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-picture"></span> ' + \
          'Flat image plot. Toolbox functions such as highlighting / hiding samples will not work ' + \
          '(see the <a href="">docs</a>).</small></p>'
    html += '<div id="{}" class="mqc_mplplot_plotgroup">'.format(pconfig['id'])</div>
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / plots / View on Github external
# Plot group ID
    if pconfig.get('id') is None:
        pconfig['id'] = 'mqc_mplplot_'+''.join(random.sample(letters, 10))

    # Sanitise plot ID and check for duplicates
    pconfig['id'] = report.save_htmlid(pconfig['id'])

    # Individual plot IDs
    pids = []
    for k in range(len(plotdata)):
            name = pconfig['data_labels'][k]['name']
            name = k+1
        pid = 'mqc_{}_{}'.format(pconfig['id'], name)
        pid = report.save_htmlid(pid, skiplint=True)

    html = '<p class="text-info"><small><span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-picture"></span> ' + \
          'Flat image plot. Toolbox functions such as highlighting / hiding samples will not work ' + \
          '(see the <a href="">docs</a>).</small></p>'
    html += '<div id="{}" class="mqc_mplplot_plotgroup">'.format(pconfig['id'])

    # Same defaults as HighCharts for consistency
    default_colors = ['#7cb5ec', '#434348', '#90ed7d', '#f7a35c', '#8085e9',
                      '#f15c80', '#e4d354', '#2b908f', '#f45b5b', '#91e8e1']

    # Buttons to cycle through different datasets
    if len(plotdata) &gt; 1 and not config.simple_output:
        html += '<div class="btn-group mpl_switch_group mqc_mplplot_bargraph_switchds">\n'
        for k, p in enumerate(plotdata):
            pid = pids[k]</div></div>
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / plots / View on Github external
# Plot group ID
    if pconfig.get('id') is None:
        pconfig['id'] = 'mqc_mplplot_'+''.join(random.sample(letters, 10))

    # Sanitise plot ID and check for duplicates
    pconfig['id'] = report.save_htmlid(pconfig['id'])

    # Individual plot IDs
    pids = []
    for k in range(len(plotdata)):
            name = pconfig['data_labels'][k]
            name = k+1
        pid = 'mqc_{}_{}'.format(pconfig['id'], name)
        pid = report.save_htmlid(pid, skiplint=True)

    html = '<p class="text-info"><small><span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-picture"></span> ' + \
          'Flat image plot. Toolbox functions such as highlighting / hiding samples will not work ' + \
          '(see the <a href="">docs</a>).</small></p>'
    html += '<div id="{}" class="mqc_mplplot_plotgroup">'.format(pconfig['id'])

    # Same defaults as HighCharts for consistency
    default_colors = ['#7cb5ec', '#434348', '#90ed7d', '#f7a35c', '#8085e9',
                      '#f15c80', '#e4d354', '#2b908f', '#f45b5b', '#91e8e1']

    # Counts / Percentages Switch
    if pconfig.get('cpswitch') is not False and not config.simple_output:
        if pconfig.get('cpswitch_c_active', True) is True:
            c_active = 'active'
            p_active = ''</div>
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / modules / View on Github external
def __init__(self, name='base', anchor='base', target=None, href=None, info=None, comment=None, extra=None,
                 autoformat=True, autoformat_type='markdown'):

        # Custom options from user config that can overwrite base module values
        mod_cust_config = getattr(self, 'mod_cust_config', {}) = mod_cust_config.get('name', name)
        self.anchor = report.save_htmlid( mod_cust_config.get('anchor', anchor) )
        target = mod_cust_config.get('target', target)
        href = mod_cust_config.get('href', href)
        info = mod_cust_config.get('info', info)
        self.comment = mod_cust_config.get('comment', comment)
        extra = mod_cust_config.get('extra', extra)
        # Specific module level config to overwrite (e.g. config.bcftools, config.fastqc)
        config.update({anchor: mod_cust_config.get('custom_config', {})})

        # See if we have a user comment in the config
        if self.anchor in config.section_comments:
            self.comment = config.section_comments[self.anchor]

        if info is None:
            info = ''
        if extra is None:
            extra = ''
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / plots / View on Github external
def highcharts_bargraph (plotdata, plotsamples=None, pconfig=None):
    Build the HTML needed for a HighCharts bar graph. Should be
    called by plot_bargraph, which properly formats input data.
    if pconfig is None:
        pconfig = {}
    if pconfig.get('id') is None:
        pconfig['id'] = 'mqc_hcplot_'+''.join(random.sample(letters, 10))

    # Sanitise plot ID and check for duplicates
    pconfig['id'] = report.save_htmlid(pconfig['id'])

    html = '<div class="mqc_hcplot_plotgroup">'

    # Counts / Percentages / Log Switches
    if pconfig.get('cpswitch') is not False or pconfig.get('logswitch') is True:
        if pconfig.get('cpswitch_c_active', True) is True:
            c_active = 'active'
            p_active = ''
            l_active = ''
        elif pconfig.get('logswitch_active') is True:
            c_active = ''
            p_active = ''
            l_active = 'active'
            c_active = ''
            p_active = 'active'</div>
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / View on Github external

    # Remove empty data sections from the General Stats table
    empty_keys = [i for i, d in enumerate(report.general_stats_data[:]) if len(d) == 0]
    for i in empty_keys:
        del report.general_stats_data[i]
        del report.general_stats_headers[i]
    # Add general-stats IDs to table row headers
    for idx, h in enumerate(report.general_stats_headers):
        for k in h.keys():
            if 'rid' not in h[k]:
                h[k]['rid'] = re.sub(r'\W+', '_', k).strip().strip('_')
            ns_html = re.sub(r'\W+', '_', h[k]['namespace']).strip().strip('_').lower()
            report.general_stats_headers[idx][k]['rid'] = report.save_htmlid('mqc-generalstats-{}-{}'.format(ns_html, h[k]['rid']))
    # Generate the General Statistics HTML & write to file
    if len(report.general_stats_data) > 0:
        pconfig = {
            'id': 'general_stats_table',
            'table_title': 'General Statistics',
            'save_file': True,
        report.general_stats_html = table.plot(report.general_stats_data, report.general_stats_headers, pconfig)
        config.skip_generalstats = True

    # Write the report sources to disk
    if config.data_dir is not None:
    # Compress the report plot JSON data