How to use the multiqc.config function in multiqc

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few multiqc examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / modules / prokka / View on Github external

        # Get organism and sample name from the first line
        # Assumes organism name only consists of two words,
        # i.e. 'Genusname speciesname', and that the remaining
        # text on the organism line is the sample name.
            organism = " ".join(first_line.strip().split(":", 1)[1].split()[:2])
            s_name = self.clean_s_name(" ".join(first_line.split()[3:]), f['root'])
        except KeyError:
            organism = first_line.strip().split(":", 1)[1]
            s_name = f['s_name']
        # Don't try to guess sample name if requested in the config
        if getattr(config, 'prokka_fn_snames', False):
            s_name = f['s_name']

        if s_name in self.prokka:
            log.debug("Duplicate sample name found! Overwriting: {}".format(s_name))
        self.prokka[s_name] = dict()
        self.prokka[s_name]['organism'] = organism
        self.prokka[s_name]['contigs'] = int(contigs_line.split(":")[1])
        self.prokka[s_name]['bases'] = int(bases_line.split(":")[1])

        # Get additional info from remaining lines
        for line in f['f']:
            description, value = line.split(":")
                self.prokka[s_name][description] = int(value)
            except ValueError:
                log.warning("Unable to parse line: '%s'", line)
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / modules / fastqc / View on Github external
            'modify': lambda x: x * config.read_count_multiplier,
            'shared_key': 'read_count'
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / modules / htseq / View on Github external
def htseq_stats_table(self):
        """ Take the parsed stats from the HTSeq Count report and add them to the
        basic stats table at the top of the report """

        headers = OrderedDict()
        headers['percent_assigned'] = {
            'title': '% Assigned',
            'description': '% Assigned reads',
            'max': 100,
            'min': 0,
            'suffix': '%',
            'scale': 'RdYlGn'
        headers['assigned'] = {
            'title': '{} Assigned'.format(config.read_count_prefix),
            'description': 'Assigned Reads ({})'.format(config.read_count_desc),
            'min': 0,
            'scale': 'PuBu',
            'modify': lambda x: float(x) * config.read_count_multiplier,
            'shared_key': 'read_count'
        self.general_stats_addcols(self.htseq_data, headers)
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / modules / bowtie1 / View on Github external
            'modify': lambda x: x * config.read_count_multiplier,
            'shared_key': 'read_count'
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / utils / View on Github external
if pattern.get('fn') is None and pattern.get('fn_re') is None:
                                return True
                    # Search by file contents (regex)
                    elif pattern.get('contents_re') is not None:
                        if, line):
                            contents_matched = True
                            if pattern.get('fn') is None and pattern.get('fn_re') is None:
                                return True
                    # Break if we've searched enough lines for this pattern
                    if pattern.get('num_lines') and l >= pattern.get('num_lines'):
                    l += 1
        except (IOError, OSError, ValueError, UnicodeDecodeError):
            if config.report_readerrors:
                logger.debug("Couldn't read file when looking for output: {}".format(f['fn']))
                return False

    return fn_matched and contents_matched
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / utils / View on Github external
#!/usr/bin/env python

""" MultiQC code to export data to MegaQC / flat JSON files """

from __future__ import print_function
import gzip
import io
import json
import os
import requests

from multiqc import config
log = config.logger

# Custom encoder to handle lambda functions
class MQCJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, obj):
        if callable(obj):
                return obj(1)
                return None
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

def multiqc_dump_json(report):
    exported_data = dict()
    export_vars = {
        'report': [
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / utils / View on Github external
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(root, fn)):
            return None

        # Check that we don't want to ignore this file
        i_matches = [n for n in config.fn_ignore_files if fnmatch.fnmatch(fn, n)]
        if len(i_matches) > 0:
            logger.debug("Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: {}".format(fn))
            return None

        # Limit search to small files, to avoid 30GB FastQ files etc.
            f['filesize'] = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(root,fn))
        except (IOError, OSError, ValueError, UnicodeDecodeError):
            logger.debug("Couldn't read file when checking filesize: {}".format(fn))
            if f['filesize'] > config.log_filesize_limit:
                return False

        # Test file for each search pattern
        for patterns in spatterns:
            for key, sps in patterns.items():
                for sp in sps:
                    if search_file (sp, f, key):
                        # Check that we shouldn't exclude this file
                        if not exclude_file(sp, f):
                            # Looks good! Remember this file
                        # Don't keep searching this file for other modules
                        if not sp.get('shared', False):
                        # Don't look at other patterns for this module
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / modules / picard / View on Github external
'min': 0,
            'suffix': 'X',
            'scale': 'GnBu',
            'hidden': True,
        self.general_stats_headers['SD_COVERAGE'] = {
            'title': 'Median Coverage',
            'description': 'The standard deviation coverage in bases of the genome territory, after all filters are applied.',
            'min': 0,
            'suffix': 'X',
            'scale': 'GnBu',
            'hidden': True,
        # user configurable coverage level
            covs = config.picard_config['general_stats_target_coverage']
            assert type(covs) == list
            assert len(covs) > 0
            covs = [str(i) for i in covs]
            log.debug("Custom Picard coverage thresholds: {}".format(", ".join([i for i in covs])))
        except (AttributeError, TypeError, AssertionError):
            covs = ['30']
        for c in covs:
            self.general_stats_headers['PCT_{}X'.format(c)] = {
                'id': 'picard_target_bases_{}X'.format(c),
                'title': 'Bases ≥ {}X'.format(c),
                'description': 'Percent of target bases with coverage ≥ {}X'.format(c),
                'max': 100,
                'min': 0,
                'suffix': '%',
                'format': '{:,.0f}',
                'scale': 'RdYlGn',
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / modules / fastp / View on Github external
'min': 0,
            'suffix': '%',
            'scale': 'RdYlGn-rev'
        headers['after_filtering_q30_rate'] = {
            'title': '% > Q30',
            'description': 'Percentage of reads > Q30 after filtering',
            'min': 0,
            'max': 100,
            'modify': lambda x: x * 100.0,
            'scale': 'GnBu',
            'suffix': '%',
            'hidden': True
        headers['after_filtering_q30_bases'] = {
            'title': '{} Q30 bases'.format(config.base_count_prefix),
            'description': 'Bases > Q30 after filtering ({})'.format(config.base_count_desc),
            'min': 0,
            'modify': lambda x: x * config.base_count_multiplier,
            'scale': 'GnBu',
            'shared_key': 'base_count',
            'hidden': True
        headers['after_filtering_gc_content'] = {
            'title': 'GC content',
            'description': 'GC content after filtering',
            'max': 100,
            'min': 0,
            'suffix': '%',
            'scale': 'Blues',
            'modify': lambda x: x * 100.0
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / modules / fastq_screen / View on Github external
if f['s_name'] in self.fq_screen_data:
                    log.debug("Duplicate sample name found! Overwriting: {}".format(f['s_name']))
                self.fq_screen_data[f['s_name']] = parsed_data

        # Filter to strip out ignored sample names
        self.fq_screen_data = self.ignore_samples(self.fq_screen_data)

        if len(self.fq_screen_data) == 0:
            raise UserWarning"Found {} reports".format(len(self.fq_screen_data)))

        # Section 1 - Alignment Profiles
        # Posh plot only works for around 20 samples, 8 organisms.
        if len(self.fq_screen_data) * self.num_orgs <= 160 and not config.plots_force_flat and not getattr(config, 'fastqscreen_simpleplot', False):
            self.add_section( content = self.fqscreen_plot() )
        # Use simpler plot that works with many samples
            self.add_section( plot = self.fqscreen_simple_plot() )

        # Write the total counts and percentages to files
        self.write_data_file(self.parse_csv(), 'multiqc_fastq_screen')