How to use kicost - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few kicost examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def subpartqty_split(components):
    '''@brief Split the components with subparts in different components.
       Take each part and the all manufacture/distributors combination
       possibility to split in subpart the components part that have
       more than one manufacture/distributors code.
       For each designator...
       For designator with a "single subpart" check with the quantity
       is more than one.
       @param components Part components in a `list()` of `dict()`, format given by the EDA modules.
       @return Same as the input.
    logger.log(DEBUG_OVERVIEW, 'Splitting subparts in the manufacture / distributors codes...')

    FIELDS_MANF = [d+'#' for d in distributor_dict]

    split_components = {}
    for part_ref, part in components.items():
            # Divide the subparts in different parts keeping the other fields
            # (reference, description, ...).
            # First search for the used fields to manufacture/distributor numbers
            # and how many subparts are in them. Use the loop also to extract the
            # manufacture/distributor codes in list. Use the maximum of them.
            founded_fields = []
            subparts_qty = 0
            subparts_manf_code = dict()
            for field_code in FIELDS_MANF:
                if field_code in part:
                    subparts_qty_field = len( subpart_list(part[field_code]) )
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# Extract each information, by the the header given, for each
            # row part, spliting it in a list.
            value = extract_field(row, hdr.lower())
            value = re.split(ALTIUM_PART_SEPRTR, value)
            if hdr.lower() in ign_fields:
            elif not SEPRTR in hdr.lower():
                for i in range(qty):
                    if len(value)==qty:
                        v = value[i]
                        v = value[0] # Footprint is just one for group.
                    # Do not create empty fields. This is useful
                    # when used more than one `manf#` alias in one designator.
                    if v and v!=ALTIUM_NONE:
                        fields[i][field_name_translations.get(hdr.lower(),hdr.lower())] = v.strip()
                # Now look for fields that start with 'kicost' and possibly
                # another dot-separated variant field and store their values.
                # Anything else is in a non-kicost namespace.
                key_re = 'kicost(\.{})?:(?P.*)'.format(variant)
                mtch = re.match(key_re, name, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
                if mtch:
                    # The field name is anything that came after the leading
                    # 'kicost' and variant field.
                    name ='name')
                    name = field_name_translations.get(name, name)
                    # If the field name isn't for a manufacturer's part
                    # number or a distributors catalog number, then add
                    # it to 'local' if it doesn't start with a distributor
                    # name and colon.
                    if name not in ('manf#', 'manf') and name[:-1] not in distributor_dict:
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def extract_fields_row(row, variant, header):
        '''Extract XML fields from the part in a library or schematic.'''
        # First get the references and the quantities of elements in each rwo group.
        header_translated = [field_name_translations.get(hdr.lower(),hdr.lower()) for hdr in header]
        hdr_refs = [i for i, x in enumerate(header_translated) if x == "refs"]
        if not hdr_refs:
            raise ValueError('Not founded the part designators/references in the BOM.\nTry to generate the file again at Altium.')
            hdr_refs = hdr_refs[0]
        refs = re.split(ALTIUM_PART_SEPRTR, extract_field(row, header[hdr_refs].lower()) )
        if sys.version_info >= (3,0):
            header_valid = header.copy()
            header_valid = copy.copy(header)
            hdr_qty = [i for i, x in enumerate(header_translated) if x == "qty"][0]
            qty = int( extract_field(row, header[hdr_qty].lower()) )
            if qty!=len(refs):
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# These include all the manufacture company and codes, distributors codes 
    # recognized by the insalled modules and, quantity and sub quantity of the part.
    FIELDS_MANF = (['manf#', 'manf#_qty', 'manf'] + [d + '#' for d in distributor_dict] + [d + '#_qty' for d in distributor_dict])

    # Check if was asked to merge some not allowed fiels (as `manf`, `manf# ...
    # other ones as `desc` and even `value` and `footprint`may be merged due
    # the different typed (1uF and 1u) or footprint library names to the same one.
    fields_merge = list( [field_name_translations.get(f.lower(),f.lower()) for f in fields_merge] )
    for c in FIELDS_MANF:
        if c in fields_merge:
             exit('Manufactutor/distributor codes and manufacture company "{}" can\'t be ignored to create the components groups.'.format(c))

    # Now partition the parts into groups of like components.
    # First, get groups of identical components but ignore any manufacturer's
    # part numbers that may be assigned. Just collect those in a list for each group.
    logger.log(DEBUG_OVERVIEW, 'Getting groups of identical components...')
    component_groups = {}
    for ref, fields in list(components.items()): # part references and field values.

        # Take the field keys and values of each part and create a hash.
        # Use the hash as the key to a dictionary that stores lists of
        # part references that have identical field values. The important fields
        # are the reference prefix ('R', 'C', etc.), value, and footprint.
        # Don't use the manufacturer's part number when calculating the hash!
        # Also, don't use any fields with SEPRTR in the label because that indicates
        # a field used by a specific tool (including kicost).
        hash_fields = {k: fields[k] for k in fields if k not in FIELDS_MANF+fields_merge and SEPRTR not in k}
        h = hash(tuple(sorted(hash_fields.items())))

        # Now add the hashed component to the group with the matching hash
        # or create a new group if the hash hasn't been seen before.
github xesscorp / KiCost / kicost / eda_tools / View on Github external
def subpartqty_split(components):
    '''@brief Split the components with subparts in different components.
       Take each part and the all manufacture/distributors combination
       possibility to split in subpart the components part that have
       more than one manufacture/distributors code.
       For each designator...
       For designator with a "single subpart" check with the quantity
       is more than one.
       @param components Part components in a `list()` of `dict()`, format given by the EDA modules.
       @return Same as the input.
    logger.log(DEBUG_OVERVIEW, 'Spliting subparts in the manufacture / distributors codes...')

    FIELDS_MANF = [d+'#' for d in distributor_dict]

    splitted_components = {}
    for part_ref, part in components.items():
            # Divide the subparts in diferent parts keeping the other fields
            # (reference, description, ...).
            # First search for the used filed to manufacture/distributor numbers
            # and how many subparts are in them. Use the loop also to extract the
            # manufacture/distributor codes in list.
            founded_fields = []
            subparts_qty = 0
            subparts_manf_code = dict()
            for field_code in FIELDS_MANF:
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def groups_sort(new_component_groups):
    '''@brief Order the groups in a alphabetical way.
       Put the components groups in the spreadsheet rows in a spefic order
       using the reference string of the components. The order is defined
       by BOM_ORDER.
       @param components Part components in a `list()` of `dict()`, format given by the EDA modules.
       @return Same as input.

    logger.log(DEBUG_OVERVIEW, 'Sorting the groups for better visualization...')

    ref_identifiers = re.split('(?0:
            # If found more than one group with the reference, use the 'manf#'
github xesscorp / KiCost / kicost / View on Github external
def updateEDAselection(self):
        ''' @brief Update the EDA selection in the listBox based on the comboBox actual text.'''
        fileNames = re.split(SEP_FILES, self.m_comboBox_files.GetValue())
        if len(fileNames)==1:
            eda_module = file_eda_match(fileNames[0])
            if eda_module:
        elif len(fileNames)>1:
            # Check if all the EDA are the same. For different ones,
            # the guide is not able now to deal, need improvement
            # on `self.m_listBox_edatool`.
            eda_module = file_eda_match(fileNames[0])
            for fName in fileNames[1:]:
                if file_eda_match(fName) != eda_module:
            if eda_module:
github xesscorp / KiCost / kicost / View on Github external
def updateEDAselection(self):
        ''' @brief Update the EDA selection in the listBox based on the comboBox actual text.'''
        fileNames = re.split(SEP_FILES, self.m_comboBox_files.GetValue())
        if len(fileNames)==1:
            eda_module = file_eda_match(fileNames[0])
            if eda_module:
        elif len(fileNames)>1:
            # Check if all the EDA are the same. For different ones,
            # the guide is not able now to deal, need improvement
            # on `self.m_listBox_edatool`.
            eda_module = file_eda_match(fileNames[0])
            for fName in fileNames[1:]:
                if file_eda_match(fName) != eda_module:
            if eda_module:
github xesscorp / KiCost / kicost / View on Github external
def updateEDAselection(self):
        ''' @brief Update the EDA selection in the listBox based on the comboBox actual text.'''
        fileNames = re.split(SEP_FILES, self.m_comboBox_files.GetValue())
        if len(fileNames)==1:
            eda_module = file_eda_match(fileNames[0])
            if eda_module:
        elif len(fileNames)>1:
            # Check if all the EDA are the same. For different ones,
            # the guide is not able now to deal, need improvement
            # on `self.m_listBox_edatool`.
            eda_module = file_eda_match(fileNames[0])
            for fName in fileNames[1:]:
                if file_eda_match(fName) != eda_module:
            if eda_module:
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       @return Same as input.

    logger.log(DEBUG_OVERVIEW, 'Sorting the groups for better visualization...')

    ref_identifiers = re.split('(?0:
            # If found more than one group with the reference, use the 'manf#'
            # as second order criteria.
            if len(component_groups_ref_match)>1:
                    for item in component_groups_ref_match:
                except ValueError:
                # Examine 'manf#' and refs to get the order.
                # Order by refs that have 'manf#' codes, that ones that don't have stay at the end of the group.
                group_manf_list = [new_component_groups[h].fields.get('manf#') for h in component_groups_ref_match]
                group_refs_list = [new_component_groups[h].refs for h in component_groups_ref_match]
                sorted_groups = sorted(range(len(group_refs_list)), key=lambda k:(group_manf_list[k] is None,  group_refs_list[k]))
                logger.log(DEBUG_OBSESSIVE, '{} > order: {}'.format( group_manf_list, sorted_groups) )
                component_groups_ref_match = [component_groups_ref_match[i] for i in sorted_groups]