How to use the kicost.distributors.global_vars.distributor_dict.keys function in kicost

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# Set '.xml' as the default file extension, treating this exception
            # allow other files extension and formats.
                if os.path.splitext(args.input[i])[1] == '':
                    args.input[i] += '.xml'
                elif os.path.splitext(args.input[i])[1] == '.csv':
                    args.eda[i] = 'csv'
            except IndexError:

    # Remove all the distributor from the list for not scrape any web site.
    if args.no_price:
        dist_list = None
        if not args.include:
            dist_list = list(distributor_dict.keys())
            dist_list = args.include
        for d in args.exclude:

    logger.log(DEBUG_OBSESSIVE, 'Started KiCost v.{} on {}({}) Python {}.{}.{}'.format(

    kicost(in_file=args.input, eda_name=args.eda,
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def set_properties(self):
        ''' @brief Set the current proprieties of the graphical elements.'''

        # Current distributors module recognized.
        distributors_list = sorted([ distributor_dict[d]['label']['name'] for d in distributor_dict.keys() if distributor_dict[d]['type']!='local'])
        for d in distributors_list: # Make this for wxPy3 compatibility, not allow include a list.
        for idx in range(len(distributors_list)):
            self.m_checkList_dist.Check(idx,True) # All start checked (after is modified by the configuration file).

        # Current EDA tools module recognized.
        eda_names = sorted([ eda_dict[eda]['label'] for eda in eda_dict.keys() ])
        for s in eda_names: # Make this for wxPy3 compatibility, not allow include a list.

        # Get all the currencies present.
        loc = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0]
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def kicost(in_file, eda_name, out_filename,
        user_fields, ignore_fields, group_fields, translate_fields,
        collapse_refs=True, supress_cat_url=True, currency=DEFAULT_CURRENCY):
    ''' @brief Run KiCost.
    Take a schematic input file and create an output file with a cost spreadsheet in xlsx format.
    @param in_file `list(str())` List of the names of the input BOM files.
    @param eda_name `list(str())` of the EDA modules to be used to open the `in_file`list.
    @param out_filename `str()` XLSX output file name.
    @param user_fields `list()` of the user fields to be included on the spreadsheet global part.
    @param ignore_fields `list()` of the fields to be ignored on the read EDA modules.
    @param group_fields `list()` of the fields to be grouped/merged on the function group parts that
    are not grouped by default.
    @param translate_fields `list()` of the fields to translate to translate or remove (if `~` present).
    @param variant `list(str())` of regular expression to the BOM variant of each file in `in_file`.
    @param dist_list `list(str())` to be scraped, if empty will be scraped with all distributors
    modules. If `None`, no web/local distributors will be scraped.
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xl_rowcol_to_cell(row, start_col + columns['qty']['col']-1)
                wks.write(row, start_col + columns['qty']['col'],
                          qty.format('BoardQty'), wrk_formats['part_format'])
        except KeyError:

        # Gather the cell references for calculating minimum unit price and part availability.
        dist_unit_prices = []
        dist_qty_avail = []
        dist_qty_purchased = []
        dist_code_avail = []
        dist_ext_prices = []
        for dist in list(distributor_dict.keys()):

            # Get the currencies used among all distributors.

            # Get the name of the data range for this distributor.
            dist_data_rng = '{}_part_data'.format(dist)

            # Get the contents of the unit price cell for this part (row) and distributor (column+offset).

            # Get the contents of the quantity purchased cell for this part and distributor
            # unless the unit price is not a number in which case return 0.
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if args.unsetup:
        from .kicost_config import kicost_unsetup

    # Set up logging.
    if args.debug is not None:
        log_level = logging.DEBUG + 1 - args.debug
    elif args.quiet is True:
        log_level = logging.ERROR
        log_level = logging.WARNING
    logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, format='%(message)s')

    if args.show_dist_list:
        print('Distributor list:', *sorted(list(distributor_dict.keys())))
    if args.show_eda_list:
        #eda_names = [o[0] for o in inspect.getmembers(eda_tools_imports) if inspect.ismodule(o[1])]
        #print('EDA supported list:', ', '.join(eda_names))
        print('EDA supported list:', *sorted(list(eda_dict.keys())))

    # Set up spreadsheet output file.
    if args.output == None:
        # If no output file is given...
        if args.input != None:
            # Send output to spreadsheet with name of input file.
            # Compose a name with the multiple BOM input file names.
            args.output = output_filename(args.input)
            # Send output to spreadsheet with name of this application.
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                            qty_range=xl_range(PART_INFO_FIRST_ROW, qty_col,
                                PART_INFO_LAST_ROW, qty_col)),
        # Add total of the spreadsheet, this can be equal or bigger than
        # than the sum of the above totals, because, in the case of partial
        # or fractional quantity of one part or subpart, the total quantity
        # column 'qty' will be the ceil of the sum of the other ones.
        total_cost_row = start_row -1 # Change the position of the total price cell.
    wks.write(total_cost_row, total_cost_col, '=SUM({sum_range})'.format(
              sum_range=xl_range(PART_INFO_FIRST_ROW, total_cost_col,
                           PART_INFO_LAST_ROW, total_cost_col)),

    # Add the total purchase and others purchase informations.
    if distributor_dict.keys():
        next_line = row + 1
        wks.write(next_line, start_col + columns['unit_price']['col'],
                      'Total Purchase:', wrk_formats['total_cost_label'])
        wks.write_comment(next_line, start_col + columns['unit_price']['col'],
                      'This is the total of your cart across all distributors.')
        wks.write(next_line, start_col + columns['ext_price']['col'],
        # Purchase general description, it may be used to distinguish carts of different projects.
        next_line = next_line + 1
        wks.write(next_line, start_col + columns['unit_price']['col'],
                      'Purchase description:', wrk_formats['description'])
        wks.write_comment(next_line, start_col + columns['unit_price']['col'],
                      'This description will be added to all purchased parts label and may be used to distinguish the component of different projects.')