How to use the function in kicost

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few kicost examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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# Extract each information, by the the header given, for each
            # row part, spliting it in a list.
            value = extract_field(row, hdr.lower())
            value = re.split(ALTIUM_PART_SEPRTR, value)
            if hdr.lower() in ign_fields:
            elif not SEPRTR in hdr.lower():
                for i in range(qty):
                    if len(value)==qty:
                        v = value[i]
                        v = value[0] # Footprint is just one for group.
                    # Do not create empty fields. This is useful
                    # when used more than one `manf#` alias in one designator.
                    if v and v!=ALTIUM_NONE:
                        fields[i][field_name_translations.get(hdr.lower(),hdr.lower())] = v.strip()
                # Now look for fields that start with 'kicost' and possibly
                # another dot-separated variant field and store their values.
                # Anything else is in a non-kicost namespace.
                key_re = 'kicost(\.{})?:(?P.*)'.format(variant)
                mtch = re.match(key_re, name, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
                if mtch:
                    # The field name is anything that came after the leading
                    # 'kicost' and variant field.
                    name ='name')
                    name = field_name_translations.get(name, name)
                    # If the field name isn't for a manufacturer's part
                    # number or a distributors catalog number, then add
                    # it to 'local' if it doesn't start with a distributor
                    # name and colon.
                    if name not in ('manf#', 'manf') and name[:-1] not in distributor_dict:
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                    # Now look for fields that start with 'kicost' and possibly
                    # another dot-separated variant field and store their values.
                    # Anything else is in a non-kicost namespace.
                    key_re = 'kicost(\.(?P.*))?:(?P.*)'
                    mtch = re.match(key_re, name, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
                    if mtch:
                        v ='variant')
                        if v is not None and not re.match(variant, v, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
                        if v is not None:
                            logger.log(DEBUG_OBSESSIVE, 'Matched Variant ... ' + v +'name') )
                        # The field name is anything that came after the leading
                        # 'kicost' and optional variant field.
                        name ='name')
                        name = field_name_translations.get(name, name)
                        # If the field name isn't for a manufacturer's part
                        # number or a distributors catalog number, then add
                        # it to 'local' if it doesn't start with a distributor
                        # name and colon.
                        #if name not in ('manf#', 'manf', 'desc', 'value', 'comment', 'S1PN', 'S1MN', 'S1PL', 'S2PN', 'S2MN', 'S2PL') and name[:-1] not in distributor_dict:
                        dist_mtch = re.match('([^:]+):',name)
                        if dist_mtch and not in distributor_dict:
                            # 'name' is a distibutore (preceded & followed with ':'
                            logger.log(DEBUG_OBSESSIVE, 'Assigning local: for name "{}" dist "{}" ... '.format(name, )
                            # Original code supposes that name is a distributor
                            if SEPRTR not in name: # This field has no distributor.
                                name = 'local:' + name # Assign it to a local distributor.
                        value = str(f.string)
                        if value or v is not None:
                            # Empty value also propagated to force deleting default value
                            fields[name] = value
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def extract_fields(part, variant):
        # Extract XML fields from the part in a library or schematic.

        fields = {}
            for f in part.find('fields').find_all('field'):
                # Store the name and value for each kicost-related field.
                # Remove case of field name along with leading/trailing whitespace.
                name = str(f['name']).lower().strip()
                if name in ign_fields:
                    continue  # Ignore fields in the ignore list.
                elif SEPRTR not in name: # No separator, so get global field value.
                    name = field_name_translations.get(name, name)
                    value = str(f.string)
                    if value and name not in fields:
                        # Only set the field if it is not set yet (which indicates a variant
                        # has been parsed before)
                        fields[name] = value # Do not create empty fields. This is useful
                                             # when used more than one `manf#` alias in one designator.
                    # Now look for fields that start with 'kicost' and possibly
                    # another dot-separated variant field and store their values.
                    # Anything else is in a non-kicost namespace.
                    key_re = 'kicost(\.(?P.*))?:(?P.*)'
                    mtch = re.match(key_re, name, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
                    if mtch:
                        v ='variant')
                        if v is not None and not re.match(variant, v, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
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name = field_name_translations.get(name, name)
                    value = str(f.string)
                    if value:
                        fields[name] = value # Do not create empty fields. This is usefull
                                             # when used more than one `manf#` alias in one designator.
                    # Now look for fields that start with 'kicost' and possibly
                    # another dot-separated variant field and store their values.
                    # Anything else is in a non-kicost namespace.
                    key_re = 'kicost(\.{})?:(?P.*)'.format(variant)
                    mtch = re.match(key_re, name, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
                    if mtch:
                        # The field name is anything that came after the leading
                        # 'kicost' and variant field.
                        name ='name')
                        name = field_name_translations.get(name, name)
                        # If the field name isn't for a manufacturer's part
                        # number or a distributors catalog number, then add
                        # it to 'local' if it doesn't start with a distributor
                        # name and colon.
                        if name not in ('manf#', 'manf') and name[:-1] not in distributor_dict:
                            if SEPRTR not in name: # This field has no distributor.
                                name = 'local:' + name # Assign it to a local distributor.
                        value = str(f.string)
                        if value:
                            fields[name] = value

        except AttributeError:
            pass  # No fields found for this part.
        return fields
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def extract_fields(part, variant):
        # Extract XML fields from the part in a library or schematic.

        fields = {}
            for f in part.find('fields').find_all('field'):
                # Store the name and value for each kicost-related field.
                # Remove case of field name along with leading/trailing whitespace.
                name = str(f['name']).lower().strip()
                if name in ign_fields:
                    continue  # Ignore fields in the ignore list.
                elif SEPRTR not in name: # No separator, so get global field value.
                    name = field_name_translations.get(name, name)
                    value = str(f.string)
                    if value:
                        fields[name] = value # Do not create empty fields. This is usefull
                                             # when used more than one `manf#` alias in one designator.
                    # Now look for fields that start with 'kicost' and possibly
                    # another dot-separated variant field and store their values.
                    # Anything else is in a non-kicost namespace.
                    key_re = 'kicost(\.{})?:(?P.*)'.format(variant)
                    mtch = re.match(key_re, name, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
                    if mtch:
                        # The field name is anything that came after the leading
                        # 'kicost' and variant field.
                        name ='name')
                        name = field_name_translations.get(name, name)
                        # If the field name isn't for a manufacturer's part
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dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(content, [',',';','\t'])
    except csv.Error:
        # If the CSV file only has a single column of data, there may be no
        # delimiter so just set the delimiter to a comma.
        dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(',,,', [','])

    # The first line in the file must be the column header.
    content = content.splitlines()
    logger.log(DEBUG_OVERVIEW, 'Getting CSV header...')
    header_file = next(csv.reader(content,delimiter=dialect.delimiter))
    if len(set(header_file))
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    # Add or remove field translations, ignore in case the trying to
    # re-translate default field names.
    if translate_fields:
        if len(translate_fields)%2 == 1:
            raise Exception('Translation fields argument should have an even number of words.')
        for c in range(0, len(translate_fields), 2):
            #field_name_translations.keys(), field_name_translations.values()
            if translate_fields[c] in field_name_translations.values():
                logger.warning("Not possible re-translate \"{}\" to \"{}\", this is used as internal field names.".format(
                        translate_fields[c].lower(), translate_fields[c+1].lower()
            if translate_fields[c+1]!='~':
                field_name_translations.pop(translate_fields[c].lower(), None)

    # Check the integrity of the user personal fields, this should not
    # be any of the reserved fields.
    # This is checked after the translation `dict` is complete, so an
    # before used name field on the translate dictionary can be used
    # user field.
    user_fields = list(set(user_fields))
    for f in user_fields:
        if f.lower() in field_name_translations.keys():
            logger.warning("\"{f}\" field is a reserved field and can not be used user filed. Try to remove it from internal dictionary using `--translate_filed {f} ~`".format(

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# Libraries.
import sys, os, time
if sys.version_info < (3,0):
    import copy # Necessary because Py2 doesn't have copy in list.
from datetime import datetime
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # To Read XML files.
import re # Regular expression parser.
import logging
from ..global_vars import logger, DEBUG_OVERVIEW, DEBUG_DETAILED, DEBUG_OBSESSIVE # Debug configurations.
from ..global_vars import SEPRTR
from ..distributors.global_vars import distributor_dict
from .tools import field_name_translations, remove_dnp_parts
from .tools import PART_REF_REGEX_NOT_ALLOWED

# Add to deal with the fileds of Altium and WEB tools.
        'designator': 'refs',
        'quantity': 'qty',
        'manufacturer name': 'manf', # Used for some web site tools to part generator in Altium.
        'manufacturer part number': 'manf#'

ALTIUM_NONE = '[NoParam]' # Value of Altium to `None`.
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from datetime import datetime
import csv # CSV file reader.
import re # Regular expression parser.
import logging
from ..global_vars import logger, DEBUG_OVERVIEW, DEBUG_DETAILED, DEBUG_OBSESSIVE # Debug configurations.
from .tools import field_name_translations, remove_dnp_parts, split_refs
from ..distributors.global_vars import distributor_dict

from .eda import eda_class

class generic_csv(eda_class):
    def __init__(self):

# Add to deal with the generic CSV header purchase list.
        'stock code': 'manf#',
        'mfr. no': 'manf#',
        'manpartno': 'manf#',
        'quantity': 'qty',
        'order qty': 'qty',
        'references': 'refs',
        'reference': 'refs',
        'ref': 'refs',
        'customer no': 'refs',
        'parts': 'refs',
        'part': 'refs',
        'value': 'value',
        'package': 'footprint',
        'pcb package': 'footprint', # Used at Proteus.
        '': '',  # This is here because the header row may contain an empty field.
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# If the field name isn't for a manufacturer's part
                    # number or a distributors catalog number, then add
                    # it to 'local' if it doesn't start with a distributor
                    # name and colon.
                    if name not in ('manf#', 'manf') and name[:-1] not in distributor_dict:
                        if SEPRTR not in name: # This field has no distributor.
                            name = 'local:' + name # Assign it to a local distributor.
                    for i in range(qty):
                        if len(value)==qty:
                            v = value[i]
                            v = value[0] # Footprint is just one for group.
                        # Do not create empty fields. This is useful
                        # when used more than one `manf#` alias in one designator.
                        if v and v!=ALTIUM_NONE:
                            fields[i][field_name_translations.get(hdr.lower(),hdr.lower())] = v.strip()
        return refs, fields