How to use humanfriendly - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few humanfriendly examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github xolox / python-executor / executor / View on Github external
def check_termination(self, method):
        """Helper method for process termination tests."""
        with ExternalCommand('sleep', '60', check=False) as cmd:
            timer = Timer()
            # We use a positive but very low timeout so that all of the code
            # involved gets a chance to run, but without slowing us down.
            getattr(cmd, method)(timeout=0.1)
            # Gotcha: Call wait() so that the process (our own subprocess) is
            # reclaimed because until we do so proc.is_running will be True!
            # Now we can verify our assertions.
            assert not cmd.is_running, "Child still running despite graceful termination request!"
            assert timer.elapsed_time < 10, "It look too long to terminate the child!"
github xolox / python-vcs-repo-mgr / vcs_repo_mgr / View on Github external
def test_vcs_control_field(self):
        """Test that Debian ``Vcs-*`` control file fields can be generated."""
        with TemporaryDirectory() as directory:
            repository = self.get_instance(bare=False, local=directory)
            returncode, output = run_cli(
                main, '--repository=%s' % repository.local,
            self.assertEquals(returncode, 0)
            assert repository.control_field in output
            assert repository.find_revision_id() in output
github xolox / python-vcs-repo-mgr / vcs_repo_mgr / View on Github external
def test_find_revision_id(self):
        """Test querying the command line interface for global revision ids."""
        with TemporaryDirectory() as directory:
            repository = self.get_instance(bare=False, local=directory)
            # Check the global revision id of the initial commit.
            revision_id = repository.find_revision_id()
            self.assertIsInstance(revision_id, string_types)
            # Get the global revision id using the command line interface.
            returncode, output = run_cli(
                main, '--repository=%s' % repository.local,
            self.assertEquals(returncode, 0)
            self.assertEquals(output.strip(), revision_id)
github xolox / python-vcs-repo-mgr / vcs_repo_mgr / View on Github external
def test_find_revision_number(self):
        """Test querying the command line interface for local revision numbers."""
        with TemporaryDirectory() as directory:
            repository = self.get_instance(bare=False, local=directory)
            # Check the revision number of the initial commit.
            initial_revision_number = repository.find_revision_number()
            assert initial_revision_number in (0, 1)
            # Create a second commit.
            # Check the revision number of the second commit.
            second_revision_number = repository.find_revision_number()
            assert second_revision_number in (1, 2)
            assert second_revision_number > initial_revision_number
            # Get the local revision number of a revision using the command line interface.
            returncode, output = run_cli(
                main, '--repository=%s' % repository.local,
github xolox / python-vcs-repo-mgr / vcs_repo_mgr / View on Github external
def test_checkout(self):
        """Test checking out of branches."""
        contents_on_default_branch = b"This will be part of the initial commit.\n"
        contents_on_dev_branch = b"Not the same contents.\n"
        unversioned_contents = b"This was never committed.\n"
        with TemporaryDirectory() as directory:
            repository = self.get_instance(bare=False, local=directory)
            # Commit a change to README on another branch.
            # Make sure the working tree can be updated to the default branch.
            self.assertEquals(repository.context.read_file('README'), contents_on_default_branch)
            # Make sure the working tree can be updated to the `dev' branch.
            self.assertEquals(repository.context.read_file('README'), contents_on_dev_branch)
            # Make sure changes in the working tree can be discarded.
            repository.context.write_file('README', unversioned_contents)
            self.assertEquals(repository.context.read_file('README'), contents_on_default_branch)
github xolox / python-vcs-repo-mgr / vcs_repo_mgr / View on Github external
def test_is_clean(self):
        """Test check whether working directory is clean."""
        with TemporaryDirectory() as directory:
            # Initialize a repository object of the parametrized type.
            repository = self.get_instance(bare=False, local=directory)
            # Create the local repository.
            # Make sure the working tree is considered clean.
            assert repository.is_clean is True
            # Commit a file to version control.
            # Make sure the working tree is still considered clean.
            assert repository.is_clean is True
            # Change the previously committed file.
            repository.context.write_file('README', "Not the same contents.\n")
            # Make sure the working tree is now considered dirty.
            assert repository.is_clean is False
            # Make sure ensure_clean() now raises the expected exception.
            self.assertRaises(WorkingTreeNotCleanError, repository.ensure_clean)
github xolox / python-vcs-repo-mgr / vcs_repo_mgr / View on Github external
"""Test querying the command line interface for local revision numbers."""
        with TemporaryDirectory() as directory:
            repository = self.get_instance(bare=False, local=directory)
            # Check the revision number of the initial commit.
            initial_revision_number = repository.find_revision_number()
            assert initial_revision_number in (0, 1)
            # Create a second commit.
            # Check the revision number of the second commit.
            second_revision_number = repository.find_revision_number()
            assert second_revision_number in (1, 2)
            assert second_revision_number > initial_revision_number
            # Get the local revision number of a revision using the command line interface.
            returncode, output = run_cli(
                main, '--repository=%s' % repository.local,
            self.assertEquals(returncode, 0)
            self.assertEquals(int(output), second_revision_number)
github xolox / python-executor / executor / View on Github external
def fudge_factor_hammer():
            timer = Timer()
            returncode, output = run_cli(
                '--fudge-factor=%i' % fudge_factor,
                *python_golf('import sys', 'sys.exit(0)')
            assert returncode == 0
            assert timer.elapsed_time > (fudge_factor / 2.0)
        retry(fudge_factor_hammer, 60)
github xolox / python-vcs-repo-mgr / vcs_repo_mgr / View on Github external
def test_tags(self):
        """Test that tags can be created and introspected."""
        with TemporaryDirectory() as directory:
            repository = self.get_instance(bare=False, local=directory)
            # Create an initial commit and give it a tag.
            initial_tag = random_string(10)
            assert initial_tag not in repository.tags
            assert initial_tag in repository.tags
            # Create a follow up commit and give it a tag.
            followup_tag = random_string(10)
            assert followup_tag not in repository.tags
            assert followup_tag in repository.tags
github xolox / python-vcs-repo-mgr / vcs_repo_mgr / View on Github external
def commit_file(self, repository, filename=None, contents=None, message=None):
        """Commit a file to the given repository."""
        filename = filename or random_string(15)
        contents = contents or random_string(1024)
        exists = repository.context.exists(filename)
        repository.context.write_file(filename, contents)
        repository.commit(message=message or ("Committing %s file '%s'" % (
            "changed" if exists else "new", filename,