How to use the humanfriendly.terminal.ansi_wrap function in humanfriendly

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few humanfriendly examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def test_ansi_wrap(self):
        """Test :func:`humanfriendly.terminal.ansi_wrap()`."""
        text = "Whatever"
        # Make sure ansi_wrap() does nothing when no keyword arguments are given.
        assert text == ansi_wrap(text)
        # Make sure ansi_wrap() starts the text with the CSI sequence.
        assert ansi_wrap(text, bold=True).startswith(ANSI_CSI)
        # Make sure ansi_wrap() ends the text by resetting the ANSI styles.
        assert ansi_wrap(text, bold=True).endswith(ANSI_RESET)
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def test_ansi_width(self):
        """Test :func:`humanfriendly.terminal.ansi_width()`."""
        text = "Whatever"
        # Make sure ansi_width() works as expected on strings without ANSI escape sequences.
        assert len(text) == ansi_width(text)
        # Wrap a text in ANSI escape sequences and make sure ansi_width() treats it as expected.
        wrapped = ansi_wrap(text, bold=True)
        # Make sure ansi_wrap() changed the text.
        assert wrapped != text
        # Make sure ansi_wrap() added additional bytes.
        assert len(wrapped) > len(text)
        # Make sure the result of ansi_width() stays the same.
        assert len(text) == ansi_width(wrapped)
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def test_html_conversion(self):
        """Check the conversion from ANSI escape sequences to HTML."""
        # Check conversion of colored text.
        for color_name, ansi_code in ANSI_COLOR_CODES.items():
            ansi_encoded_text = 'plain text followed by %s text' % ansi_wrap(color_name, color=color_name)
            expected_html = format(
                '<code>plain text followed by <span style="color:{css}">{name}</span> text</code>',
                css=EIGHT_COLOR_PALETTE[ansi_code], name=color_name,
            self.assertEqual(expected_html, convert(ansi_encoded_text))
        # Check conversion of bright colored text.
        expected_html = '<code><span style="color:#FF0">bright yellow</span></code>'
        self.assertEqual(expected_html, convert(ansi_wrap('bright yellow', color='yellow', bright=True)))
        # Check conversion of text with a background color.
        expected_html = '<code><span style="background-color:#DE382B">red background</span></code>'
        self.assertEqual(expected_html, convert(ansi_wrap('red background', background='red')))
        # Check conversion of text with a bright background color.
        expected_html = '<code><span style="background-color:#F00">bright red background</span></code>'
        self.assertEqual(expected_html, convert(ansi_wrap('bright red background', background='red', bright=True)))
        # Check conversion of text that uses the 256 color mode palette as a foreground color.
        expected_html = '<code><span style="color:#FFAF00">256 color mode foreground</span></code>'
        self.assertEqual(expected_html, convert(ansi_wrap('256 color mode foreground', color=214)))
        # Check conversion of text that uses the 256 color mode palette as a background color.
        expected_html = '<code><span style="background-color:#AF0000">256 color mode background</span></code>'
        self.assertEqual(expected_html, convert(ansi_wrap('256 color mode background', background=124)))
        # Check that invalid 256 color mode indexes don't raise exceptions.
        expected_html = '<code>plain text expected</code>'
        self.assertEqual(expected_html, convert('\x1b[38;5;256mplain text expected\x1b[0m'))
        # Check conversion of bold text.
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The default field styles (:data:`DEFAULT_FIELD_STYLES`) define a style for the
        `name` field but not for the `process` field, however because both fields
        are part of the same whitespace delimited token they'll be highlighted
        together in the style defined for the `name` field.
        result = []
        parser = FormatStringParser(style=style)
        for group in parser.get_grouped_pairs(fmt):
            applicable_styles = [self.nn.get(self.field_styles, for token in group if]
            if sum(map(bool, applicable_styles)) == 1:
                # If exactly one (1) field style is available for the group of
                # tokens then all of the tokens will be styled the same way.
                # This provides a limited form of backwards compatibility with
                # the (intended) behavior of coloredlogs before the release of
                # version 10.
                    ''.join(token.text for token in group),
                    **next(s for s in applicable_styles if s)
                for token in group:
                    text = token.text
                        field_styles = self.nn.get(self.field_styles,
                        if field_styles:
                            text = ansi_wrap(text, **field_styles)
        return ''.join(result)
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# If exactly one (1) field style is available for the group of
                # tokens then all of the tokens will be styled the same way.
                # This provides a limited form of backwards compatibility with
                # the (intended) behavior of coloredlogs before the release of
                # version 10.
                    ''.join(token.text for token in group),
                    **next(s for s in applicable_styles if s)
                for token in group:
                    text = token.text
                        field_styles = self.nn.get(self.field_styles,
                        if field_styles:
                            text = ansi_wrap(text, **field_styles)
        return ''.join(result)
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def prepare_prompt_text(prompt_text, **options):
    Wrap a text to be rendered as an interactive prompt in ANSI escape sequences.

    :param prompt_text: The text to render on the prompt (a string).
    :param options: Any keyword arguments are passed on to :func:`.ansi_wrap()`.
    :returns: The resulting prompt text (a string).

    ANSI escape sequences are only used when the standard output stream is
    connected to a terminal. When the standard input stream is connected to a
    terminal any escape sequences are wrapped in "readline hints".
    return (ansi_wrap(prompt_text, readline_hints=connected_to_terminal(sys.stdin), **options)
            if terminal_supports_colors(sys.stdout)
            else prompt_text)
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- Short and long command line options
    - Environment variables
    - Meta variables (see :func:`find_meta_variables()`)

    All items are highlighted in the color defined by
    # Ugly workaround to avoid circular import errors due to interdependencies
    # between the humanfriendly.terminal and humanfriendly.usage modules.
    from humanfriendly.terminal import ansi_wrap, HIGHLIGHT_COLOR
    formatted_lines = []
    meta_variables = find_meta_variables(usage_text)
    for line in usage_text.strip().splitlines(True):
        if line.startswith(USAGE_MARKER):
            # Highlight the "Usage: ..." line in bold font and color.
            formatted_lines.append(ansi_wrap(line, color=HIGHLIGHT_COLOR))
            # Highlight options, meta variables and environment variables.
                line, meta_variables,
                lambda token: ansi_wrap(token, color=HIGHLIGHT_COLOR),
    return ''.join(formatted_lines)