How to use the h5pyd.__name__ function in h5pyd

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few h5pyd examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github HDFGroup / h5pyd / test / View on Github external
filename = self.getFileName("query_dset")
        f = h5py.File(filename, "w")

        count = 100
        dt = np.dtype([('a',, ('b',])
        dset = f.create_dataset('dset', (count,), dtype=dt)

        elem = dset[0]
        for i in range(count):
            elem['a'] = i // 10
            elem['b'] = i % 10
            dset[i] = elem

        # select from dset1
        if h5py.__name__ == "h5pyd":
            count = 0
            for row in dset.read_where("b>4"):
                self.assertTrue(row[1] > 4)
                count += 1

            self.assertEqual(count, 50)

github HDFGroup / h5pyd / test / View on Github external
def test_create(self):
        filename = self.getFileName("new_file")
        print("filename:", filename)
        now = time.time()
        f = h5py.File(filename, 'w')
        self.assertEqual(f.filename, filename)
        self.assertEqual(, "/")
        self.assertTrue( is not None)
        self.assertEqual(len(f.keys()), 0)
        self.assertEqual(f.mode, 'r+')
        is_hsds = False
        if isinstance(, str) and"g-"):
            is_hsds = True  # HSDS has different permission defaults
        if h5py.__name__ == "h5pyd":
        self.assertTrue( is not None)
        self.assertTrue('/' in f)
        # Check domain's timestamps
        if h5py.__name__ == "h5pyd" and is_hsds:
            # TBD: remove is_hsds when h5serv timestamp changed to float
            #print("modified:", datetime.fromtimestamp(f.modified), f.modified)
            #print("created: ", datetime.fromtimestamp(f.created), f.created)
            #print("now:     ", datetime.fromtimestamp(now), now)
            # verify the timestamps make sense
            # we add a 30-sec margin to account for possible time skew
            # between client and server
            self.assertTrue(f.created - 30.0 < now)
            self.assertTrue(f.created + 30.0 > now)
            self.assertTrue(f.modified - 30.0 < now)
            self.assertTrue(f.modified + 30.0 > now)
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self.assertTrue(isinstance(val, np.int64))

        # try will ellipsis
        val = dset[...]
        self.assertEqual(val, 24)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(val, np.ndarray))

        # try setting value using tuple
        dset[()] = 99
        val = dset[()]
        self.assertEqual(val, 99)

        self.assertEqual(dset.file.filename, filename)

        # Check dataset's last modified time
        if h5py.__name__ == "h5pyd":
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(dset.modified, datetime))

github HDFGroup / h5pyd / test / View on Github external
# create group using nested path
        g2 = r['g2']
        r['g1/g1.3'] = g2

        self.assertEqual(len(r), 4)

        # try creating a link with a space in the name
        r["a space"] = g2
        self.assertEqual(len(r), 5)

        # re-create softlink
        r['mysoftlink'] = h5py.SoftLink('/g1/g1.1')

        # Check group's last modified time
        if h5py.__name__ == "h5pyd":
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(g1.modified, datetime))
            #self.assertEqual(g1.modified.tzname(), six.u('UTC'))


        # re-open file in read-only mode
        f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
        self.assertEqual(len(f), 6)
        for name in ("g1", "g2", "g4", "g1.1", "a space", "mysoftlink"):
            self.assertTrue(name in f)
        self.assertTrue("/g1/g1.1" in f)
        g1_1 = f["/g1/g1.1"]
        linkee_class = r.get('mysoftlink', getclass=True)
        self.assertEqual(linkee_class, h5py.Group)
        link_class = r.get('mysoftlink', getclass=True, getlink=True)
        self.assertEqual(link_class, h5py.SoftLink)
github HDFGroup / h5pyd / test / View on Github external
def test_serverinfo(self):
        if h5py.__name__ == "h5pyd":
            info = h5py.getServerInfo()
            self.assertTrue("greeting" in info)
            self.assertTrue("name" in info)
            self.assertTrue("about" in info)
            self.assertTrue("endpoint" in info)
            self.assertTrue("username" in info)
            self.assertTrue("password" in info)
github HDFGroup / h5pyd / test / View on Github external
self.assertEqual(str(dset.dtype), 'float32')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(dset.maxshape, tuple))
        self.assertEqual(len(dset.maxshape), 2)
        self.assertEqual(dset.maxshape[0], 40)
        self.assertEqual(dset.maxshape[1], 80)
        self.assertEqual(dset[0,0], 0)

        dset_ref = f['/simple_dset']
        self.assertTrue(dset_ref is not None)
        if not config.get("use_h5py"):
            # obj ids should be the same with h5pyd (but not h5py)
            # Check dataset's last modified time
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(dset.modified, datetime))

        if h5py.__name__ == "h5pyd":
            # test h5pyd extensions
            if not config.get('use_h5py') and isinstance(, str) and"g-"):
                print("test h5pyd extensions")
                self.assertEqual(dset.num_chunks, 0)
                self.assertEqual(dset.allocated_size, 0)

        # try with chunk=True
        dset_chunked = f.create_dataset('chunked_dset', dims, dtype='f4', chunks=True)
        if config.get('use_h5py') or (isinstance(, str) and"g-")):
            # h5serv not reporting chunks
            self.assertTrue(dset_chunked.chunks is None)
