How to use the gtsam.Values function in gtsam

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gtsam examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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    3, 4, gtsam.Pose2(2, 0, math.pi / 2), ODOMETRY_NOISE))
    4, 5, gtsam.Pose2(2, 0, math.pi / 2), ODOMETRY_NOISE))

# 2c. Add the loop closure constraint
# This factor encodes the fact that we have returned to the same pose. In real
# systems, these constraints may be identified in many ways, such as appearance-based
# techniques with camera images. We will use another Between Factor to enforce this constraint:
    5, 2, gtsam.Pose2(2, 0, math.pi / 2), ODOMETRY_NOISE))
print("\nFactor Graph:\n{}".format(graph))  # print

# 3. Create the data structure to hold the initial_estimate estimate to the
# solution. For illustrative purposes, these have been deliberately set to incorrect values
initial_estimate = gtsam.Values()
initial_estimate.insert(1, gtsam.Pose2(0.5, 0.0, 0.2))
initial_estimate.insert(2, gtsam.Pose2(2.3, 0.1, -0.2))
initial_estimate.insert(3, gtsam.Pose2(4.1, 0.1, math.pi / 2))
initial_estimate.insert(4, gtsam.Pose2(4.0, 2.0, math.pi))
initial_estimate.insert(5, gtsam.Pose2(2.1, 2.1, -math.pi / 2))
print("\nInitial Estimate:\n{}".format(initial_estimate))  # print

# 4. Optimize the initial values using a Gauss-Newton nonlinear optimizer
# The optimizer accepts an optional set of configuration parameters,
# controlling things like convergence criteria, the type of linear
# system solver to use, and the amount of information displayed during
# optimization. We will set a few parameters as a demonstration.
parameters = gtsam.GaussNewtonParams()

# Stop iterating once the change in error between steps is less than this value
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priorMean = gtsam.Pose2(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)  # prior at origin
priorNoise = gtsam.noiseModel.Diagonal.Sigmas(np.array([0.3, 0.3, 0.1]))
graph.add(gtsam.PriorFactorPose2(1, priorMean, priorNoise))

# Add odometry factors
odometry = gtsam.Pose2(2.0, 0.0, 0.0)
# For simplicity, we will use the same noise model for each odometry factor
odometryNoise = gtsam.noiseModel.Diagonal.Sigmas(np.array([0.2, 0.2, 0.1]))
# Create odometry (Between) factors between consecutive poses
graph.add(gtsam.BetweenFactorPose2(1, 2, odometry, odometryNoise))
graph.add(gtsam.BetweenFactorPose2(2, 3, odometry, odometryNoise))
graph.print("\nFactor Graph:\n")

# Create the data structure to hold the initialEstimate estimate to the solution
# For illustrative purposes, these have been deliberately set to incorrect values
initial = gtsam.Values()
initial.insert(1, gtsam.Pose2(0.5, 0.0, 0.2))
initial.insert(2, gtsam.Pose2(2.3, 0.1, -0.2))
initial.insert(3, gtsam.Pose2(4.1, 0.1, 0.1))
initial.print("\nInitial Estimate:\n")

# optimize using Levenberg-Marquardt optimization
params = gtsam.LevenbergMarquardtParams()
optimizer = gtsam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(graph, initial, params)
result = optimizer.optimize()
result.print("\nFinal Result:\n")
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delta_t = 1.0/18  # makes for 10 degrees per step

    angular_velocity_vector = vector3(0, -angular_velocity, 0)
    linear_velocity_vector = vector3(radius * angular_velocity, 0, 0)
    scenario = gtsam.ConstantTwistScenario(
        angular_velocity_vector, linear_velocity_vector, pose_0)

    # Create a factor graph
    newgraph = gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph()

    # Create (incremental) ISAM2 solver
    isam = gtsam.ISAM2()

    # Create the initial estimate to the solution
    # Intentionally initialize the variables off from the ground truth
    initialEstimate = gtsam.Values()

    # Add a prior on pose x0. This indirectly specifies where the origin is.
    # 30cm std on x,y,z 0.1 rad on roll,pitch,yaw
    noise = gtsam.noiseModel_Diagonal.Sigmas(
        np.array([0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]))
    newgraph.push_back(gtsam.PriorFactorPose3(X(0), pose_0, noise))

    # Add imu priors
    biasKey = gtsam.symbol(ord('b'), 0)
    biasnoise = gtsam.noiseModel_Isotropic.Sigma(6, 0.1)
    biasprior = gtsam.PriorFactorConstantBias(biasKey, gtsam.imuBias_ConstantBias(),
    initialEstimate.insert(biasKey, gtsam.imuBias_ConstantBias())
    velnoise = gtsam.noiseModel_Isotropic.Sigma(3, 0.1)
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# Create an iSAM2 object. Unlike iSAM1, which performs periodic batch steps
    # to maintain proper linearization and efficient variable ordering, iSAM2
    # performs partial relinearization/reordering at each step. A parameter
    # structure is available that allows the user to set various properties, such
    # as the relinearization threshold and type of linear solver. For this
    # example, we we set the relinearization threshold small so the iSAM2 result
    # will approach the batch result.
    parameters = gtsam.ISAM2Params()
    isam = gtsam.ISAM2(parameters)

    # Create a Factor Graph and Values to hold the new data
    graph = gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph()
    initial_estimate = gtsam.Values()

    #  Loop over the different poses, adding the observations to iSAM incrementally
    for i, pose in enumerate(poses):

        # Add factors for each landmark observation
        for j, point in enumerate(points):
            camera = gtsam.PinholeCameraCal3_S2(pose, K)
            measurement = camera.project(point)
                measurement, measurement_noise, X(i), L(j), K))

        # Add an initial guess for the current pose
        # Intentionally initialize the variables off from the ground truth
        initial_estimate.insert(X(i), pose.compose(gtsam.Pose3(
            gtsam.Rot3.Rodrigues(-0.1, 0.2, 0.25), gtsam.Point3(0.05, -0.10, 0.20))))
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def step(data, isam, result, truth, currPoseIndex):
    Do one step isam update
    @param[in] data: measurement data (odometry and visual measurements and their noiseModels)
    @param[in/out] isam: current isam object, will be updated
    @param[in/out] result: current result object, will be updated
    @param[in] truth: ground truth data, used to initialize new variables
    @param[currPoseIndex]: index of the current pose
    # iSAM expects us to give it a new set of factors
    # along with initial estimates for any new variables introduced.
    newFactors = gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph()
    initialEstimates = gtsam.Values()

    # Add odometry
    prevPoseIndex = currPoseIndex - 1
    odometry = data.odometry[prevPoseIndex]
            symbol(ord('x'), prevPoseIndex),
            symbol(ord('x'), currPoseIndex), odometry,

    # Add visual measurement factors and initializations as necessary
    for k in range(len(data.Z[currPoseIndex])):
        zij = data.Z[currPoseIndex][k]
        j = data.J[currPoseIndex][k]
        jj = symbol(ord('l'), j)
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graph.print_('full graph')

    Step 3: Create an initial estimate

    An initial estimate of the solution for the system is necessary to
    start optimization.  This system state is the "Values" instance,
    which is similar in structure to a dictionary, in that it maps
    keys (the label created in step 1) to specific values.

    The initial estimate provided to optimization will be used as
    a linearization point for optimization, so it is important that
    all of the variables in the graph have a corresponding value in
    this structure.
    initial = gtsam.Values()
    initial.insert(key, gtsam.Rot2.fromAngle(np.deg2rad(20)))
    initial.print_('initial estimate')

    Step 4: Optimize

    After formulating the problem with a graph of constraints
    and an initial estimate, executing optimization is as simple
    as calling a general optimization function with the graph and
    initial estimate.  This will yield a new RotValues structure
    with the final state of the optimization.
    result = gtsam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(graph, initial).optimize()
    result.print_('final result')
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def circlePose3(numPoses=8, radius=1.0, symbolChar=0):
    circlePose3 generates a set of poses in a circle. This function
    returns those poses inside a gtsam.Values object, with sequential
    keys starting from 0. An optional character may be provided, which
    will be stored in the msb of each key (i.e. gtsam.Symbol).

    We use aerospace/navlab convention, X forward, Y right, Z down
    First pose will be at (R,0,0)
    ^y   ^ X
    |    |
    z-->xZ--> Y  (z pointing towards viewer, Z pointing away from viewer)
    Vehicle at p0 is looking towards y axis (X-axis points towards world y)

    values = gtsam.Values()
    theta = 0.0
    dtheta = 2 * pi / numPoses
    gRo = gtsam.Rot3(
            [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]], order='F'
    for i in range(numPoses):
        key = gtsam.symbol(chr(symbolChar), i)
        gti = Point3(radius * cos(theta), radius * sin(theta), 0)
        oRi = gtsam.Rot3.Yaw(
        )  # negative yaw goes counterclockwise, with Z down !
        gTi = gtsam.Pose3(gRo.compose(oRi), gti)
        values.insert(key, gTi)
        theta = theta + dtheta
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def BatchFixedLagSmootherExample():
    Runs a batch fixed smoother on an agent with two odometry
    sensors that is simply moving to the

    # Define a batch fixed lag smoother, which uses
    # Levenberg-Marquardt to perform the nonlinear optimization
    lag = 2.0
    smoother_batch = gtsam_unstable.BatchFixedLagSmoother(lag)

    # Create containers to store the factors and linearization points
    # that will be sent to the smoothers
    new_factors = gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph()
    new_values = gtsam.Values()
    new_timestamps = gtsam_unstable.FixedLagSmootherKeyTimestampMap()

    # Create  a prior on the first pose, placing it at the origin
    prior_mean = gtsam.Pose2(0, 0, 0)
    prior_noise = gtsam.noiseModel_Diagonal.Sigmas(np.array([0.3, 0.3, 0.1]))
    X1 = 0
    new_factors.push_back(gtsam.PriorFactorPose2(X1, prior_mean, prior_noise))
    new_values.insert(X1, prior_mean)
    new_timestamps.insert(_timestamp_key_value(X1, 0.0))

    delta_time = 0.25
    time = 0.25

    while time <= 3.0:
        previous_key = 1000 * (time - delta_time)
        current_key = 1000 * time