How to use the gtsam.Pose3 function in gtsam

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gtsam examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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values = gtsam.Values()
    theta = 0.0
    dtheta = 2 * pi / numPoses
    gRo = gtsam.Rot3(
            [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]], order='F'
    for i in range(numPoses):
        key = gtsam.symbol(chr(symbolChar), i)
        gti = Point3(radius * cos(theta), radius * sin(theta), 0)
        oRi = gtsam.Rot3.Yaw(
        )  # negative yaw goes counterclockwise, with Z down !
        gTi = gtsam.Pose3(gRo.compose(oRi), gti)
        values.insert(key, gTi)
        theta = theta + dtheta
    return values
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graph = gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph()
    initial_estimate = gtsam.Values()

    #  Loop over the different poses, adding the observations to iSAM incrementally
    for i, pose in enumerate(poses):

        # Add factors for each landmark observation
        for j, point in enumerate(points):
            camera = gtsam.PinholeCameraCal3_S2(pose, K)
            measurement = camera.project(point)
                measurement, measurement_noise, X(i), L(j), K))

        # Add an initial guess for the current pose
        # Intentionally initialize the variables off from the ground truth
        initial_estimate.insert(X(i), pose.compose(gtsam.Pose3(
            gtsam.Rot3.Rodrigues(-0.1, 0.2, 0.25), gtsam.Point3(0.05, -0.10, 0.20))))

        # If this is the first iteration, add a prior on the first pose to set the
        # coordinate frame and a prior on the first landmark to set the scale.
        # Also, as iSAM solves incrementally, we must wait until each is observed
        # at least twice before adding it to iSAM.
        if i == 0:
            # Add a prior on pose x0
            pose_noise = gtsam.noiseModel_Diagonal.Sigmas(np.array(
                [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]))  # 30cm std on x,y,z 0.1 rad on roll,pitch,yaw
            graph.push_back(gtsam.PriorFactorPose3(X(0), poses[0], pose_noise))

            # Add a prior on landmark l0
            point_noise = gtsam.noiseModel_Isotropic.Sigma(3, 0.1)
                L(0), points[0], point_noise))  # add directly to graph
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def __init__(self, K=gtsam.Cal3_S2(), nrCameras=3, nrPoints=4):
        self.K = K
        self.Z = [x[:] for x in [[gtsam.Point2()] * nrPoints] * nrCameras]
        self.J = [x[:] for x in [[0] * nrPoints] * nrCameras]
        self.odometry = [gtsam.Pose3()] * nrCameras

        # Set Noise parameters
        self.noiseModels = Data.NoiseModels()
        self.noiseModels.posePrior = gtsam.noiseModel_Diagonal.Sigmas(
            np.array([0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]))
        # noiseModels.odometry = gtsam.noiseModel_Diagonal.Sigmas(
        #    np.array([0.001,0.001,0.001,0.1,0.1,0.1]))
        self.noiseModels.odometry = gtsam.noiseModel_Diagonal.Sigmas(
            np.array([0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2]))
        self.noiseModels.pointPrior = gtsam.noiseModel_Isotropic.Sigma(3, 0.1)
        self.noiseModels.measurement = gtsam.noiseModel_Isotropic.Sigma(2, 1.0)
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# IMU preintegration parameters
# Default Params for a Z-up navigation frame, such as ENU: gravity points along negative Z-axis
g = 9.81
n_gravity = vector3(0, 0, -g)
PARAMS = gtsam.PreintegrationParams.MakeSharedU(g)
I = np.eye(3)
PARAMS.setAccelerometerCovariance(I * 0.1)
PARAMS.setGyroscopeCovariance(I * 0.1)
PARAMS.setIntegrationCovariance(I * 0.1)
PARAMS.setOmegaCoriolis(vector3(0, 0, 0))

BIAS_COVARIANCE = gtsam.noiseModel_Isotropic.Variance(6, 0.1)
DELTA = gtsam.Pose3(gtsam.Rot3.Rodrigues(0, 0, 0),
                    gtsam.Point3(0.05, -0.10, 0.20))

def IMU_example():
    """Run iSAM 2 example with IMU factor."""

    # Start with a camera on x-axis looking at origin
    radius = 30
    up = gtsam.Point3(0, 0, 1)
    target = gtsam.Point3(0, 0, 0)
    position = gtsam.Point3(radius, 0, 0)
    camera = gtsam.SimpleCamera.Lookat(position, target, up, gtsam.Cal3_S2())
    pose_0 = camera.pose()

    # Create the set of ground-truth landmarks and poses
    angular_velocity = math.radians(180)  # rad/sec
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# Force symbolChar to be a single character
    if type(symbolChar) is str:
        symbolChar = ord(symbolChar[0])

    values = gtsam.Values()
    theta = 0.0
    dtheta = 2 * pi / numPoses
    gRo = gtsam.Rot3(
        np.array([[0., 1., 0.], [1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., -1.]], order='F'))
    for i in range(numPoses):
        key = gtsam.symbol(symbolChar, i)
        gti = gtsam.Point3(radius * cos(theta), radius * sin(theta), 0)
        oRi = gtsam.Rot3.Yaw(
            -theta)  # negative yaw goes counterclockwise, with Z down !
        gTi = gtsam.Pose3(gRo.compose(oRi), gti)
        values.insert(key, gTi)
        theta = theta + dtheta
    return values