How to use the enable.container.Container function in enable

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few enable examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def __init__(self, component, **traits):
        self.component = component
        Container.__init__( self, **traits )
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def _bounds_changed(self, old, new):
        # crappy... calling our parent's handler seems like a common traits
        # event handling problem
        super(Container, self)._bounds_changed(old, new)
        self._layout_needed = True
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from __future__ import with_statement

# Enthought library imports
from traits.api import Any, Bool, DelegatesTo, Float, Instance, Int

# Local, relative imports
from .base import intersect_bounds, empty_rectangle
from .colors import ColorTrait
from .component import Component
from .container import Container
from .viewport import Viewport
from .native_scrollbar import NativeScrollBar

class Scrolled(Container):
    A Scrolled acts like a viewport with scrollbars for positioning the view
    position.  Rather than subclassing from viewport, it delegates to one.

    # The component that we are viewing
    component = Instance(Component)

    # The viewport onto our component
    viewport_component = Instance(Viewport, ())

    # Whether or not the viewport should stay constrained to the bounds
    # of the viewed component
    stay_inside = DelegatesTo('viewport_component')

    # Where to anchor vertically on resizes
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def _component_changed(self, old, new):
        if old is not None:
            old.on_trait_change(self.component_bounds_changed, 'bounds', remove=True)
            old.window = None

        if new is None:
            self.component = Container()

        new.window = self

        # If possible, size the new component according to the size of the
        # toolkit control
        size = self._get_control_size()
        if (size is not None) and hasattr(self.component, "bounds"):
            new.on_trait_change(self.component_bounds_changed, 'bounds')
            if getattr(self.component, "fit_window", False):
                self.component.outer_position = [0,0]
                self.component.outer_bounds = list(size)
            elif hasattr(self.component, "resizable"):
                if "h" in self.component.resizable:
                    self.component.outer_x = 0
                    self.component.outer_width = size[0]
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def _draw_underlay(self, gc, view_bounds=None, mode="default"):
        if self.draw_axes:
            x, y, x2, y2 = self.view_bounds
            if (x <= 0 <= x2) or (y <= 0 <= y2):
                with gc:
                    gc.move_to(0, y)
                    gc.line_to(0, y2)
                    gc.move_to(x, 0)
                    gc.line_to(x2, 0)
        super(Container, self)._draw_underlay(gc, view_bounds, mode)
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def components_at(self, x, y, add_containers = False):
        Returns the list of components inside the viewport at the given (x,y)
        in the viewport's native coordinate space (not in the space of the
        component it is viewing).

        Although Viewports are not containers, they support this method.
        if self.is_in(x, y):
            if self.component is not None:
                # Transform (scale + translate) the incoming X and Y
                # coordinates from our coordinate system into the coordinate
                # system of the component we are viewing.
                x_trans, y_trans = self.viewport_to_component(x, y)

                if isinstance(self.component, Container):
                    return self.component.components_at(x_trans, y_trans)
                elif self.component.is_in(x_trans, y_trans):
                    return [self.component]
                    return []
            return []
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""" Containers which lay out their components horizontally or vertically


from traits.api import Enum, Float

from .container import Container
from .stacked_layout import stacked_preferred_size, stack_layout

class StackedContainer(Container):
    """ Base class for stacked containers

    # The dimension along which to stack components that are added to
    # this container.
    stack_dimension = Enum("h", "v")

    # The "other" dimension, i.e., the dual of the stack dimension.
    other_dimension = Enum("v", "h")

    # The index into obj.position and obj.bounds that corresponds to
    # **stack_dimension**.  This is a class-level and not an instance-level
    # attribute. It must be 0 or 1.
    stack_index = 0

    # The amount of space to put between components.
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import six

# traits imports
from traits.api import Any, Bool, Callable, Dict, Either, Instance, List, \

# local imports
from .container import Container
from .coordinate_box import CoordinateBox
from .layout.layout_helpers import expand_constraints
from .layout.layout_manager import LayoutManager
from .layout.utils import (
    add_symbolic_contents_constraints, get_from_constraints_namespace)

class ConstraintsContainer(Container):
    """ A Container which lays out its child components using a
    constraints-based layout solver.

    # A read-only symbolic object that represents the left boundary of
    # the component
    contents_left = Property(fget=get_from_constraints_namespace)

    # A read-only symbolic object that represents the right boundary
    # of the component
    contents_right = Property(fget=get_from_constraints_namespace)

    # A read-only symbolic object that represents the bottom boundary
    # of the component
    contents_bottom = Property(fget=get_from_constraints_namespace)
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def __init__(self, **traits):
        self._scroll_origin = (0.0, 0.0)
        self._update_region = None
        self._gc = None
        self._pointer_owner = None
        HasTraits.__init__(self, **traits)

        # Create a default component (if necessary):
        if self.component is None:
            self.component = Container()
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""" Defines the enable Canvas class """

from __future__ import with_statement

# Enthought library imports
from traits.api import Bool, Trait, Tuple, List
from kiva.constants import FILL

# Local relative imports
from .component import Component
from .container import Container

class Canvas(Container):
    An infinite canvas with components on it.  It can optionally be given
    a "view region" which will be used as the notional bounds of the
    canvas in all operations that require bounds.

    A Canvas can be nested inside another container, but usually a
    viewport is more appropriate.

    Note: A Canvas has infinite bounds, but its .bounds attribute is
    overloaded to be something more meaningful, namely, the bounding
    box of its child components and the optional view area of the
    viewport that is looking at it.  (TODO: add support for multiple

    # This optional tuple of (x,y,x2,y2) allows viewports to inform the canvas of