How to use the enable.base_tool.BaseTool function in enable

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few enable examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def intersperse(m, delim):
        intersperse ```delim``` in m

    m = iter(m)
    yield next(m)
    for x in m:
        yield delim
        yield x

class InfoInspector(BaseTool):
    metadata_changed = Event
    current_position = None
    current_screen = None
    # use_pane = False
    inspector_item = Event
    # inspector_item_klass = BaseInspectorItem
    event_queue = None
    hittest_threshold = 5

    def normal_mouse_move(self, event):
        xy = event.x, event.y
            pos = self.component.hittest(xy, threshold=self.hittest_threshold)
        except IndexError:
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consume = False
        if suffix == self.drag_button + "_down":
            consume = self._drag_button_down(event)
        elif suffix == self.drag_button + "_up":
            consume = self._drag_button_up(event)
        elif suffix == "mouse_move":
            consume = self._drag_mouse_move(event)
        elif suffix == "mouse_leave":
            consume = self._drag_mouse_leave(event)
        elif suffix == "mouse_enter":
            consume = self._drag_mouse_enter(event)
        elif suffix == "key_pressed":
            consume = self._drag_cancel_keypressed(event)

        if not consume:
            BaseTool._dispatch_stateful_event(self, event, suffix)
            event.handled = True
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def __init__(self, component=None, **kwtraits):
        if "component" in kwtraits:
            component = kwtraits["component"]
        super(BaseTool, self).__init__(**kwtraits)
        self.component = component
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#============= enthought library imports =======================
from traits.api import Any, Event, Instance, List
from traitsui.api import View, UItem, Group, VGroup
from enable.base_tool import BaseTool
from chaco.abstract_overlay import AbstractOverlay
from enable.colors import ColorTrait
from pyface.tasks.traits_dock_pane import TraitsDockPane
from chaco.plot import Plot

from pychron.processing.tasks.plot_editor import PlotEditor, AnnotationEditor

#============= standard library imports ========================
#============= local library imports  ==========================
class SelectorTool(BaseTool):
    editor = Any
    editor_event = Event

    def normal_key_pressed(self, event):
        if event.character == 's':

    def select_key_pressed(self, event):

    def _toggle_state(self):
        if self.event_state == 'normal':
            self.event_state = 'select'
            self.editor_event = self.editor
            self.event_state = 'normal'
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# ===============================================================================

# ============= enthought library imports =======================
from __future__ import absolute_import
from chaco.text_box_overlay import TextBoxOverlay
from enable.base_tool import BaseTool, KeySpec
from traits.api import Event, Any, Enum, Tuple, Bool, Int

# ============= standard library imports ========================
from datetime import datetime
from six.moves import zip

# ============= local library imports  ==========================

class DataTool(BaseTool):
    new_value = Event
    last_mouse_position = Tuple
    visible = Bool(True)
    inspector_key = KeySpec('i')
    parent = Any
    plot = Any
    plotid = Int
    use_date_str = True
    normalize_time = False
    x_format = '{:0.2f}'

    def normal_key_pressed(self, event):
        if self.inspector_key.match(event):
            self.visible = not self.visible
            event.handled = True
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""" Defines the base DragTool class.
import six.moves as sm
# Enthought library imports
from traits.api import Bool, Enum, Tuple, Property, cached_property, List, Str
from enable.base_tool import BaseTool, KeySpec

class DragTool(BaseTool):
    """ Base class for tools that are activated by a drag operation.

    This tool insulates the drag operation from double clicks and the like, and
    gracefully manages the transition into and out of drag mode.

    # The mouse button used for this drag operation.
    drag_button = Enum("left", "right")

    # End the drag operation if the mouse leaves the associated component?
    end_drag_on_leave = Bool(True)

    # These keys, if pressed during drag, cause the drag operation to reset.
    cancel_keys = List(Str, ["Esc"])

    # The position of the initial mouse click that started the drag.
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#============= local library imports  ==========================
from pychron.loggable import Loggable
# from pychron.core.helpers.parsers.xml_parser import XMLParser
# #from pychron.core.ui.custom_label_editor import CustomLabelEditor
# from import XYInspectorOverlay, XYInspector
# from pychron.graph.image_underlay import ImageUnderlay
# from pychron.core.geometry.reference_point import ReferencePoint
from chaco.abstract_overlay import AbstractOverlay
from pyface.file_dialog import FileDialog
from pyface.constant import OK
# from pychron.regex import make_image_regex
from pychron.media_server.image_viewer import ImageViewer
from pychron.media_server.finder import Finder

class ReferencePointsTool(BaseTool):
    current_position = Tuple
    points = List
    def normal_left_down(self, event):
        pos = event.x, event.y
        self.current_position = pos
#        dp = self.component.map_data(pos, all_values=True)

class ReferencePointsOverlay(AbstractOverlay):
    tool = Any
    _cached_points = None

#    def do_layout(self):
#        self._cached_points = None

    def overlay(self, component, gc, *args, **kw):
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        bb_width, bb_height = self.get_bounding_box(gc)

        offset = 2
        xoffset = self.xoffset
        (0, bb_height+offset),
        (bb_width+offset, bb_height+offset),
        (bb_width+offset, -offset),


class MarkerTool(BaseTool):
    overlay = None
    text = ''
    def normal_left_dclick(self, event):
        self.overlay.add_marker(event.x,event.y, self.text)

class MarkerOverlay(AbstractOverlay):
    _cached_labels = List

    def add_marker(self, x, y, text):
        # x=self.component.x+x
        self._cached_labels.append(MarkerLabel(x=x+10, y=y, text=text))

    def overlay(self, other_component, gc, view_bounds=None, mode="normal"):
        with gc:
            # self._load_cached_labels()
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# limitations under the License.
# ===============================================================================

# ============= enthought library imports =======================
from traits.api import Float, Instance, Str, Tuple
from chaco.abstract_overlay import AbstractOverlay
from enable.base_tool import BaseTool
from enable.colors import ColorTrait
# ============= standard library imports ========================
import string
# ============= local library imports  ==========================
from pychron.core.helpers.formatting import floatfmt
from pychron.processing.plotters.ideogram.mean_indicator_overlay import XYPlotLabel

class LimitsTool(BaseTool):
    ruler_pos = Tuple
    ruler_data_pos = Float
    orientation = 'x'
    active = False

    entered_value = Str

    def _set_entered_value(self, c):
        if c == '.' or c in string.digits:
            self.entered_value += c
        elif c in ('Backspace', 'Delete'):
            self.entered_value = self.entered_value[:-1]

    def drag_key_pressed(self, event):
        c = event.character
        if c == 'Esc':
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pd = ArrayPlotData()
        pd.set_data("imagedata", self.image)

        # Create the plot
        plot = Plot(pd)
        img_plot = plot.img_plot("imagedata")

        # Tweak some of the plot properties
        plot.padding = 0

        # Attach some tools to the plot
        return plot

class ClickTool(BaseTool):

    vertices = List()

    def normal_left_down(self, event):
        self.vertices.append(self.component.map_data((event.x, event.y)))
        print self.vertices[-1]'vertices.npy', np.array(self.vertices))

import enaml
from enaml.qt.qt_application import QtApplication

def main():
    import sys
    from scipy.ndimage import imread