How to use the coffea.util.numpy.array function in coffea

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few coffea examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github CoffeaTeam / coffea / tests / View on Github external
def test_clopper_pearson_interval():
    from coffea.hist.plot import clopper_pearson_interval

    # Reference values for CL=0.6800 calculated with ROOT's TEfficiency
    num = np.array([1., 5., 10., 10.])
    denom = np.array([10., 10., 10., 437.])
    ref_hi = np.array([0.293313782248242, 0.6944224231766912, 1.0, 0.032438865381336446])
    ref_lo = np.array([0.01728422272382846, 0.3055775768233088, 0.8325532074018731, 0.015839046981153772])

    interval = clopper_pearson_interval(num, denom, coverage=0.68)

    threshold = 1e-6
    assert(all((interval[1, :] / ref_hi) - 1 < threshold))
    assert(all((interval[0, :] / ref_lo) - 1 < threshold))
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / tests / View on Github external
def test_clopper_pearson_interval():
    from coffea.hist.plot import clopper_pearson_interval

    # Reference values for CL=0.6800 calculated with ROOT's TEfficiency
    num = np.array([1., 5., 10., 10.])
    denom = np.array([10., 10., 10., 437.])
    ref_hi = np.array([0.293313782248242, 0.6944224231766912, 1.0, 0.032438865381336446])
    ref_lo = np.array([0.01728422272382846, 0.3055775768233088, 0.8325532074018731, 0.015839046981153772])

    interval = clopper_pearson_interval(num, denom, coverage=0.68)

    threshold = 1e-6
    assert(all((interval[1, :] / ref_hi) - 1 < threshold))
    assert(all((interval[0, :] / ref_lo) - 1 < threshold))
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / tests / View on Github external
def test_hist_serdes():
    import pickle
    h_regular_bins = hist.Hist("regular joe",
                               hist.Bin("x", "x", 20, 0, 200),
                               hist.Bin("y", "why", 20, -3, 3))



    spkl = pickle.dumps(h_regular_bins)
    hnew = pickle.loads(spkl)
    assert(h_regular_bins._dense_shape == hnew._dense_shape)
    assert(h_regular_bins._axes == hnew._axes)
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / tests / View on Github external
def test_normal_interval():
    from coffea.hist.plot import normal_interval

    # Reference weighted efficiency and error from ROOTs TEfficiency

    denom = np.array([  89.01457591590004, 2177.066076428943  , 6122.5256890981855 ,
              0.              ,  100.27757990710668])
    num = np.array([  75.14287743709515, 2177.066076428943  , 5193.454723043864  ,
              0.              ,   84.97723540536361])
    denom_sumw2 = np.array([   94.37919737476827, 10000.              ,  6463.46795877633   ,
               0.              ,   105.90898005417333])
    num_sumw2 = np.array([   67.2202147680005 , 10000.              ,  4647.983931785646  ,
               0.              ,    76.01275761253757])
    ref_hi = np.array([0.0514643476600107, 0.                , 0.0061403263960343,
                          np.nan, 0.0480731185500146])
    ref_lo = np.array([0.0514643476600107, 0.                , 0.0061403263960343,
                          np.nan, 0.0480731185500146])

    interval = normal_interval(num, denom, num_sumw2, denom_sumw2)
    threshold = 1e-6

    lo, hi = interval

    assert len(ref_hi) == len(hi)
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / tests / View on Github external
def test_lumimask():
    lumimask = LumiMask("tests/samples/Cert_294927-306462_13TeV_EOY2017ReReco_Collisions17_JSON.txt")
    runs = np.array([303825, 123], dtype=np.uint32)
    lumis = np.array([115, 123], dtype=np.uint32)
    mask = lumimask(runs, lumis)
    print("mask:", mask)
    assert(mask[0] == True)
    assert(mask[1] == False)

    # test underlying py_func
    py_mask = np.zeros(dtype='bool', shape=runs.shape)
                                                runs, lumis,

    assert(np.all(mask == py_mask))
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / coffea / lookup_tools / View on Github external
self._eval_clamp_mins = clamps_and_vars[0]
        self._eval_clamp_maxs = clamps_and_vars[1]
        self._parm_order = parms_and_orders[1]
        self._parms = parms_and_orders[0]
        self._formula_str = formula
        self._formula = None
        if formula != 'None':
            raise Exception('jet energy resolution scale factors have no formula!')

        for binname in self._dim_order[1:]:
            binsaslists = self._bins[binname].tolist()
            self._bins[binname] = [np.array(bins) for bins in binsaslists]

        # get the jit to compile if we've got more than one bin dim
        if len(self._dim_order) > 1:
            masked_bin_eval(np.array([0]), self._bins[self._dim_order[1]], np.array([0.0]))

        self._signature = deepcopy(self._dim_order)
        for eval in self._eval_vars:
            if eval not in self._signature:
        self._dim_args = {self._dim_order[i]: i for i in range(len(self._dim_order))}
        self._eval_args = {}
        for i, argname in enumerate(self._eval_vars):
            self._eval_args[argname] = i + len(self._dim_order)
            if argname in self._dim_args.keys():
                self._eval_args[argname] = self._dim_args[argname]
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / coffea / lookup_tools / View on Github external

    temp = _build_standard_jme_lookup(name, layout, pars, nBinnedVars, nBinColumns,
                                      nEvalVars, formula, nParms, columns, dtypes,
    wrapped_up = {}
    for key, val in temp.items():
        newkey = (key[0], 'jec_uncertainty_lookup')
        vallist = list(val)
        vals, names = vallist[-1]
        knots = vals[0:len(vals):3]
        downs = vals[1:len(vals):3]
        ups = vals[2:len(vals):3]
        downs = np.array([down.flatten() for down in downs])
        ups = np.array([up.flatten() for up in ups])
        for knotv in knots:
            knot = np.unique(knotv.flatten())
            if knot.size != 1:
                raise Exception('Multiple bin low edges found')
        knots = np.array([np.unique(k.flatten())[0] for k in knots])
        vallist[2] = ({'knots': knots, 'ups': ups.T, 'downs': downs.T}, vallist[2][-1])
        vallist = vallist[:-1]
        wrapped_up[newkey] = tuple(vallist)
    return wrapped_up
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / coffea / hist / View on Github external
def __setstate__(self, d):
        if '_intervals' in d:  # convert old hists to new serialization format
            _old_intervals = d.pop('_intervals')
            interval_bins = [i._lo for i in _old_intervals] + [_old_intervals[-1]._hi]
            d['_interval_bins'] = np.array(interval_bins)
            d['_bin_names'] = np.array([interval._label for interval in _old_intervals])
        if '_interval_bins' in d and '_bin_names' not in d:
            d['_bin_names'] = np.full(d['_interval_bins'][:-1].size, None)
        self.__dict__ = d
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / coffea / lumi_tools / View on Github external
def __init__(self, jsonfile):
        with open(jsonfile) as fin:
            goldenjson = json.load(fin)

        self._masks = Dict.empty(

        for run, lumilist in goldenjson.items():
            mask = np.array(lumilist, dtype=np.uint32).flatten()
            mask[::2] -= 1
            self._masks[np.uint32(run)] = mask
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / coffea / lookup_tools / View on Github external
if setn in A:
                            A[setn][membern][t][b] = [x * 0.01 for x in values]

                    raise ValueError(line)

    # now build the lookup tables
    # for data scale, simple, just M A in bins of eta,phi
    _scaleedges = (np.array(etaedges), np.array(phiedges))
    _Mvalues = {s: {m: {t: np.array([M[s][m][t][b] for b in range(neta)]) for t in M[s][m]} for m in M[s]} for s in M}
    _Avalues = {s: {m: {t: np.array([A[s][m][t][b] for b in range(neta)]) for t in A[s][m]} for m in A[s]} for s in A}

    # for mc scale, more complicated
    # version 1 if gen pt available
    # only requires the kRes lookup
    _resedges = np.array(absetaedges)
    _kResvalues = {s: {m: {t: np.array(kRes[s][m][t]) for t in kRes[s][m]} for m in kRes[s]} for s in kRes}

    # version 2 if gen pt not available
    trkedges = [0] + [nmin + x + 0.5 for x in range(ntrk)]
    _cbedges = (np.array(absetaedges), np.array(trkedges))
    _rsParsvalues = {s: {m: {t: np.array([rsPars[s][m][t][b] for b in range(nabseta)]) for t in rsPars[s][m]} for m in rsPars[s]} for s in rsPars}
    _cbSvalues = {s: {m: np.array([cbS[s][m][b] for b in range(nabseta)]) for m in cbS[s]} for s in cbS}
    _cbAvalues = {s: {m: np.array([cbA[s][m][b] for b in range(nabseta)]) for m in cbA[s]} for s in cbA}
    _cbNvalues = {s: {m: np.array([cbN[s][m][b] for b in range(nabseta)]) for m in cbN[s]} for s in cbN}

    wrapped_up = {
        'nsets': nsets,
        'members': members,
        'edges': {'scales': _scaleedges, 'res': _resedges, 'cb': _cbedges, },
        'values': {'M': _Mvalues, 'A': _Avalues,
                   'kRes': _kResvalues,