How to use the coffea.util.numpy function in coffea

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github CoffeaTeam / coffea / tests / View on Github external
import pandas as pd
    import pickle as pkl
    import lz4.frame as lz4f

    from coffea.util import numpy as np
    from coffea.processor.spark.spark_executor import agg_histos_raw, reduce_histos_raw
    from coffea.processor.test_items import NanoTestProcessor

    proc = NanoTestProcessor()

    one = proc.accumulator.identity()
    two = proc.accumulator.identity()
    hlist1 = [lz4f.compress(pkl.dumps(one))]
    hlist2 = [lz4f.compress(pkl.dumps(one)),lz4f.compress(pkl.dumps(two))]
    harray1 = np.array(hlist1, dtype='O')
    harray2 = np.array(hlist2, dtype='O')
    series1 = pd.Series(harray1)
    series2 = pd.Series(harray2)
    df = pd.DataFrame({'histos': harray2})

    # correctness of these functions is checked in test_spark_executor
    agg1 = agg_histos_raw(series1, proc, 1)
    agg2 = agg_histos_raw(series2, proc, 1)
    red = reduce_histos_raw(df, proc, 1)
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / coffea / lookup_tools / View on Github external

    all_names = corrections[[columns[i] for i in range(4)]]
    labels = np.unique(corrections[[columns[i] for i in range(4)]])
    wrapped_up = {}
    for label in labels:
        etaMins = np.unique(corrections[np.where(all_names == label)][columns[4]])
        etaMaxs = np.unique(corrections[np.where(all_names == label)][columns[5]])
        etaBins = np.union1d(etaMins, etaMaxs).astype(np.double)
        ptMins = np.unique(corrections[np.where(all_names == label)][columns[6]])
        ptMaxs = np.unique(corrections[np.where(all_names == label)][columns[7]])
        ptBins = np.union1d(ptMins, ptMaxs).astype(np.double)
        discrMins = np.unique(corrections[np.where(all_names == label)][columns[8]])
        discrMaxs = np.unique(corrections[np.where(all_names == label)][columns[9]])
        discrBins = np.union1d(discrMins, discrMaxs).astype(np.double)
        vals = np.zeros(shape=(len(discrBins) - 1, len(ptBins) - 1, len(etaBins) - 1),
        for i, eta_bin in enumerate(etaBins[:-1]):
            for j, pt_bin in enumerate(ptBins[:-1]):
                for k, discr_bin in enumerate(discrBins[:-1]):
                    this_bin = np.where((all_names == label) &
                                        (corrections[columns[4]] == eta_bin) &
                                        (corrections[columns[6]] == pt_bin) &
                                        (corrections[columns[8]] == discr_bin))[0]
                    if len(this_bin) == 1:
                        vals[k, j, i] = corrections[this_bin][columns[10]][0]
                    elif len(this_bin) > 1:
                        raise Exception(
                            'Multiple formulas for the same bin: label={label} eta_bin={eta_bin} pt_bin={pt_bin} discr_bin={discr_bin}'.format(
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / coffea / lookup_tools / View on Github external
raise Exception('Could not define dimension for {}'.format(whattype))
        self._axes = deepcopy(dims)
        self._feval_dim = None
        vals_are_strings = ('string' in or
                            'str' in or
                            'unicode' in or
                            'bytes' in  # ....
        if not isinstance(values, np.ndarray):
            raise TypeError('values is not a numpy array, but %r' % type(values))
        if not vals_are_strings:
            raise Exception('Non-string values passed to dense_evaluated_lookup!')
        if feval_dim is None:
            raise Exception('Evaluation dimensions not specified in dense_evaluated_lookup')
        funcs = np.zeros(shape=values.shape, dtype='O')
        for i in range(values.size):
            idx = np.unravel_index(i, shape=values.shape)
            funcs[idx] = numbaize(values[idx], ['x'])
        self._values = deepcopy(funcs)
        # TODO: support for multidimensional functions and functions with variables other than 'x'
        if len(feval_dim) > 1:
            raise Exception('lookup_tools.evaluator only accepts 1D functions right now!')
        self._feval_dim = feval_dim[0]
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / coffea / hist / View on Github external
if not all(np.sort(self._bins) == self._bins):
                raise ValueError("Binning not sorted!")
            self._lo = self._bins[0]
            self._hi = self._bins[-1]
            # to make searchsorted differentiate inf from nan
            self._bins = np.append(self._bins, np.inf)
            self._interval_bins = np.r_[-np.inf, self._bins, np.nan]
            self._bin_names = np.full(self._interval_bins[:-1].size, None)
        elif isinstance(n_or_arr, numbers.Integral):
            if lo is None or hi is None:
                raise TypeError("Interpreting n_or_arr as uniform binning, please specify lo and hi values")
            self._uniform = True
            self._lo = lo
            self._hi = hi
            self._bins = n_or_arr
            self._interval_bins = np.r_[-np.inf, np.linspace(self._lo, self._hi, self._bins + 1), np.inf, np.nan]
            self._bin_names = np.full(self._interval_bins[:-1].size, None)
            raise TypeError("Cannot understand n_or_arr (nbins or binning array) type %r" % n_or_arr)
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / coffea / processor / View on Github external
def __init__(self, size, storeIndividual=False):
        self._weight = np.ones(size)
        self._weights = {}
        self._modifiers = {}
        self._weightStats = {}
        self._storeIndividual = storeIndividual
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / coffea / lookup_tools / View on Github external
def _evaluate(self, *args):
        """ uncertainties = f(args) """
        bin_vals = {argname: args[self._dim_args[argname]] for argname in self._dim_order}
        eval_vals = {argname: args[self._eval_args[argname]] for argname in self._eval_vars}

        # lookup the bins that we care about
        dim1_name = self._dim_order[0]
        dim1_indices = np.clip(np.searchsorted(self._bins[dim1_name],
                                               side='right') - 1,
                               0, self._bins[dim1_name].size - 2)

        # get clamp values and clip the inputs
        outs = np.ones(shape=(args[0].size, 2), dtype=np.float)
        for i in np.unique(dim1_indices):
            mask = np.where(dim1_indices == i)
            vals = np.clip(eval_vals[self._eval_vars[0]][mask],
                           self._eval_knots[0], self._eval_knots[-1])
            outs[:, 0][mask] += self._eval_ups[i](vals)
            outs[:, 1][mask] -= self._eval_downs[i](vals)

        return outs
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / coffea / processor / View on Github external
def add(self, name, selection):
        """Add a named mask

            name : str
                name of the mask
            selection : numpy.ndarray
                a flat array of dtype bool.
                If not the first mask added, it must also have
                the same shape as previously added masks.
        if isinstance(selection, np.ndarray) and selection.dtype == np.dtype('bool'):
            if len(self._names) == 0:
                self._mask = np.zeros(shape=selection.shape, dtype=self._dtype)
            elif len(self._names) == 64:
                raise RuntimeError("Exhausted all slots for %r, consider a larger dtype or fewer selections" % self._dtype)
            elif self._mask.shape != selection.shape:
                raise ValueError("New selection '%s' has different shape than existing ones (%r vs. %r)" % (name, selection.shape, self._mask.shape))
            self._mask |= selection.astype(self._dtype) << len(self._names)
            raise ValueError("PackedSelection only understands numpy boolean arrays, got %r" % selection)
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / coffea / lumi_tools / View on Github external
def __init__(self, runs=None, lumis=None):
        self.array = np.zeros(shape=(0, 2))
        if runs is not None:
            self.array = np.unique(np.c_[runs, lumis], axis=0)