How to use the coffea.util.numpy.sum function in coffea

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assert( (jca1.offsets == jca2.offsets).all() )

    addon1 = jca1.zeros_like()
    addon2 = jca2.ones_like()
    jca1['addon'] = addon1
    jca2['addon'] = addon2

    diffm = np.abs(jca1.p4.mass - jca2.p4.mass)
    assert( (jca1.offsets == jca2.offsets).all() )
    diffpt = np.abs( -
    assert( (jca1.offsets == jca2.offsets).all() )
    eta2 = jca2.p4.eta
    eta1 = jca1.p4.eta
    print (np.sum(eta1.counts),np.sum(eta2.counts))
    diffeta_temp = np.abs(eta1 - eta2)
    diffeta = np.abs(jca1.p4.eta - jca2.p4.eta)
    assert( (jca1.offsets == jca2.offsets).all() )
    assert (diffm < 1e-8).flatten().all()
    assert (diffpt < 1e-8).flatten().all()
    assert (diffeta < 1e-8).flatten().all()
    #test fast functions
    fastfs = ['pt','eta','phi','mass']
    for func in fastfs:
        func1 = getattr(jca1,func)        
        func2 = getattr(jca1.p4,func)
        dfunc = np.abs(func1 - func2)
        assert (dfunc < 1e-8).flatten().all()

    adistinct = jca1.distincts()
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / tests / View on Github external
h_mascots_2.fill(animal="bison", vocalization="baa", height=baby_bison_h, mass=baby_bison_w, weight=baby_bison_cutefactor)
    h_mascots_2.fill(animal="fox", vocalization="none", height=1., mass=30.)

    h_mascots = h_mascots_1 + h_mascots_2
    assert h_mascots.integrate("vocalization", "h*").sum("height", "mass", "animal").values()[()] == 1040.

    species_class = hist.Cat("species_class", "where the subphylum is vertibrates")
    classes = {
        'birds': ['goose', 'crane'],
        'mammals': ['bison', 'fox'],
    h_species ="animal", species_class, classes)

    assert set(h_species.integrate("vocalization").values().keys()) == set([('birds',), ('mammals',)])
    nbirds_bin = np.sum((goose_h>=0.5)&(goose_h<1)&(goose_w>10)&(goose_w<100))
    nbirds_bin += np.sum((crane_h>=0.5)&(crane_h<1)&(crane_w>10)&(crane_w<100))
    assert h_species.integrate("vocalization").values()[('birds',)][1,2] == nbirds_bin
    tally = h_species.sum("mass", "height", "vocalization").values()
    assert tally[('birds',)] == 1004.
    assert tally[('mammals',)] == 91.

    h_species.scale({"honk": 0.1, "huff": 0.9}, axis="vocalization")
    tally = h_species.sum("mass", height, vocalization).values(sumw2=True)
    assert tally[('birds',)] == (520., 350.)
    assert tally[('mammals',)] == (435., 25*(40*(0.9**2)+20*(2.5**2)+1))

    assert h_species.axis("vocalization") is vocalization
    assert h_species.axis("height") is height
    assert h_species.integrate("vocalization", "h*").axis("height") is height

    tall_class = hist.Cat("tall_class", "species class (species above 1m)")
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / tests / View on Github external
def test_hist():
    counts, test_eta, test_pt = dummy_jagged_eta_pt()

    h_nothing = hist.Hist("empty inside")
    assert h_nothing.sparse_dim() == h_nothing.dense_dim() == 0
    assert h_nothing.values() == {}

    h_regular_bins = hist.Hist("regular joe", hist.Bin("x", "x", 20, 0, 200), hist.Bin("y", "why", 20, -3, 3))
    h_regular_bins.fill(x=test_pt, y=test_eta)
    nentries = np.sum(counts)
    assert h_regular_bins.sum("x", "y", overflow='all').values(sumw2=True)[()] == (nentries, nentries)
    # bin x=2, y=10 (when overflow removed)
    count_some_bin = np.sum((test_pt>=20.)&(test_pt<30.)&(test_eta>=0.)&(test_eta<0.3))
    assert h_regular_bins.integrate("x", slice(20, 30)).values()[()][10] == count_some_bin
    assert h_regular_bins.integrate("y", slice(0, 0.3)).values()[()][2] == count_some_bin

    h_reduced = h_regular_bins[10:,-.6:]
    # bin x=1, y=2
    assert h_reduced.integrate("x", slice(20, 30)).values()[()][2] == count_some_bin
    assert h_reduced.integrate("y", slice(0, 0.3)).values()[()][1] == count_some_bin
    h_reduced.fill(x=23, y=0.1)
    assert h_reduced.integrate("x", slice(20, 30)).values()[()][2] == count_some_bin + 1
    assert h_reduced.integrate("y", slice(0, 0.3)).values()[()][1] == count_some_bin + 1

    animal = hist.Cat("animal", "type of animal")
    vocalization = hist.Cat("vocalization", "onomatopoiea is that how you spell it?")
    h_cat_bins = hist.Hist("I like cats", animal, vocalization)
    h_cat_bins.fill(animal="cat", vocalization="meow", weight=2.)
    h_cat_bins.fill(animal="dog", vocalization="meow", weight=np.array([-1., -1., -5.]))
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / tests / View on Github external
def dummy_jagged_eta_pt():
    counts = np.random.exponential(2, size=50).astype(int)
    entries = np.sum(counts)
    test_eta = np.random.uniform(-3., 3., size=entries)
    test_pt = np.random.exponential(10., size=entries)+np.random.exponential(10, size=entries)
    return (counts, test_eta, test_pt)
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / tests / View on Github external
def test_hist():
    counts, test_eta, test_pt = dummy_jagged_eta_pt()

    h_nothing = hist.Hist("empty inside")
    assert h_nothing.sparse_dim() == h_nothing.dense_dim() == 0
    assert h_nothing.values() == {}

    h_regular_bins = hist.Hist("regular joe", hist.Bin("x", "x", 20, 0, 200), hist.Bin("y", "why", 20, -3, 3))
    h_regular_bins.fill(x=test_pt, y=test_eta)
    nentries = np.sum(counts)
    assert h_regular_bins.sum("x", "y", overflow='all').values(sumw2=True)[()] == (nentries, nentries)
    # bin x=2, y=10 (when overflow removed)
    count_some_bin = np.sum((test_pt>=20.)&(test_pt<30.)&(test_eta>=0.)&(test_eta<0.3))
    assert h_regular_bins.integrate("x", slice(20, 30)).values()[()][10] == count_some_bin
    assert h_regular_bins.integrate("y", slice(0, 0.3)).values()[()][2] == count_some_bin

    h_reduced = h_regular_bins[10:,-.6:]
    # bin x=1, y=2
    assert h_reduced.integrate("x", slice(20, 30)).values()[()][2] == count_some_bin
    assert h_reduced.integrate("y", slice(0, 0.3)).values()[()][1] == count_some_bin
    h_reduced.fill(x=23, y=0.1)
    assert h_reduced.integrate("x", slice(20, 30)).values()[()][2] == count_some_bin + 1
    assert h_reduced.integrate("y", slice(0, 0.3)).values()[()][1] == count_some_bin + 1

    animal = hist.Cat("animal", "type of animal")
    vocalization = hist.Cat("vocalization", "onomatopoiea is that how you spell it?")
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / coffea / hist / View on Github external
yaxis = hist.axes()[0]
        transpose = True
    if isinstance(xaxis, SparseAxis) or isinstance(yaxis, SparseAxis):
        raise NotImplementedError("Plot a sparse axis (e.g. bar chart or labeled bins)")
        xedges = xaxis.edges(overflow=xoverflow)
        yedges = yaxis.edges(overflow=yoverflow)
        sumw, sumw2 = hist.values(sumw2=True, overflow='allnan')[()]
        if transpose:
            sumw = sumw.T
            sumw2 = sumw2.T
        # no support for different overflow behavior per axis, do it ourselves
        sumw = sumw[overflow_behavior(xoverflow), overflow_behavior(yoverflow)]
        sumw2 = sumw2[overflow_behavior(xoverflow), overflow_behavior(yoverflow)]
        if (density or binwnorm is not None) and np.sum(sumw) > 0:
            overallnorm = np.sum(sumw) * binwnorm if binwnorm is not None else 1.
            areas = np.multiply.outer(np.diff(xedges), np.diff(yedges))
            binnorms = overallnorm / (areas * np.sum(sumw))
            sumw = sumw * binnorms
            sumw2 = sumw2 * binnorms**2

        if patch_opts is not None:
            opts = {'cmap': 'viridis'}
            pc = ax.pcolormesh(xedges, yedges, sumw.T, **opts)
            if clear:
                fig.colorbar(pc, ax=ax, label=hist.label)
        if text_opts is not None:
            for ix, xcenter in enumerate(xaxis.centers()):
                for iy, ycenter in enumerate(yaxis.centers()):
                    opts = {
github CoffeaTeam / coffea / coffea / hist / View on Github external
elif error_opts is not None and line_opts is None:
            histtype = 'errorbar'
            kwargs = error_opts
            histtype = 'step'
            kwargs = line_opts
        if kwargs is None:
            kwargs = {}

        hep.histplot(plot_info['sumw'], edges, label=plot_info['label'],
                     yerr=_error, histtype=histtype, ax=ax,
                     density=density, binwnorm=binwnorm, stack=stack,

        if stack and error_opts is not None:
            stack_sumw = np.sum(plot_info['sumw'], axis=0)
            stack_sumw2 = np.sum(plot_info['sumw2'], axis=0)
            err = poisson_interval(stack_sumw, stack_sumw2)
            opts = {'step': 'post', 'label': 'Sum unc.', 'hatch': '///',
                    'facecolor': 'none', 'edgecolor': (0, 0, 0, .5), 'linewidth': 0}
            ax.fill_between(x=edges, y1=np.r_[err[0, :], err[0, -1]],
                            y2=np.r_[err[1, :], err[1, -1]], **opts)

        if legend_opts is not None:
            _label = overlay.label if overlay is not None else ""
            ax.legend(title=_label, **legend_opts)
        ax.autoscale(axis='x', tight=True)
        ax.set_ylim(0, None)
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def dense_op(array):
            if len(dense_sum_dim) > 0:
                return np.sum(array[dense_slice], axis=dense_sum_dim)
            return array