How to use the cntk.placeholder function in cntk

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cntk examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github microsoft / CNTK / Examples / Extensibility / BinaryConvolution / View on Github external
                      op_name='BinaryConvolution', name=''):
    """ arguments:
            operand: tensor to convolve
            filter_shape: tuple indicating filter size
            num_filters: number of filters to use 
            channels: number of incoming channels
            init: type of initialization to use for weights
    kernel_shape = (num_filters, channels) + filter_shape
    W = C.parameter(shape=kernel_shape, init=init, name="filter")

    binary_convolve_operand_p = C.placeholder(operand.shape, operand.dynamic_axes, name="operand")
    binary_convolve = C.convolution(CustomMultibit(W, 1), CustomMultibit(binary_convolve_operand_p, 1), auto_padding=[False, pad, pad], strides=[strides])
    r = C.as_block(binary_convolve, [(binary_convolve_operand_p, operand)], 'binary_convolve')

    bias_shape = (num_filters, 1, 1)
    b = C.parameter(shape=bias_shape, init=init_bias, name="bias")
    r = r + b

    # apply learnable param relu
    P = C.parameter(shape=r.shape, init=init, name="prelu")
    r = C.param_relu(P, r)
    return r
github zlsh80826 / MSMARCO / script / View on Github external
def input_layer(self,cgw,cc,qgw,qc,qnw,cnw):
        cgw_ph = C.placeholder()
        cnw_ph = C.placeholder()
        cc_ph  = C.placeholder()
        qgw_ph = C.placeholder()
        qnw_ph = C.placeholder()
        qc_ph  = C.placeholder()

        input_chars = C.placeholder(shape=(1,self.word_size,self.c_dim))
        input_glove_words = C.placeholder(shape=(self.wg_dim,))
        input_nonglove_words = C.placeholder(shape=(self.wn_dim,))

        embedded = C.splice(
            C.reshape(self.charcnn(input_chars), self.convs),
            self.embed()(input_glove_words, input_nonglove_words), name='splice_embed')

        highway = HighwayNetwork(dim=self.elmo_dim + self.hidden_dim + self.convs, 
        highway_drop = C.layers.Dropout(self.dropout)(highway)
        processed = OptimizedRnnStack(self.hidden_dim,
github microsoft / CNTK / Examples / Text / BidirectionalAttentionFlow / squad / View on Github external
def input_layer(self,cgw,cnw,cc,qgw,qnw,qc):
        cgw_ph = C.placeholder()
        cnw_ph = C.placeholder()
        cc_ph  = C.placeholder()
        qgw_ph = C.placeholder()
        qnw_ph = C.placeholder()
        qc_ph  = C.placeholder()

        input_chars = C.placeholder(shape=(1,self.word_size,self.c_dim))
        input_glove_words = C.placeholder(shape=(self.wg_dim,))
        input_nonglove_words = C.placeholder(shape=(self.wn_dim,))

        # we need to reshape because GlobalMaxPooling/reduce_max is retaining a trailing singleton dimension
        # todo GlobalPooling/reduce_max should have a keepdims default to False
        embedded = C.splice(
            C.reshape(self.charcnn(input_chars), self.convs),
            self.embed()(input_glove_words, input_nonglove_words), name='splice_embed')
        highway = HighwayNetwork(dim=2*self.hidden_dim, highway_layers=self.highway_layers)(embedded)
        highway_drop = C.layers.Dropout(self.dropout)(highway)
        processed = OptimizedRnnStack(self.hidden_dim, bidirectional=True, use_cudnn=self.use_cudnn, name='input_rnn')(highway_drop)
        qce = C.one_hot(qc_ph, num_classes=self.c_dim, sparse_output=self.use_sparse)
github microsoft / CNTK / Examples / Text / BidirectionalAttentionFlow / View on Github external
def input_layer(self,cgw,cnw,cc,qgw,qnw,qc):
        cgw_ph = C.placeholder()
        cnw_ph = C.placeholder()
        cc_ph  = C.placeholder()
        qgw_ph = C.placeholder()
        qnw_ph = C.placeholder()
        qc_ph  = C.placeholder()

        input_chars = C.placeholder(shape=(1,self.word_size,self.c_dim))
        input_glove_words = C.placeholder(shape=(self.wg_dim,))
        input_nonglove_words = C.placeholder(shape=(self.wn_dim,))

        # we need to reshape because GlobalMaxPooling/reduce_max is retaining a trailing singleton dimension
        # todo GlobalPooling/reduce_max should have a keepdims default to False
        embedded = C.splice(
            C.reshape(self.charcnn(input_chars), self.convs),
            self.embed()(input_glove_words, input_nonglove_words), name='splice_embed')
        highway = HighwayNetwork(dim=2*self.hidden_dim, highway_layers=self.highway_layers)(embedded)
        highway_drop = C.layers.Dropout(self.dropout)(highway)
        processed = OptimizedRnnStack(self.hidden_dim, bidirectional=True, use_cudnn=self.use_cudnn, name='input_rnn')(highway_drop)
        qce = C.one_hot(qc_ph, num_classes=self.c_dim, sparse_output=self.use_sparse)
        cce = C.one_hot(cc_ph, num_classes=self.c_dim, sparse_output=self.use_sparse)
        q_processed = processed.clone(C.CloneMethod.share, {input_chars:qce, input_glove_words:qgw_ph, input_nonglove_words:qnw_ph})
        c_processed = processed.clone(C.CloneMethod.share, {input_chars:cce, input_glove_words:cgw_ph, input_nonglove_words:cnw_ph})
github microsoft / CNTK / Examples / Text / LightRNN / LightRNN / View on Github external
def lightlstm(input_dim, cell_dim):
    x = C.placeholder(name='x')
    dh = C.placeholder(name='dh')
    dc = C.placeholder(name='dc')
    x1 = C.slice(x, -1, input_dim * 0, input_dim * 1)
    x2 = C.slice(x, -1, input_dim * 1, input_dim * 2)

    def LSTMCell(x, y, dh, dc):
        '''LightLSTM Cell'''

        b = C.parameter(shape=(4 * cell_dim), init=0)
        W = C.parameter(shape=(input_dim, 4 * cell_dim), init=glorot_uniform())
        H = C.parameter(shape=(cell_dim, 4 * cell_dim), init=glorot_uniform())

        # projected contribution from input x, hidden, and bias
        proj4 = b + C.times(x, W) + C.times(dh, H)

        it_proj = C.slice(proj4, -1, 0 * cell_dim, 1 * cell_dim)
        bit_proj = C.slice(proj4, -1, 1 * cell_dim, 2 * cell_dim)
        ft_proj = C.slice(proj4, -1, 2 * cell_dim, 3 * cell_dim)
github microsoft / CNTK / Examples / Text / BidirectionalAttentionFlow / squad / View on Github external
def input_layer(self,cgw,cnw,cc,qgw,qnw,qc):
        cgw_ph = C.placeholder()
        cnw_ph = C.placeholder()
        cc_ph  = C.placeholder()
        qgw_ph = C.placeholder()
        qnw_ph = C.placeholder()
        qc_ph  = C.placeholder()

        input_chars = C.placeholder(shape=(1,self.word_size,self.c_dim))
        input_glove_words = C.placeholder(shape=(self.wg_dim,))
        input_nonglove_words = C.placeholder(shape=(self.wn_dim,))

        # we need to reshape because GlobalMaxPooling/reduce_max is retaining a trailing singleton dimension
        # todo GlobalPooling/reduce_max should have a keepdims default to False
        embedded = C.splice(
            C.reshape(self.charcnn(input_chars), self.convs),
            self.embed()(input_glove_words, input_nonglove_words), name='splice_embed')
        highway = HighwayNetwork(dim=2*self.hidden_dim, highway_layers=self.highway_layers)(embedded)
        highway_drop = C.layers.Dropout(self.dropout)(highway)
        processed = OptimizedRnnStack(self.hidden_dim, bidirectional=True, use_cudnn=self.use_cudnn, name='input_rnn')(highway_drop)
github zlsh80826 / MSMARCO / script / View on Github external
def input_layer(self,cgw,cc,qgw,qc,qnw,cnw):
        cgw_ph = C.placeholder()
        cnw_ph = C.placeholder()
        cc_ph  = C.placeholder()
        qgw_ph = C.placeholder()
        qnw_ph = C.placeholder()
        qc_ph  = C.placeholder()

        input_chars = C.placeholder(shape=(1,self.word_size,self.c_dim))
        input_glove_words = C.placeholder(shape=(self.wg_dim,))
        input_nonglove_words = C.placeholder(shape=(self.wn_dim,))

        embedded = C.splice(
            C.reshape(self.charcnn(input_chars), self.convs),
            self.embed()(input_glove_words, input_nonglove_words), name='splice_embed')

        highway = HighwayNetwork(dim=self.elmo_dim + self.hidden_dim + self.convs, 
        highway_drop = C.layers.Dropout(self.dropout)(highway)
        processed = OptimizedRnnStack(self.hidden_dim,
github microsoft / CNTK / Examples / Image / Classification / ConvNet / Python / View on Github external
def LocalResponseNormalization(k, n, alpha, beta, name=''):
    x = C.placeholder(name='lrn_arg')
    x2 = C.square(x)
    # reshape to insert a fake singleton reduction dimension after the 3th axis (channel axis). Note Python axis order and BrainScript are reversed.
    x2s = C.reshape(x2, (1, C.InferredDimension), 0, 1)
    W = C.constant(alpha/(2*n+1), (1,2*n+1,1,1), name='W')
    # 3D convolution with a filter that has a non 1-size only in the 3rd axis, and does not reduce since the reduction dimension is fake and 1
    y = C.convolution (W, x2s)
    # reshape back to remove the fake singleton reduction dimension
    b = C.reshape(y, C.InferredDimension, 0, 2)
    den = C.exp(beta * C.log(k + b))
    apply_x = C.element_divide(x, den)
    return apply_x
github microsoft / CNTK / Examples / Text / BidirectionalAttentionFlow / View on Github external
def input_layer(self,cgw,cnw,cc,qgw,qnw,qc):
        cgw_ph = C.placeholder()
        cnw_ph = C.placeholder()
        cc_ph  = C.placeholder()
        qgw_ph = C.placeholder()
        qnw_ph = C.placeholder()
        qc_ph  = C.placeholder()
        input_chars = C.placeholder(shape=(1,self.word_size,self.c_dim))
        input_glove_words = C.placeholder(shape=(self.wg_dim,))
        input_nonglove_words = C.placeholder(shape=(self.wn_dim,))

        # we need to reshape because GlobalMaxPooling/reduce_max is retaining a trailing singleton dimension
        # todo GlobalPooling/reduce_max should have a keepdims default to False
        embedded = C.splice(
            C.reshape(self.charcnn(input_chars), self.convs),
            self.embed()(input_glove_words, input_nonglove_words), name='splice_embed')
        highway = HighwayNetwork(dim=2*self.hidden_dim, highway_layers=self.highway_layers)(embedded)
github microsoft / CNTK / Examples / Text / BidirectionalAttentionFlow / squad / View on Github external
def modeling_layer(self, attention_context):
        att_context = C.placeholder(shape=(8*self.hidden_dim,))
        #modeling layer
        # todo: use dropout in optimized_rnn_stack from cudnn once API exposes it
        mod_context = C.layers.Sequential([
            OptimizedRnnStack(self.hidden_dim, bidirectional=True, use_cudnn=self.use_cudnn, name='model_rnn0'),
            OptimizedRnnStack(self.hidden_dim, bidirectional=True, use_cudnn=self.use_cudnn, name='model_rnn1')])(att_context)

        return C.as_block(
            [(att_context, attention_context)],