How to use the cntk.internal.typemap function in cntk

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def element_divide(left, right, name=''):
    The output of this operation is the element-wise division of the two input
    tensors. It supports broadcasting.

        >>> C.element_divide([1., 1., 1., 1.], [0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.]).eval()
        array([ 2.,  4.,  8.,  0.], dtype=float32)

        >>> C.element_divide([5., 10., 15., 30.], [2.]).eval()
        array([  2.5,   5. ,   7.5,  15. ], dtype=float32)

        left: left side tensor
        right: right side tensor
        name (str, optional): the name of the Function instance in the network
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def learning_rate_schedule(lr, unit, epoch_size=None):
    Create a learning rate schedule (using the same semantics as

        lr (float or list): see parameter ``schedule`` in
        unit (:class:`UnitType`): see parameter
         ``unit`` in :func:`training_parameter_schedule`.
        epoch_size (int): see parameter ``epoch_size`` in

        learning rate schedule
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def param_relu(alpha, x, name=''):
    Parametric rectified linear operation. Computes the element-wise parameteric rectified linear
    of ``x``: ``max(x, 0)`` for ``x >= 0`` and ``x``: ``alpha*x`` otherwise.

    The output tensor has the same shape as ``x``.

        >>> alpha = C.constant(value=[[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])
        >>> C.param_relu(alpha, [[-1, -0.5, 0, 1, 2]]).eval()
        array([[-0.5 , -0.25,  0.  ,  1.  ,  2.  ]], dtype=float32)

        alpha (:class:`~cntk.variables.Parameter`): same shape as x
        x (`numpy.array` or :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`): any :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function` that outputs a tensor.
        name (`str`, default to ''): the name of the Function instance in the network
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    def backward(self, state, root_gradients, variables, as_numpy=True):
        Backpropagates supplied ``root_gradients`` for one or more of the output
        variables of the Function, to calculate gradients with respect to
        ``variables``. Formally, multiplies the values of ``root_gradients`` by
        the Jacobian of the Function and returns the subset of the output that
        corresponds to ``variables``.

            >>> # compute the value and the derivative of the sigmoid at 0
            >>> v = C.input_variable(shape=(1,), needs_gradient=True)
            >>> f = C.sigmoid(v)
            >>> df, fv = f.forward({v:[[0]]}, [f.output], set([f.output]))
            >>> value = list(fv.values())[0]
            >>> grad = f.backward(df, {f.output: np.ones_like(value)}, set([v]))
            >>> value
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    def block_arguments_mapping(self):
        Returns the mapping from the arguments of the composite underlying this block function
        to the Variables that they are bound to in the outer graph of Functions that this
        block Function is part of.
        return super(Function, self).block_arguments_mapping()
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def mpi_communicator():
    Creates a non quantized MPI communicator.
    return cntk_py.mpicommunicator()
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def argmax(x, axis=None, name=''):
    Computes the argmax of the input tensor's elements across the specified axis.
    If no axis is specified, it will return the flatten index of the largest element
    in tensor x.

        >>> # create 3x2 matrix in a sequence of length 1 in a batch of one sample
        >>> data = [[10, 20],[30, 40],[50, 60]]

        >>> C.argmax(data, 0).eval()
        array([[ 2.,  2.]], dtype=float32)

        >>> C.argmax(data, 1).eval()
        array([[ 1.],
               [ 1.],
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def combine(*operands, **kw_name):
     Create a new Function instance which just combines the outputs of the specified list of
     'operands' Functions such that the 'Outputs' of the new 'Function' are union of the
     'Outputs' of each of the specified 'operands' Functions. E.g., when creating a classification
     model, typically the CrossEntropy loss Function and the ClassificationError Function comprise
     the two roots of the computation graph which can be combined to create a single Function
     with 2 outputs; viz. CrossEntropy loss and ClassificationError output.

        >>> in1 = C.input_variable((4,))
        >>> in2 = C.input_variable((4,))

        >>> in1_data = np.asarray([[1., 2., 3., 4.]], np.float32)
        >>> in2_data = np.asarray([[0., 5., -3., 2.]], np.float32)
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# If name is not a member of Function or Variable, first look for
        # a user-named item in the graph.
        # (Known member names cannot be overridden by user-named items,
        # to ensure that the API functions.)
        if not hasattr(Variable, name) and not hasattr(Function, name) \
           and not name.startswith('_') and name not in ['outputs', 'output', 'this']:
            # lookup of a named object inside the graph
            # When 'self' is a BlockFunction (e.g. a named layer), then we only search in there,
            # while when 'self' is a regular node (e.g. a named output using Label),
            # we search the composite, which may return multiple hits with the same name.
            # In case of multiple matches, we fail.
            # BUGBUG: That is a problem if, e.g., someone used a layer (=BlockFunction) twice
            # and then looks it up by name, as that will fail although both instances are identical.
            from cntk.logging.graph import find_by_name
            root = self.block_root if self.is_block else self
            item = typemap(find_by_name)(root, name, depth=1)
            if item:
                return item

        # If something is not found in Function, look it up in its output
        # variable, if it has only one.
        if name.startswith('_') or name in ['outputs', 'output', 'this']:
            # These should not be looked up in self's output.
            # 'outputs' and 'output' are required to fetch the attribute for
            # in the Variable.
            # 'this' is required for Swig and needs to be thrown if the
            # object is created the first time.
            raise AttributeError("neither Function nor its output variable"
                    " has '%s'"%name)

        # access an API member of 'output', such as .shape()
        outputs = self.__getattribute__('outputs')
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    def as_parameter(self):
        Converts this instance into a :class:`Parameter`
        if not self.is_parameter:
            raise TypeError('cannot be converted into a Parameter')

        return cntk_py.Parameter(self)