How to use the cntk.layers function in cntk

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cntk examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github delzac / cntkx / layers / View on Github external
def GlobalConcatPooling(name=''):
    """ Global Concat Pooling: concatenation of both Max and Ave Pooling
    In any situation where max pooling or ave pooling is appropriate, concat pooling
    would a drop-in replacement that will provide a performance boost.
    pool1 = C.layers.GlobalMaxPooling()
    pool2 = C.layers.GlobalAveragePooling()

    @C.BlockFunction('GlobalConcatPooling', name)
    def inner(x):
        return C.splice(C.squeeze(pool1(x)), C.squeeze(pool2(x)), axis=0)

    return inner
github zlsh80826 / MSMARCO / script / View on Github external
cc_ph  = C.placeholder()
        qgw_ph = C.placeholder()
        qnw_ph = C.placeholder()
        qc_ph  = C.placeholder()

        input_chars = C.placeholder(shape=(1,self.word_size,self.c_dim))
        input_glove_words = C.placeholder(shape=(self.wg_dim,))
        input_nonglove_words = C.placeholder(shape=(self.wn_dim,))

        embedded = C.splice(
            C.reshape(self.charcnn(input_chars), self.convs),
            self.embed()(input_glove_words, input_nonglove_words), name='splice_embed')

        highway = HighwayNetwork(dim=self.elmo_dim + self.hidden_dim + self.convs, 
        highway_drop = C.layers.Dropout(self.dropout)(highway)
        processed = OptimizedRnnStack(self.hidden_dim,
        qce = C.one_hot(qc_ph, num_classes=self.c_dim, sparse_output=self.use_sparse)
        cce = C.one_hot(cc_ph, num_classes=self.c_dim, sparse_output=self.use_sparse)
        q_processed = processed.clone(C.CloneMethod.share, 
            {input_chars:qce, input_glove_words:qgw_ph, input_nonglove_words:qnw_ph})
        c_processed = processed.clone(C.CloneMethod.share, 
            {input_chars:cce, input_glove_words:cgw_ph, input_nonglove_words:cnw_ph})

        return C.as_block(
            C.combine([c_processed, q_processed]),
github microsoft / CNTK / Examples / Text / BidirectionalAttentionFlow / msmarco / team_xyz / script / View on Github external
def func(x):
            return C.splice(
                        C.layers.Recurrence(C.layers.LSTM(hidden_dim), go_backwards=True)(x),
        return func
github astorfi / CNTK-World / codes / Python / p04-advanced / 1-conditional-DCGAN / View on Github external
def D(x_img, x_code):
    Detector network architecture

        x_img: cntk.input_variable represent images to network
        x_code: cntk.input_variable represent conditional code to network
    def bn_with_leaky_relu(x, leak=0.2):
        h = C.layers.BatchNormalization(map_rank=1)(x)
        r = C.param_relu(C.constant((np.ones(h.shape) * leak).astype(np.float32)), h)
        return r

    with C.layers.default_options(init=C.normal(scale=0.02)):

        h0 = C.layers.Convolution2D(dkernel, 1, strides=dstride)(x_img)
        h0 = bn_with_leaky_relu(h0, leak=0.2)
        print('h0 shape :', h0.shape)

        h1 = C.layers.Convolution2D(dkernel, 64, strides=dstride)(h0)
        h1 = bn_with_leaky_relu(h1, leak=0.2)
        print('h1 shape :', h1.shape)

        h2 = C.layers.Dense(256, activation=None)(h1)
        h2 = bn_with_leaky_relu(h2, leak=0.2)
        print('h2 shape :', h2.shape)

        h2_aug = C.splice(h2, x_code)

        h3 = C.layers.Dense(256, activation=C.relu)(h2_aug)
github astorfi / CNTK-World / codes / Python / p03-neural-networks / 1-multilayer-perceptron / View on Github external
def create_model(features):
    This function creates the architecture model.
    :param features: The input features.
    :return: The output of the network which its dimentionality is num_classes.
    with C.layers.default_options(init = C.layers.glorot_uniform(), activation = C.ops.relu):

            # Features are the initial values.
            hidden_out = features

            # Creating some identical hidden layers.
            for _ in range(num_hidden_layers):
                hidden_out = C.layers.Dense(hidden_layer_neurons)(hidden_out)

            # Last layer connected to Softmax.
            network_output = C.layers.Dense(num_classes, activation = None)(hidden_out)
            return network_output
github microsoft / CNTK / Examples / Image / Classification / ConvNet / Python / View on Github external
cntk.models.For(range(2), lambda i: [
github Azure / BatchAI / recipes / CNTK / CNTK-GPU-Python / View on Github external
# Input variables denoting the features and label data
    input_var = cntk.ops.input((num_channels, image_height, image_width), np.float32)
    label_var = cntk.ops.input(num_output_classes, np.float32)

    # Instantiate the feedforward classification model
    scaled_input = cntk.ops.element_times(cntk.ops.constant(0.00390625), input_var)

    with cntk.layers.default_options(activation=cntk.ops.relu, pad=False): 
        conv1 = cntk.layers.Convolution2D((5,5), 32, pad=True)(scaled_input)
        pool1 = cntk.layers.MaxPooling((3,3), (2,2))(conv1)
        conv2 = cntk.layers.Convolution2D((3,3), 48)(pool1)
        pool2 = cntk.layers.MaxPooling((3,3), (2,2))(conv2)
        conv3 = cntk.layers.Convolution2D((3,3), 64)(pool2)
        f4    = cntk.layers.Dense(96)(conv3)
        drop4 = cntk.layers.Dropout(0.5)(f4)
        z     = cntk.layers.Dense(num_output_classes, activation=None)(drop4)

    ce = cntk.losses.cross_entropy_with_softmax(z, label_var)
    pe = cntk.metrics.classification_error(z, label_var)

    reader_train = create_reader(os.path.join(data_path, 'Train-28x28_cntk_text.txt'), True, input_dim, num_output_classes)

    # Training config
    epoch_size = 60000                    # For now we manually specify epoch size
    minibatch_size = 64
    max_epochs = 40

    # Set learning parameters
    lr_per_sample    = [0.001]*10 + [0.0005]*10 + [0.0001]
    lr_schedule      = cntk.learning_rate_schedule(lr_per_sample, cntk.learners.UnitType.sample, epoch_size)
    mm_time_constant = [0]*5 + [1024]
github astorfi / CNTK-World / codes / Python / p03-neural-networks / 2-convolutional-neural-networks / View on Github external
def create_model(features):
    This function creates the architecture model.
    :param features: The input features.
    :return: The output of the network which its dimentionality is num_classes.
    with C.layers.default_options(init = C.layers.glorot_uniform(), activation = C.ops.relu):

            # Features are the initial values.
            hidden_out = features

            # Creating some convolutional layers
            hidden_out = C.layers.Convolution2D(filter_shape=(3, 3),
                                       strides=(2, 2),
                                       pad=True, name='first_conv')(hidden_out)
            hidden_out = C.layers.Convolution2D(filter_shape=(5, 5),
                                       strides=(2, 2),
                                       pad=True, name='second_conv')(hidden_out)

            # Last layer connected to Softmax.
            network_output = C.layers.Dense(num_classes, activation=None, name='classify')(hidden_out)
github zlsh80826 / MSMARCO / script / View on Github external
# seq[tensor[2d]]
        swap_qvw = C.swapaxes(qvw)
        cq = C.reshape(C.reduce_sum(A * C.sequence.broadcast_as(swap_qvw, A), axis=1), (-1))

        # seq[tensor[4d]]
        uc_concat = C.splice(p_processed, cq, p_processed * cq, cq * cq)
        # seq[tensor[4d]]
        gt = C.tanh(C.times(uc_concat, wg))
        # seq[tensor[4d]]
        uc_concat_star = gt * uc_concat
        # seq[tensor[4d]]
        vp = C.layers.Sequential([
            OptimizedRnnStack(self.hidden_dim, bidirectional=True, 
                use_cudnn=self.use_cudnn, name=layer+'_attention_rnn')])(uc_concat_star)
        return C.as_block(
            [(p_processed, context), (q_processed, query)],
github microsoft / CNTK / Examples / Image / GettingStarted / View on Github external
def deconv_mnist(max_epochs=3):
    image_height = 28
    image_width  = 28
    num_channels = 1
    input_dim = image_height * image_width * num_channels
    num_output_classes = 10

    # Input variable and normalization
    input_var = C.ops.input_variable((num_channels, image_height, image_width), np.float32)
    scaled_input = C.ops.element_times(C.ops.constant(0.00390625), input_var, name="input_node")

    # Define the auto encoder model
    cMap = 1
    conv1   = C.layers.Convolution2D  ((5,5), cMap, pad=True, activation=C.ops.relu)(scaled_input)
    pool1   = C.layers.MaxPooling   ((4,4), (4,4), name="pooling_node")(conv1)
    unpool1 = C.layers.MaxUnpooling ((4,4), (4,4))(pool1, conv1)
    z       = C.layers.ConvolutionTranspose2D((5,5), num_channels, pad=True, bias=False, init=C.glorot_uniform(0.001), name="output_node")(unpool1)

    # define rmse loss function (should be 'err = C.ops.minus(deconv1, scaled_input)')
    f2        = C.ops.element_times(C.ops.constant(0.00390625), input_var)
    err       = C.ops.reshape(C.ops.minus(z, f2), (784))
    sq_err    = C.ops.element_times(err, err)
    mse       = C.ops.reduce_mean(sq_err)
    rmse_loss = C.ops.sqrt(mse)
    rmse_eval = C.ops.sqrt(mse)

    reader_train = create_reader(os.path.join(data_path, 'Train-28x28_cntk_text.txt'), True, input_dim, num_output_classes)

    # training config
    epoch_size = 60000
    minibatch_size = 64