How to use the certbot.errors function in certbot

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few certbot examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github certbot / certbot / certbot-nginx / certbot_nginx / View on Github external
ssl_matches = ssl_regex.findall(text)

        if not version_matches:
            raise errors.PluginError("Unable to find Nginx version")
        if not ssl_matches:
            raise errors.PluginError(
                "Nginx build is missing SSL module (--with-http_ssl_module).")
        if not sni_matches:
            raise errors.PluginError("Nginx build doesn't support SNI")

        nginx_version = tuple([int(i) for i in version_matches[0].split(".")])

        # nginx < 0.8.48 uses machine hostname as default server_name instead of
        # the empty string
        if nginx_version < (0, 8, 48):
            raise errors.NotSupportedError("Nginx version must be 0.8.48+")

        return nginx_version
github certbot / certbot / certbot / certbot / _internal / plugins / View on Github external
multiple candidates are found.
    :param list ifaces: Interfaces that plugins must provide.

    :returns: Initialized plugin.
    :rtype: IPlugin

    if default is not None:
        # throw more UX-friendly error if default not in plugins
        filtered = plugins.filter(lambda p_ep: == default)
        if config.noninteractive_mode:
            # it's really bad to auto-select the single available plugin in
            # non-interactive mode, because an update could later add a second
            # available plugin
            raise errors.MissingCommandlineFlag(
                "Missing command line flags. For non-interactive execution, "
                "you will need to specify a plugin on the command line.  Run "
                "with '--help plugins' to see a list of options, and see "
                " for more detail on what "
                "the plugins do and how to use them.")

        filtered = plugins.visible().ifaces(ifaces)

    verified = filtered.verify(ifaces)
    prepared = verified.available()

    if len(prepared) > 1:
        logger.debug("Multiple candidate plugins: %s", prepared)
        plugin_ep = choose_plugin(list(six.itervalues(prepared)), question)
github EFForg / starttls-everywhere / certbot / certbot-apache / certbot_apache / View on Github external
the specified lens.

        error_files = self.aug.match("/augeas//error")

        for path in error_files:
            # Check to see if it was an error resulting from the use of
            # the httpd lens
            lens_path = self.aug.get(path + "/lens")
            # As aug.get may return null
            if lens_path and lens in lens_path:
                msg = (
                    "There has been an error in parsing the file (%s): %s",
                    # Strip off /augeas/files and /error
                    path[13:len(path) - 6], self.aug.get(path + "/message"))
                raise errors.PluginError(msg)
github EFForg / starttls-everywhere / certbot-postfix / certbot_postfix / View on Github external
def _check_version(self):
        """Verifies that the installed Postfix version is supported.

        :raises errors.NotSupportedError: if the version is unsupported

        if self._get_version() < (2, 6,):
            raise errors.NotSupportedError('Postfix version is too old')
github certbot / certbot / certbot / View on Github external
acceptable_matches_rv = []  # type: List[str]
        for item in acceptable_matches:
            if isinstance(item, list):
                acceptable_matches_rv += item
        match = match_func(candidate_lineage)
        if match in acceptable_matches_rv:
        return return_value

    matched = _search_lineages(cli_config, find_matches, [], acceptable_matches)
    if not matched:
        raise errors.Error("No match found for cert-path {0}!".format(cli_config.cert_path[0]))
    elif len(matched) > 1:
        raise errors.OverlappingMatchFound()
        return matched
github certbot / certbot / certbot / View on Github external
# This is not necessary for webroot to work, however,
        # obtain_certificate_from_csr requires to be set
        for domain in domains:
            add_domains(parsed_args, domain)

        if not domains:
            # TODO: add CN to domains instead:
            raise errors.Error(
                "Unfortunately, your CSR %s needs to have a SubjectAltName for every domain"
                % parsed_args.csr[0])

        parsed_args.actual_csr = (csr, typ)
        csr_domains, config_domains = set(domains), set(
        if csr_domains != config_domains:
            raise errors.ConfigurationError(
                "Inconsistent domain requests:\nFrom the CSR: {0}\nFrom command line/config: {1}"
                .format(", ".join(csr_domains), ", ".join(config_domains)))
github EFForg / starttls-everywhere / certbot / certbot / View on Github external
        self.cli_config = cli_config
        if not config_filename.endswith(".conf"):
            raise errors.CertStorageError(
                "renewal config file name must end in .conf")
        self.lineagename = os.path.basename(

        # self.configuration should be used to read parameters that
        # may have been chosen based on default values from the
        # systemwide renewal configuration; self.configfile should be
        # used to make and save changes.
            self.configfile = configobj.ConfigObj(config_filename)
        except configobj.ConfigObjError:
            raise errors.CertStorageError(
                "error parsing {0}".format(config_filename))
        # TODO: Do we actually use anything from defaults and do we want to
        #       read further defaults from the systemwide renewal configuration
        #       file at this stage?
        self.configuration = config_with_defaults(self.configfile)

        if not all(x in self.configuration for x in ALL_FOUR):
            raise errors.CertStorageError(
                "renewal config file {0} is missing a required "
                "file reference".format(self.configfile))

        self.cert = self.configuration["cert"]
        self.privkey = self.configuration["privkey"]
        self.chain = self.configuration["chain"]
        self.fullchain = self.configuration["fullchain"]
        self.live_dir = os.path.dirname(self.cert)
github EFForg / starttls-everywhere / certbot / certbot-apache / certbot_apache / View on Github external
def _reload(self):
        """Reloads the Apache server.

        :raises .errors.MisconfigurationError: If reload fails

        except errors.SubprocessError as err:
            raise errors.MisconfigurationError(str(err))
github certbot / certbot / certbot / certbot / compat / View on Github external
def raise_for_non_administrative_windows_rights():
    # type: () -> None
    On Windows, raise if current shell does not have the administrative rights.
    Do nothing on Linux.

    :raises .errors.Error: If the current shell does not have administrative rights on Windows.
    if not POSIX_MODE and shellwin32.IsUserAnAdmin() == 0:  # pragma: no cover
        raise errors.Error('Error, certbot must be run on a shell with administrative rights.')
github certbot / certbot / certbot / View on Github external
"""Returns a list of matches using _search_lineages."""
        acceptable_matches = [func(candidate_lineage) for func in acceptable_matches]
        acceptable_matches_rv = []  # type: List[str]
        for item in acceptable_matches:
            if isinstance(item, list):
                acceptable_matches_rv += item
        match = match_func(candidate_lineage)
        if match in acceptable_matches_rv:
        return return_value

    matched = _search_lineages(cli_config, find_matches, [], acceptable_matches)
    if not matched:
        raise errors.Error("No match found for cert-path {0}!".format(cli_config.cert_path[0]))
    elif len(matched) > 1:
        raise errors.OverlappingMatchFound()
        return matched