How to use the bypy.util.joinpath function in bypy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bypy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def __share_remote_file(self, tmpdir, rpath, srpath, fast):
		rdir, rfile = posixpath.split(rpath)
		lpath = joinpath(tmpdir, rfile)
		subr = self.__downfile(rpath, lpath)
		if subr != const.ENoError:
			perr("Fatal: Error {} while downloading remote file '{}'".format(subr, rpath))
			return subr

		return self.__share_local_file(lpath, srpath, fast)
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def __share_local(self, lpath, rpath, fast):
		if not os.path.exists(lpath):
			perr("Local path '{}' does not exist.".format(lpath))
			return const.EParameter

		if not self.__ok_to_use_remote_temp_dir():
			perr("Can't continue unless you allow the program to use the remote temporary directory '{}'".format(const.RemoteTempDir))
			return const.EUserRejected

		if fast:
			pr("# fast (unverified) sharing, no network I/O needed (for local sharing), but the other person may not be able to accept some of your files")
		if os.path.isfile(lpath):
			# keep the same file name
			lname = os.path.basename(lpath)
			rfile = joinpath(rpath, lname, '/')
			return self.__share_local_file(lpath, rfile, fast)
		elif os.path.isdir(lpath):
			return self.__share_local_dir(lpath, rpath, fast)
			perr("Local path '{}' is not a file or directory.".format(lpath))
			return const.EParameter
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if it specifies an existing directory, it is the local directory
    if not specified, the local directory is the current directory '.'
    otherwise, it specifies the local file name
To stream a file using downfile, you can use the 'mkfifo' trick with omxplayer etc.:
  mkfifo /tmp/omx downfile  /tmp/omx &
  omxplayer /tmp/omx
		localfile = localpath
		if not localpath:
			localfile = os.path.basename(remotefile)
		elif localpath[-1] == '\\' or \
			localpath[-1] == '/' or \
			#localfile = os.path.join(localpath, os.path.basename(remotefile))
			localfile = joinpath(localpath, os.path.basename(remotefile))
			localfile = localpath

		pcsrpath = get_pcs_path(remotefile)
		return self.__downfile(pcsrpath, localfile)
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def __share_local_dir(self, lpath, rpath, fast):
		result = const.ENoError
		for walk in self.__walk_normal_file(lpath):
			(dirpath, dirnames, filenames) = walk
			for filename in filenames:
				rpart = os.path.relpath(dirpath, lpath)
				if rpart == '.':
					rpart = ''
				subr = self.__share_local_file(
					joinpath(dirpath, filename),
					posixpath.join(rpath, rpart, filename),
				if subr != const.ENoError:
					result = subr
		return result
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def __syncup_diff_one(self, rpath, localdir, d):
		result = const.ENoError
		t = d[0] # type
		p = d[1] # path
		#lcpath = os.path.join(localdir, p) # local complete path
		lcpath = joinpath(localdir, p) # local complete path
		rcpath = rpath + '/' + p # remote complete path
		if self.shalloverwrite("Do you want to overwrite '{}' at Baidu Yun? [y/N]".format(p)):
			# this path is before get_pcs_path() since delete() expects so.
			#result = self.delete(rpartialdir + '/' + p)
			result = self.__delete(rcpath)
#				self.pd("diff type: {}".format(t))
#				self.__isrev = True
#				if t != 'F':
#					result = self.move(remotedir + '/' + p, remotedir + '/' + p + '.moved_by_bypy.' + time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))
#					self.__isrev = False
			if t == 'F' or t == 'FD':
				subresult = self.__upload_file(lcpath, rcpath)
				if subresult != const.ENoError:
					result = subresult
			else: # " t == 'DF' " must be true
				subresult = self.__mkdir(rcpath)
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def __walk_upload(self, localpath, remotepath, ondup, walk):
		(dirpath, dirnames, filenames) = walk

		rdir = os.path.relpath(dirpath, localpath)
		if rdir == '.':
			rdir = ''
			rdir = rdir.replace('\\', '/')

		rdir = (remotepath + '/' + rdir).rstrip('/') # '/' bites

		result = const.ENoError
		for name in filenames:
			#lfile = os.path.join(dirpath, name)
			lfile = joinpath(dirpath, name)
			self.__current_file = lfile
			self.__current_file_size = getfilesize(lfile)
			rfile = rdir + '/' + name.replace('\\', '/')
			# if the corresponding file matches at Baidu Yun, then don't upload
			upload = True
			self.__isrev = False
			self.__remote_json = {}
			subresult = self.__get_file_info(rfile, dumpex = False)
			if subresult == const.ENoError: # same-name remote file exists
				self.__isrev = True
				if const.ENoError == self.__verify_current_file(self.__remote_json, False):
					# the two files are the same
					upload = False
					self.pv("Remote file '{}' already exists, skip uploading".format(rfile))
				else: # the two files are different
					if not self.shalloverwrite("Remote file '{}' exists but is different, "
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def cleancache():
		if cached.loadcache():
			for absdir in cached.cache.keys():
				if not os.path.exists(absdir):
					if cached.verbose:
						pr("Directory: '{}' no longer exists, removing the cache entries".format(absdir))
					cached.dirty = True
					del cached.cache[absdir]
					oldfiles = cached.cache[absdir]
					files = {}
					needclean = False
					for f in oldfiles.keys():
						#p = os.path.join(absdir, f)
						p = joinpath(absdir, f)
						if os.path.exists(p):
							files[f] = oldfiles[f]
							if cached.verbose:
								needclean = True
								pr("File '{}' no longer exists, removing the cache entry".format(p))

					if needclean:
						cached.dirty = True
						cached.cache[absdir] = files
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def __syncdown_delete_local(self, localdir, local):
		result = const.ENoError
		for l in local:
			# use os.path.isfile()/isdir() instead of l[0], because we need to check file/dir existence.
			# as we may have removed the parent dir previously during the iteration
			#p = os.path.join(localdir, l[1])
			p = joinpath(localdir, l[1])
			if os.path.isfile(p):
				subresult = removefile(p, self.verbose)
				if subresult != const.ENoError:
					result = subresult
			elif os.path.isdir(p):
				subresult = removedir(p, self.verbose)
				if subresult != const.ENoError:
					result = subresult

		return result
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def __proceed_share_remote(self, walkresult, rpath, dirjs, filejs, args):
		remoterootlen, tmpdir, srpath, fast = args
		result = walkresult
		for filej in filejs:
			rfile = filej['path']
			subr = self.__share_remote_file(tmpdir, rfile, joinpath(srpath, rfile[remoterootlen:], sep = '/'), fast)
			if subr != const.ENoError:
				result = subr
		return result