How to use the bypy.const function in bypy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bypy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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# no need to call __load_local_json() again as __auth() will load the json & acess token.
			result = self.__auth()
			if result != const.ENoError:
				perr("Program authorization FAILED.\n"
					"You need to authorize this program before using any PCS functions.\n"

		for proxy in ['HTTP_PROXY', 'HTTPS_PROXY']:
			if proxy in os.environ:
				pr("{} used: {}".format(proxy, os.environ[proxy]))

		# update check
		check_update = False
		nowsec = int(time.time())
		if const.SettingKey_LastUpdateCheckTime not in self.__setting:
			check_update = True
			lastcheck = self.__setting[const.SettingKey_LastUpdateCheckTime]
			if nowsec - lastcheck > 7 * 24 * 60 * 60: # check every 7 days
				check_update = True

		if check_update:
			r = requests.get('')
			if r.status_code == 200:
					j = r.json()
					min_ver_key = 'minimumRequiredVersion'
					if min_ver_key in j:
						minver = j[min_ver_key]
						if comp_semver(const.__version__, minver) < 0:
							perr("Your current version ({}) is too low, "
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"not properly installed (missing C extensions). "
						"You need to install a C compiler and Python headers before "
						"installing the Python 'multiprocess' library. "
						"(All these hassles could have been saved if Python's builtin "
						"'multiprocessing' works properly, sigh.)\n"
						"Fix for debian derivatives:\n"
						"- Install gcc: # apt-get install gcc\n"
						"- Install python-dev: # apt-get install python-dev\n"
						"- Reinstall Python 'multiprocess' library:\n"
						"  # pip uninstall -y multiprocess\n"
						"  # pip install -v multiprocess\n"
						"- If there's no errors/warnings in the above actions, "
						"then this error should be gone when you run 'bypy' with '{}' again.\n"
						).format(formatex(pe), const.MultiprocessOption)
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		dest="selectmirror", action="store_true",
		help="Let the program run some tests and select the fastest PCS mirror it detectes. [default: %(default)s]")
		dest="rapiduploadonly", action="store_true",
		help="only upload large files that can be rapidly uploaded")
		dest="resumedl_revertcount", default=const.DefaultResumeDlRevertCount,
		type=int, metavar='RCOUNT',
		help="Revert back at least %(metavar)s download chunk(s) and align to chunk boundary when resuming the download. A negative value means NO reverts. [default: %(default)s]")
		dest="deletesource", action="store_true",
		help="Delete source files/directories after download/upload/syncdown/syncup is successful (This will force verification of the files). [default: %(default)s]")
	if Pool:
			dest="processes", default=const.DefaultProcessCount, type=int,
			help="Number of parallel processes. (Only applies to dir sync/dl/ul). [default: %(default)s]")

	# support aria2c
		dest="downloader", default="",
		help="downloader to use (use python if not specified). valid values: {} [default: %(default)s]".format(const.Downloaders))
		dest="downloader_args", default="",
		help=("arguments for the downloader:\n"
			"normally, the string is the arguments to be passed to the downloader. "
			"however, when it begins with '{0}', it will be treated as the name of file, "
			"whose contents will be used as the downloader arguments "
			"(example: when specifying '{0}args.txt', file contents of 'args.txt' will be "
			"used as the downloader arguments, not the string '@args.txt' itself).\n"
			"you can also use environment variable '{1}' to specify the downloader arguments "
			"(the environment variable has lower priority compared to this argument).\n"
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def __walk_remote_dir(self, remotepath, remoterootpath, args = None, skip_remote_only_dirs = False):
		dirjs = []
		filejs = []
		listStart = 0
		while True:
			pars = {
				'method' : 'list',
				'path' : remotepath,
				'by' : 'name',
				'order' : 'asc',
				'limit' : '{}-{}'.format(listStart, listStart + const.MaxListEntries)}
			# Python parameters are by-reference and mutable, so they are 'out' by default
			result = self.__get(pcsurl + 'file', pars, self.__walk_proceed_remote_dir_act, (dirjs, filejs))
			if len(dirjs) + len(filejs) - listStart < const.MaxListEntries:
			listStart += const.MaxListEntries
		yield [result, remotepath, dirjs, filejs, args]
		if result == const.ENoError:
			self.pd("Remote dirs: {}".format(dirjs))
			self.pd("Remote files: {}".format(filejs))
			for dirj in dirjs:
				crpath = dirj['path'] # crpath - current remote path
				if skip_remote_only_dirs and remoterootpath != None and \
					self.__local_dir_contents.get(posixpath.relpath(crpath, remoterootpath)) == None:
					self.pd("Skipping remote-only sub-directory '{}'.".format(crpath))

				# for Python 3.3+, "yield from" reads better
				for y in self.__walk_remote_dir(crpath, remoterootpath, args, skip_remote_only_dirs):
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return const.EParameter

		if fast:
			self.__get_hashes_for_rapidupload(lpath, setlocalfile = True)
			return const.ENoError

		ulrpath = const.RemoteTempDir + '/' + posixpath.basename(lpath)
		result = self.__upload_file(lpath, ulrpath)
		if result != const.ENoError:
			perr("Unable to share as uploading failed")
			return result

		if not self.__rapiduploaded:
			i = 0
			while i < const.ShareRapidUploadRetries:
				i += 1
				result = self.__rapidupload_file(lpath, ulrpath, setlocalfile = True)
				if result == const.ENoError: # or result == IEMD5NotFound: # retrying if MD5 not found _may_ make the file available?
					self.pd("Retrying #{} for sharing '{}'".format(i, lpath))

		if result == const.ENoError:
			return const.ENoError
		elif result == const.IEMD5NotFound:
			pr("# Sharing (RapidUpload) not possible for '{}', error: {}".format(lpath, result))
			return result
			pr("# Error sharing '{}', error: {}".format(lpath, result))
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help="regular expression of files to include. if not specified (default), everything is included. for download, the regex applies to the remote files; for upload, the regex applies to the local files. to exclude files, think about your regex, some tips here: [default: %(default)s]")
		dest="ondup", default='overwrite',
		help="what to do when the same file / folder exists in the destination: 'overwrite', 'skip', 'prompt' [default: %(default)s]")
		dest="followlink", action="store_false",
		help="DON'T follow symbol links when uploading / syncing up")
		dest="checkssl", action="store_false",
		help="DON'T verify host SSL cerificate")
		dest="cacerts", default=None,
		help="Specify the path for CA Bundle [default: %(default)s]")
		dest="mirror", default='',
		help="Specify the PCS mirror (e.g. Open '' to get the list) to use. [default: " + const.PcsDomain + "]")
		dest="selectmirror", action="store_true",
		help="Let the program run some tests and select the fastest PCS mirror it detectes. [default: %(default)s]")
		dest="rapiduploadonly", action="store_true",
		help="only upload large files that can be rapidly uploaded")
		dest="resumedl_revertcount", default=const.DefaultResumeDlRevertCount,
		type=int, metavar='RCOUNT',
		help="Revert back at least %(metavar)s download chunk(s) and align to chunk boundary when resuming the download. A negative value means NO reverts. [default: %(default)s]")
		dest="deletesource", action="store_true",
		help="Delete source files/directories after download/upload/syncdown/syncup is successful (This will force verification of the files). [default: %(default)s]")
	if Pool:
			dest="processes", default=const.DefaultProcessCount, type=int,
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if Pool != None:
	if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
		# enable with statement
		from contextlib import contextmanager
		def UPool(*args, **kwargs):
			yield Pool(*args, **kwargs)
	elif sys.version_info[0] == 3:
		UPool = Pool

# global instance for non-member function to access
gbypyinst = None

pcsurl = const.PcsUrl
cpcsurl = const.CPcsUrl
dpcsurl = const.DPcsUrl

# This crap is here to avoid circular imports
# What a fantastic packing architecture Python has!
def makemppr(pr):
	def mppr(msg, *args, **kwargs):
		return pr(mp.current_process().name + ': ' + msg, *args, **kwargs)
	return mppr

def makemppprgr(pprgr):
	def mppprgr(finish, total, start_time = None, existing = 0,
		prefix = '', suffix = '', seg = 20):
		prefix = mp.current_process().name + ': ' + str(prefix)
		pprgr(finish, total, start_time, existing, prefix, suffix, seg)
	return mppprgr

def set_mp_print():
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def removedir(path, verbose = False):
	result = const.ENoError
		if verbose:
			pr("Removing local directory '{}'".format(path))
		if path:
	except Exception as ex:
		perr("Fail to remove local directory '{}'.\n{}".format(
			path, formatex(ex)))
		result = const.EFailToDeleteDir

	return result