How to use the bypy.util.getfilesize function in bypy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bypy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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rfile = remotefile

		self.__remote_json = {}
		self.pd("Downloading '{}' as '{}'".format(rfile, localfile))
		self.__current_file = localfile
		#if self.__verify or self.__resumedownload:
		self.pd("Getting info of remote file '{}' for later verification".format(rfile))
		result = self.__get_file_info(rfile)
		if result != const.ENoError:
			return result

		offset = 0
		self.pd("Checking if we already have the copy locally")
		if os.path.isfile(localfile):
			self.pd("Same-name local file '{}' exists, checking if contents match".format(localfile))
			self.__current_file_size = getfilesize(self.__current_file)
			if const.ENoError == self.__verify_current_file(self.__remote_json, False) \
				and not (self.__downloader[:5] == const.DownloaderAria2 and os.path.exists(localfile + '.aria2')):
				self.pd("Same local file '{}' already exists, skip downloading".format(localfile))
				return const.ENoError
				if not self.shalloverwrite("Same-name locale file '{}' exists but is different, "
						"do you want to overwrite it? [y/N]".format(localfile)):
					pinfo("Same-name local file '{}' exists but is different, skip downloading".format(localfile))
					#return const.ENoError
					return const.ESkipped

			if self.__resumedownload and \
				self.__compare_size(self.__current_file_size, self.__remote_json) == 2:
				if self.__resumedl_revertcount < 0:
					if self.__current_file_size:
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			rsize = self.__remote_json['size']
			start_time = time.time()
			for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size = self.__dl_chunk_size):
				if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks
					pprgr(f.tell(), rsize, start_time)

		# No exception above, then everything goes fine
		result = const.ENoError
		if self.__verify:
			self.__current_file_size = getfilesize(self.__current_file)
			result = self.__verify_current_file(self.__remote_json, False)

		if result == const.ENoError:
			self.pv("'{}' <== '{}' OK".format(self.__current_file, rfile))
			perr("'{}' <== '{}' FAILED".format(self.__current_file, rfile))

		return result
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def __store(self, info, path, value):
		cached.dirty = True
		info['size'] = getfilesize(path)
		info['mtime'] = getfilemtime_int(path)
		info[self.f.__name__] = value
		if cached.debug:
			situation = "Storing cache"
			if cached.usecache:
				situation = "Cache miss"
			pdbg((situation + " for file '{}',\n{}: {}\nsize: {}\nmtime: {}").format(
				path, self.f.__name__,
				info['size'], info['mtime']))

		# periodically save to prevent loss in case of system crash
		now = time.time()
		if now - gvar.last_cache_save >= const.CacheSavePeriodInSec:
			if cached.debug:
				pdbg("Periodically saving Hash Cash")
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def __share_local_file(self, lpath, rpath, fast):
		filesize = getfilesize(lpath)
		if filesize < const.MinRapidUploadFileSize:
			perr("File size ({}) of '{}' is too small (must be greater or equal than {}) to be shared".format(
				human_size(filesize), lpath, human_size(const.MinRapidUploadFileSize)))
			return const.EParameter

		if fast:
			self.__get_hashes_for_rapidupload(lpath, setlocalfile = True)
			return const.ENoError

		ulrpath = const.RemoteTempDir + '/' + posixpath.basename(lpath)
		result = self.__upload_file(lpath, ulrpath)
		if result != const.ENoError:
			perr("Unable to share as uploading failed")
			return result
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(dirpath, dirnames, filenames) = walk

		rdir = os.path.relpath(dirpath, localpath)
		if rdir == '.':
			rdir = ''
			rdir = rdir.replace('\\', '/')

		rdir = (remotepath + '/' + rdir).rstrip('/') # '/' bites

		result = const.ENoError
		for name in filenames:
			#lfile = os.path.join(dirpath, name)
			lfile = joinpath(dirpath, name)
			self.__current_file = lfile
			self.__current_file_size = getfilesize(lfile)
			rfile = rdir + '/' + name.replace('\\', '/')
			# if the corresponding file matches at Baidu Yun, then don't upload
			upload = True
			self.__isrev = False
			self.__remote_json = {}
			subresult = self.__get_file_info(rfile, dumpex = False)
			if subresult == const.ENoError: # same-name remote file exists
				self.__isrev = True
				if const.ENoError == self.__verify_current_file(self.__remote_json, False):
					# the two files are the same
					upload = False
					self.pv("Remote file '{}' already exists, skip uploading".format(rfile))
				else: # the two files are different
					if not self.shalloverwrite("Remote file '{}' exists but is different, "
							"do you want to overwrite it? [y/N]".format(rfile)):
						upload = False
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#				#pars['ru'] = rangemagic

			subresult = self.__get(dpcsurl + 'file', pars,
				self.__downchunks_act, (rfile, offset, rsize, start_time), headers = headers, cookies = self.__cookies)
			if subresult != const.ENoError:
				return subresult

			if nextoffset < rsize:
				offset += self.__dl_chunk_size

		# No exception above, then everything goes fine
		result = const.ENoError
		if self.__verify:
			self.__current_file_size = getfilesize(self.__current_file)
			result = self.__verify_current_file(self.__remote_json, False)

		if result == const.ENoError:
			self.pv("'{}' <== '{}' OK".format(self.__current_file, rfile))
			perr("'{}' <== '{}' FAILED".format(self.__current_file, rfile))

		return result
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dl_args = ''
		if not args.downloader_args:
			if const.DownloaderArgsEnvKey in os.environ:
				dl_args = os.environ[const.DownloaderArgsEnvKey]
			prefixlen = len(const.DownloaderArgsIsFilePrefix)
			if args.downloader_args[:prefixlen] == const.DownloaderArgsIsFilePrefix: # file
				with[prefixlen:], 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
					dl_args =
				dl_args = args.downloader_args

		# house-keeping reminder
		# TODO: may need to move into ByPy for customized config dir
		if os.path.exists(const.HashCachePath):
			cachesize = getfilesize(const.HashCachePath)
			if cachesize > 10 * const.OneM or cachesize == -1:
				   "*** WARNING ***\n"
				   "Hash Cache file '{0}' is very large ({1}).\n"
				   "This may affect program's performance (high memory consumption).\n"
				   "You can first try to run ' cleancache' to slim the file.\n"
				   "But if the file size won't reduce (this warning persists),"
				   " you may consider deleting / moving the Hash Cache file '{0}'\n"
				   "*** WARNING ***\n\n\n").format(const.HashCachePath, human_size(cachesize)))

		# check for situations that require no ByPy object creation first
		if args.clean >= 1:
			return clean_prog_files(args.clean, args.verbose, args.configdir)

		# some arguments need some processing
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def __get_hashes_for_rapidupload(self, lpath, setlocalfile = False):
		if setlocalfile:
			self.__current_file = lpath
			self.__current_file_size = getfilesize(lpath)

		self.__current_file_md5 = md5(self.__current_file)
		self.__current_file_slice_md5 = slice_md5(self.__current_file)
		self.__current_file_crc32 = crc32(self.__current_file)
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def __upload_file(self, localpath, remotepath, ondup = 'overwrite'):
		# TODO: this is a quick patch
		if not self.__shallinclude(localpath, remotepath, True):
			# since we are not going to upload it, there is no error
			#return const.ENoError
			return const.ESkipped

		self.__current_file = localpath
		self.__current_file_size = getfilesize(localpath)

		result = const.ENoError
		if self.__current_file_size > const.MinRapidUploadFileSize:
			self.pd("'{}' is being RapidUploaded.".format(self.__current_file))
			result = self.__rapidupload_file(localpath, remotepath, ondup)
			if result == const.ENoError:
				self.pv("RapidUpload: '{}' =R=> '{}' OK.".format(localpath, remotepath))
				self.__rapiduploaded = True
				self.__rapiduploaded = False
				if not self.__rapiduploadonly:
					self.pd("'{}' can't be RapidUploaded, now trying normal uploading.".format(
					# rapid upload failed, we have to upload manually
					if self.__current_file_size <= self.__slice_size:
						self.pd("'{}' is being non-slicing uploaded.".format(self.__current_file))