How to use the archinfo.arch.Endness function in archinfo

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few archinfo examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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bits = 64
    vex_arch = "VexArchARM64"
    name = "AARCH64"
    qemu_name = 'aarch64'
    ida_processor = 'arm'
    linux_name = 'aarch64'
    triplet = 'aarch64-linux-gnueabihf'
    max_inst_bytes = 4
    ret_offset = 16
    vex_conditional_helpers = True
    syscall_num_offset = 80
    call_pushes_ret = False
    stack_change = -8
    memory_endness = Endness.LE
    register_endness = Endness.LE
    instruction_endness = Endness.LE
    sizeof = {'short': 16, 'int': 32, 'long': 64, 'long long': 64}
    if _capstone:
        cs_arch = _capstone.CS_ARCH_ARM64
        cs_mode = _capstone.CS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN
    if _keystone:
        ks_arch = _keystone.KS_ARCH_ARM64
        ks_mode = _keystone.KS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN
    uc_arch = _unicorn.UC_ARCH_ARM64 if _unicorn else None
    uc_mode = _unicorn.UC_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN if _unicorn else None
    uc_const = _unicorn.arm64_const if _unicorn else None
    uc_prefix = "UC_ARM64_" if _unicorn else None
    initial_sp = 0x7ffffffffff0000

    ret_instruction = b"\xC0\x03\x5F\xD6"    # ret
    nop_instruction = b"\x1F\x20\x03\xD5"    # nop
github angr / angr-platforms / angr_platforms / bf / View on Github external
from archinfo.arch import Arch, Register, Endness
from archinfo.arch import register_arch

class ArchBF(Arch):

    memory_endness = Endness.LE
    bits = 64
    vex_arch = None
    name = "BF"
    instruction_alignment = 1

    # Things I did not want to include but were necessary unfortunately :-(
    # self.cs_mode = capstone.CS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN if endness == 'Iend_LE' else capstone.CS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN
    # END
    # registers is a dictionary mapping register names, to a tuple of
    # register offset, and their width, in bytes

    register_list = [
        Register(name="ip", size=8, vex_offset=0),
        Register(name="ptr", size=8, vex_offset=8),
        Register(name="inout", size=1, vex_offset=16),
        Register(name="ip_at_syscall", size=8, vex_offset=24),
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You may optionally provide the ``endness`` and ``bits`` parameters (strings) to help this function out.
    if bits == 64 or (isinstance(bits, str) and '64' in bits):
        bits = 64
    elif isinstance(bits,str) and '32' in bits:
        bits = 32
    elif not bits and '64' in ident:
        bits = 64
    elif not bits and '32' in ident:
        bits = 32

    endness = endness.lower()
    if 'lit' in endness:
        endness = Endness.LE
    elif 'big' in endness:
        endness = Endness.BE
    elif 'lsb' in endness:
        endness = Endness.LE
    elif 'msb' in endness:
        endness = Endness.BE
    elif 'le' in endness:
        endness = Endness.LE
    elif 'be' in endness:
        endness = Endness.BE
    elif 'l' in endness:
        endness = 'unsure'
    elif 'b' in endness:
        endness = 'unsure'
        endness = 'unsure'
    ident = ident.lower()
    cls = None
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def __init__(self, endness=Endness.BE):
        super(ArchMIPS32, self).__init__(endness)
        if endness == Endness.BE:

            self.function_prologs = {
                br"\x27\xbd\xff[\x00-\xff]"                                          # addiu $sp, xxx
                br"\x3c\x1c[\x00-\xff][\x00-\xff]\x9c\x27[\x00-\xff][\x00-\xff]"     # lui $gp, xxx; addiu $gp, $gp, xxxx
            self.function_epilogs = {
                br"\x8f\xbf[\x00-\xff]{2}([\x00-\xff]{4}){0,4}\x03\xe0\x00\x08"      # lw ra, off(sp); ... ; jr ra
            self.qemu_name = 'mips'
            self.triplet = 'mips-linux-gnu'
            self.linux_name = 'mips'
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if bits == 64 or (isinstance(bits, str) and '64' in bits):
        bits = 64
    elif isinstance(bits,str) and '32' in bits:
        bits = 32
    elif not bits and '64' in ident:
        bits = 64
    elif not bits and '32' in ident:
        bits = 32

    endness = endness.lower()
    if 'lit' in endness:
        endness = Endness.LE
    elif 'big' in endness:
        endness = Endness.BE
    elif 'lsb' in endness:
        endness = Endness.LE
    elif 'msb' in endness:
        endness = Endness.BE
    elif 'le' in endness:
        endness = Endness.LE
    elif 'be' in endness:
        endness = Endness.BE
    elif 'l' in endness:
        endness = 'unsure'
    elif 'b' in endness:
        endness = 'unsure'
        endness = 'unsure'
    ident = ident.lower()
    cls = None
    aendness = ""
    for arxs, abits, aendness, acls in arch_id_map:
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def __init__(self, endness, instruction_endness=None):

        if endness not in (Endness.LE, Endness.BE, Endness.ME):
            raise ArchError('Must pass a valid endness: Endness.LE, Endness.BE, or Endness.ME')

        if instruction_endness is not None:
            self.instruction_endness = instruction_endness

        if self.vex_support:
            if _pyvex:
                self.vex_archinfo = _pyvex.default_vex_archinfo()
            self._vex_archinfo = None

        if endness == Endness.BE:
            if self.vex_archinfo:
                self.vex_archinfo['endness'] = _pyvex.vex_endness_from_string('VexEndnessBE')
            self.memory_endness = Endness.BE
            self.register_endness = Endness.BE
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    def __init__(self, endness=Endness.LE):
        super(ArchPPC32, self).__init__(endness)
        if endness == Endness.BE:
            self.function_prologs = {
                # stwu r1, -off(r1); mflr r0
            self.function_epilogs = {
                # mtlr reg; ... ; blr

        self.argument_register_positions = {
            self.registers['r3'][0]: 0,
            self.registers['r4'][0]: 1,
            self.registers['r5'][0]: 2,
            self.registers['r6'][0]: 3,
github angr / archinfo / archinfo / View on Github external
def __init__(self, endness=Endness.LE):
        super(ArchPPC64, self).__init__(endness)
        if endness == Endness.BE:
            self.function_prologs = {
                br"\x94\x21[\x00-\xff]{2}\x7c\x08\x02\xa6",                        # stwu r1, -off(r1); mflr r0
                br"(?!\x94\x21[\x00-\xff]{2})\x7c\x08\x02\xa6",                    # mflr r0
                br"\xf8\x61[\x00-\xff]{2}",                                        # std r3, -off(r1)
            self.function_epilogs = {
                br"[\x00-\xff]{2}\x03\xa6([\x00-\xff]{4}){0,6}\x4e\x80\x00\x20"    # mtlr reg; ... ; blr
            self.triplet = 'powerpc-linux-gnu'
        self.argument_register_positions = {
            self.registers['r3'][0]: 0,
            self.registers['r4'][0]: 1,
            self.registers['r5'][0]: 2,
            self.registers['r6'][0]: 3,
            self.registers['r7'][0]: 4,
            self.registers['r8'][0]: 5,
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return bool(addr & 1)

    bits = 32
    vex_arch = "VexArchARM"
    name = "ARMEL"
    qemu_name = 'arm'
    ida_processor = 'armb'
    linux_name = 'arm'
    triplet = 'arm-linux-gnueabihf'
    max_inst_bytes = 4
    ret_offset = 8
    vex_conditional_helpers = True
    syscall_num_offset = 36
    call_pushes_ret = False
    stack_change = -4
    memory_endness = Endness.LE
    register_endness = Endness.LE
    sizeof = {'short': 16, 'int': 32, 'long': 32, 'long long': 64}
    if _capstone:
        cs_arch = _capstone.CS_ARCH_ARM
        cs_mode = _capstone.CS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN
    _cs_thumb = None
    if _keystone:
        ks_arch = _keystone.KS_ARCH_ARM
        ks_mode = _keystone.KS_MODE_ARM + _keystone.KS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN
    _ks_thumb = None
    uc_arch = _unicorn.UC_ARCH_ARM if _unicorn else None
    uc_mode = _unicorn.UC_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN if _unicorn else None
    uc_const = _unicorn.arm_const if _unicorn else None
    uc_prefix = "UC_ARM_" if _unicorn else None
    #self.ret_instruction = b"\x0E\xF0\xA0\xE1" # this is mov pc, lr
    ret_instruction = b"\x1E\xFF\x2F\xE1" # this is bx lr