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# Change chroma sub-sampling if needed
if dHSubS != sHSubS or dVSubS != sVSubS:
# Apply depth conversion for processed clip
clip = Depth(clip, pbitPS, pSType, fulls, fulls, dither, useZ, ampo, ampn, dyn, staticnoise)
clip = core.fmtc.resample(clip, kernel=kernel, taps=taps, a1=a1, a2=a2, css=css, planes=[2,3,3], fulls=fulls, fulld=fulls, cplace=cplace)
# Apply depth conversion for output clip
clip = Depth(clip, dbitPS, dSType, fulls, fulld, dither, useZ, ampo, ampn, dyn, staticnoise)
elif sIsGRAY:
# Apply depth conversion for output clip
clip = Depth(clip, dbitPS, dSType, fulls, fulld, dither, useZ, ampo, ampn, dyn, staticnoise)
# Shuffle planes for Gray input
widthc = input.width // dHSubS
heightc = input.height // dVSubS
UV = core.std.BlankClip(clip, width=widthc, height=heightc, \
color=1 << (dbitPS - 1) if dSType == vs.INTEGER else 0)
clip = core.std.ShufflePlanes([clip,UV,UV], [0,0,0], vs.YUV)
# Apply depth conversion for processed clip
clip = Depth(clip, pbitPS, pSType, fulls, fulls, dither, useZ, ampo, ampn, dyn, staticnoise)
# Apply matrix conversion for RGB input
if matrix == "OPP":
clip = core.fmtc.matrix(clip, fulls=fulls, fulld=fulld, coef=[1/3,1/3,1/3,0, 1/2,0,-1/2,0, 1/4,-1/2,1/4,0], col_fam=vs.YUV)
clip = SetColorSpace(clip, Matrix=2)
elif matrix == "2020cl":
clip = core.fmtc.matrix2020cl(clip, full=fulld)
clip = core.fmtc.matrix(clip, mat=matrix, fulls=fulls, fulld=fulld, col_fam=vs.YCOCG if matrix == "YCgCo" else vs.YUV)
# Change chroma sub-sampling if needed
if dHSubS != sHSubS or dVSubS != sVSubS:
clip = core.fmtc.resample(clip, kernel=kernel, taps=taps, a1=a1, a2=a2, css=css, planes=[2,3,3], fulls=fulld, fulld=fulld, cplace=cplace)
# Apply depth conversion for output clip
clip = Depth(clip, dbitPS, dSType, fulld, fulld, dither, useZ, ampo, ampn, dyn, staticnoise)
if clipa.num_frames > mask.num_frames:
mask = core.std.DuplicateFrames(clip=mask,
frames=[mask.num_frames-1] * (clipa.num_frames-mask.num_frames))
if x != 0 or y != 0:
clips = vsh.move([clipb, mask], x, y)
clipb = clips[0]
mask = clips[1]
if processing is not None:
processing = processing.lower()
if processing == 'yuv':
if clipa.format.color_family != vs.YUV:
clipa = core.fmtc.resample(clipa, kernel="lanczos", css="444")
clipb = core.fmtc.resample(clipb, kernel="lanczos", css="444")
clipa = core.fmtc.matrix(clipa, mat=matrix, col_fam=vs.YUV)
clipb = core.fmtc.matrix(clipb, mat=matrix, col_fam=vs.YUV)
elif processing == 'rgb':
if clipa.format.color_family != vs.RGB:
clipa = core.fmtc.resample(clipa, kernel="lanczos", css="444")
clipb = core.fmtc.resample(clipb, kernel="lanczos", css="444")
clipa = core.fmtc.matrix(clipa, mat=matrix, col_fam=vs.RGB)
clipb = core.fmtc.matrix(clipb, mat=matrix, col_fam=vs.RGB)
raise ValueError('Unsuported processing mode ("rgb" or "yuv", got: "{}").'.format(processing))
if clipb.format.bits_per_sample != mask.format.bits_per_sample:
mask = core.fmtc.bitdepth(mask, bits=clipb.format.bits_per_sample)
merg = core.std.MaskedMerge(clipa=clipb, clipb=clipa, mask=mask)
def ensure_rgb24(cls, clip: vs.VideoNode, *, matrix=None, compat=False) -> vs.VideoNode:
Converts the clip to a RGB24 colorspace
:param clip: The clip to convert
:param matrix: The matrix to use when converting from YUV to RGB
:return: An RGB24-Clip
if matrix is None:
matrix = settings.yuv_matrix
if clip.format.color_family == vs.YUV: # Matrix on YUV
clip = clip.resize.Spline36(
if clip.format.color_family != vs.RGB or clip.format.bits_per_sample != 8:
clip = clip.resize.Spline36(
if compat:
clip = clip.resize.Spline36(
return clip
-2: AAEedi3SangNom,
-3: AANnedi3SangNom,
'Eedi2': AAEedi2,
'Eedi3': AAEedi3,
'Nnedi3': AANnedi3,
'Nnedi3UpscaleSangNom': AANnedi3UpscaleSangNom,
'Spline64NrSangNom': AASpline64NRSangNom,
'Spline64SangNom': AASpline64SangNom,
'Eedi2SangNom': AAEedi2SangNom,
'Eedi3SangNom': AAEedi3SangNom,
'Nnedi3SangNom': AANnedi3SangNom,
'PointSangNom': AAPointSangNom
aaed_clip = None
if clip.format.color_family is vs.YUV:
y = core.std.ShufflePlanes(edge_enhanced_clip, 0, vs.GRAY)
u = core.std.ShufflePlanes(edge_enhanced_clip, 1, vs.GRAY)
v = core.std.ShufflePlanes(edge_enhanced_clip, 2, vs.GRAY)
if aatype != 0:
y = aa_kernel[aatype](y, strength, down8, opencl=opencl, opencl_device=opencl_device, **args).out()
cycle_y = cycle
while cycle_y > 0:
y = aa_kernel[aatype](y, strength, down8, opencl=opencl, opencl_device=opencl_device, **args).out()
cycle_y -= 1
y = mvf.Depth(y, clip.format.bits_per_sample) if down8 is True else y
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(MODULE_NAME + ': unknown aatype.')
if aatypeu != 0:
u = aa_kernel[aatypeu](u, 0, down8, opencl=opencl, opencl_device=opencl_device,
if end > clip.num_frames:
end = clip.num_frames
if start >= end:
raise ValueError('InsertSign: "start" must be smaller than or equal to "end"!')
if matrix == '601':
matrix = '470bg'
clip_cf = clip.format.color_family
overlay_cf = overlay[0].format.color_family
before = clip[:start] if start != 0 else None
middle = clip[start:end]
after = clip[end:] if end != clip.num_frames else None
matrix_s = None
matrix_in_s = None
if clip_cf == vs.YUV and overlay_cf == vs.RGB:
matrix_s = matrix
if overlay_cf == vs.YUV and clip_cf == vs.RGB:
matrix_in_s = matrix
sign = core.resize.Spline36(overlay[0], clip.width, clip.height,,
matrix_s=matrix_s, matrix_in_s=matrix_in_s,
if overlay[1] is None:
overlay[1] = core.std.BlankClip(sign, format=vs.GRAY8, color=255)
mask = core.resize.Bicubic(overlay[1], clip.width, clip.height)
mask = Depth(mask, bits=clip.format.bits_per_sample, range='full', range_in='full')
middle = core.std.MaskedMerge(middle, sign, mask)
out = middle
if before is not None:
def hybriddenoise(src, knl=0.5, sigma=2, radius1=1):
denoise luma with BM3D (CPU-based) and chroma with KNLMeansCL (GPU-based)
sigma = luma denoise strength
knl = chroma denoise strength. The algorithm is different, so this value is different from sigma
BM3D's sigma default is 5, KNL's is 1.2, to give you an idea of the order of magnitude
radius1 = temporal radius of luma denoising, 0 for purely spatial denoising
y = get_y(src)
y = mvf.BM3D(y, radius1=radius1, sigma=sigma)
denoised = core.knlm.KNLMeansCL(src, a=2, h=knl, d=3, device_type='gpu', device_id=0, channels='UV')
return core.std.ShufflePlanes([y, denoised], planes=[0, 1, 2], colorfamily=vs.YUV)
h = 720
if resizer is None:
resizer = ''
if yuv444 and not resizer:
resizer = 'spline36'
if b is None:
b = 1/3
if c is None:
c = 1/3
if bits is None:
bits = src.format.bits_per_sample
# Value checking
if src.format.color_family not in [vs.YUV, vs.GRAY, vs.YCOCG]:
raise TypeError(funcname + ': "src" must be YUV, GRAY or YCOCG color family!')
if ref.format.color_family not in [vs.YUV, vs.GRAY, vs.YCOCG]:
raise TypeError(funcname + ': "ref" must be YUV, GRAY or YCOCG color family!')
if thr < 0.1 or thr > 10.0:
raise ValueError(funcname + ': "thr" must be in [0.1, 10.0]!')
if thrc < 0.1 or thrc > 10.0:
raise ValueError(funcname + ': "thrc" must be in [0.1, 10.0]!')
if radius <= 0:
raise ValueError(funcname + ': "radius" must be positive.')
if radiusc <= 0:
raise ValueError(funcname + ': "radiusc" must be positive.')
if elast < 1:
raise ValueError(funcname + ': Valid range of "elast" is [1, +inf)!')
if elastc < 1:
raise ValueError(funcname + ': Valid range of "elastc" is [1, +inf)!')
if smode not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
raise ValueError(funcname + ': "smode" must be in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]!')
if smode in [0, 3]:
core = vs.get_core()
funcName = 'BM3D'
clip = input
if not isinstance(input, vs.VideoNode):
raise TypeError(funcName + ': \"input\" must be a clip!')
# Get string format parameter "matrix"
matrix = GetMatrix(input, matrix, True)
# Get properties of input clip
sFormat = input.format
sColorFamily = sFormat.color_family
sIsRGB = sColorFamily == vs.RGB
sIsYUV = sColorFamily == vs.YUV
sIsGRAY = sColorFamily == vs.GRAY
sIsYCOCG = sColorFamily == vs.YCOCG
if sColorFamily == vs.COMPAT:
raise ValueError(funcName + ': Color family *COMPAT* is not supported!')
sbitPS = sFormat.bits_per_sample
sSType = sFormat.sample_type
sHSubS = 1 << sFormat.subsampling_w
sVSubS = 1 << sFormat.subsampling_h
if full is None:
# If not set, assume limited range for YUV and Gray input
# Assume full range for YCgCo and OPP input
if (sIsGRAY or sIsYUV or sIsYCOCG) and (matrix == "RGB" or matrix == "YCgCo" or matrix == "OPP"):
fulls = True