How to use the vapoursynth.GRAY function in VapourSynth

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github darealshinji / vapoursynth-plugins / scripts / View on Github external
def __init__(self, clip):
        super(MaskParent, self).__init__(clip)
        if clip.format.color_family is not vs.GRAY:
            self.clip = self.core.std.ShufflePlanes(self.clip, 0, vs.GRAY)
        self.clip = mvf.Depth(self.clip, 8)  # Mask will always be processed in 8bit scale
        self.mask = None
        self.multi = ((1 << self.clip_bits) - 1) // 255
github Irrational-Encoding-Wizardry / fvsfunc / View on Github external
ow = src.width
    oh = src.height

    bits = src.format.bits_per_sample
    sample_type = src.format.sample_type
    if sample_type == vs.INTEGER:
        maxvalue = (1 << bits) - 1
        thr = thr * maxvalue // 0xFF
        maxvalue = 1
        thr /= (235 - 16)

    # Fix lineart
    src_y = core.std.ShufflePlanes(src, planes=0, colorfamily=vs.GRAY)
    deb = Resize(src_y, w, h, kernel=kernel, a1=b, a2=c, taps=taps, invks=True)
    sharp = nnp2.nnedi3_rpow2(deb, 2, ow, oh)
    thrlow = 4 * maxvalue // 0xFF if sample_type == vs.INTEGER else 4 / 0xFF
    thrhigh = 24 * maxvalue // 0xFF if sample_type == vs.INTEGER else 24 / 0xFF
    edgemask = core.std.Prewitt(sharp, planes=0)
    edgemask = core.std.Expr(edgemask, "x {thrhigh} >= {maxvalue} x {thrlow} <= 0 x ? ?"
                                       .format(thrhigh=thrhigh, maxvalue=maxvalue, thrlow=thrlow))
    if kernel == "bicubic" and c >= 0.7:
        edgemask = core.std.Maximum(edgemask, planes=0)
    sharp = core.resize.Point(sharp,

    # Restore true 1080p
    deb_upscale = Resize(deb, ow, oh, kernel=kernel, a1=b, a2=c, taps=taps)
    diffmask = core.std.Expr([src_y, deb_upscale], 'x y - abs')
    for _ in range(expand):
        diffmask = core.std.Maximum(diffmask, planes=0)
github darealshinji / vapoursynth-plugins / scripts / View on Github external
def Tweak(clip, hue=None, sat=None, bright=None, cont=None, coring=True):
    if clip.format is None:
        raise vs.Error("Tweak: only clips with constant format are accepted.")

    if clip.format.color_family == vs.RGB:
        raise vs.Error("Tweak: RGB clips are not accepted.")

    c = vs.get_core()
    if (hue is not None or sat is not None) and clip.format.color_family != vs.GRAY:
        hue = 0.0 if hue is None else hue
        sat = 1.0 if sat is None else sat

        hue = hue * math.pi / 180.0
        hue_sin = math.sin(hue)
        hue_cos = math.cos(hue)

        gray = 128 << (clip.format.bits_per_sample - 8)

        chroma_min = 0
        chroma_max = (2 ** clip.format.bits_per_sample) - 1
        if coring:
            chroma_min = 16 << (clip.format.bits_per_sample - 8)
            chroma_max = 240 << (clip.format.bits_per_sample - 8)

        expr_u = "x {} - {} * y {} - {} * + {} + {} max {} min".format(gray, hue_cos * sat, gray, hue_sin * sat, gray, chroma_min, chroma_max)
github darealshinji / vapoursynth-plugins / scripts / View on Github external
strength = _clamp(0, strength, 100)
    threshold = _clamp(0, threshold, 100)

    if ss_x < 1.0:
        ss_x = 1.0
    if ss_y < 1.0:
        ss_y = 1.0

    if ss_x != 1.0 or ss_y != 1.0:
        clip = core.resize.Lanczos(clip, width=_m4(ox*ss_x), height=_m4(oy*ss_y))

    orig = clip

    if orig.format.num_planes != 1:
        clip = core.std.ShufflePlanes(clips=clip, planes=[0],
    val = clip

    max_ = core.std.Maximum(clip)
    min_ = core.std.Minimum(clip)

    nmax = core.std.Expr([max_, min_], ['x y -'])
    nval = core.std.Expr([val, min_], ['x y -'])

    s = strength/100.0
    t = threshold/100.0
    x0 = t * (1.0 - s) / (1.0 - (1.0 - t) * (1.0 - s))

    expr = ('{x} {y} / 2 * 1 - abs {x0} < {s} 1 = {x} {y} 2 / = 0 {y} 2 / ? '
            '{x} {y} / 2 * 1 - abs 1 {s} - / ? {x} {y} / 2 * 1 - abs 1 {t} - '
            '* {t} + ? {x} {y} 2 / > 1 -1 ? * 1 + {y} * 2 / {scl} *').format(
                x=x, y=y, x0=x0, t=t, s=s, scl=scl)
github darealshinji / vapoursynth-plugins / scripts / View on Github external
        aaov = 4

    if w > 1100 and aablk is None:
        aablk = 16
        aablk = 8

    _max = (1 << orig.format.bits_per_sample) - 1
    _mid = (1 << orig.format.bits_per_sample) / 2

    aatype = aatype.lower()

    # Mask

    m = core.std.ShufflePlanes(orig, planes=0, colorfamily=vs.GRAY)

    m = core.std.Expr(core.std.Expr([core.std.Convolution(m, [5, 10, 5, 0, 0, 0, -5, -10, -5], divisor=4, saturate=False),
                                    core.std.Convolution(m, [5, 0, -5, 10, 0, -10, 5, 0, -5], divisor=4, saturate=False)],
                                    ['x y max']),
                      ['x {_mid} / 0.86 pow {_max} *'.format(_max=_max, _mid=_mid)])

    # darkening and thining work different than in the original script because of effort

    if dark != 0 or thin != 0:
        preaa = haf.FastLineDarkenMOD(orig, strength=dark, thinning=thin)
        preaa = orig

    # Antialiasing

    if aatype == 'sangnom':
github HomeOfVapourSynthEvolution / vsTAAmbk / View on Github external
def __init__(self, clip):
        self.core = vs.get_core()
        self.clip = clip
        if not isinstance(clip, vs.VideoNode):
            raise TypeError(MODULE_NAME + ': clip is invalid.')
        self.clip_width = clip.width
        self.clip_height = clip.height
        self.clip_bits = clip.format.bits_per_sample
        self.clip_color_family = clip.format.color_family
        self.clip_sample_type = clip.format.sample_type
        self.clip_id =
        self.clip_subsample_w = clip.format.subsampling_w
        self.clip_subsample_h = clip.format.subsampling_h
        self.clip_is_gray = True if clip.format.num_planes == 1 else False
        # Register format for GRAY10
        vs.GRAY10 = self.core.register_format(vs.GRAY, vs.INTEGER, 10, 0, 0).id
github darealshinji / vapoursynth-plugins / scripts / View on Github external
raise TypeError(funcName + ': \"clip\" must be a clip!')
    # Get properties of input clip
    sFormat = clip.format
    sNumPlanes = sFormat.num_planes
    # Parameters
    if plane is None:
        plane = 0
    elif not isinstance(plane, int):
        raise TypeError(funcName + ': \"plane\" must be an int!')
    elif plane < 0 or plane > sNumPlanes:
        raise ValueError(funcName + ': valid range of \"plane\" is [0, sNumPlanes)!'.format(sNumPlanes=sNumPlanes))
    # Process
    return core.std.ShufflePlanes(clip, plane, vs.GRAY)
github darealshinji / vapoursynth-plugins / scripts / View on Github external
temp = core.fmtc.resample(temp, *original, kernel=kernel, taps=taps)
        diff = core.std.MakeDiff(startclip, temp, 0)

    mask = core.std.Lut(diff, function=luma16).rgvs.RemoveGrain(mode=[RGmode])
    mask = core.std.Lut(mask, function=f16)

    for i in range(expandN):
        mask = core.generic.Maximum(mask, planes=[0])
    for i in range(inflateN):
        mask = core.generic.Inflate(mask, planes=[0])

    mask = core.fmtc.resample(mask, *target, taps=taps)
    if blur_more:
        mask = core.rgvs.RemoveGrain(mask, mode=[12,0,0])

    mask = core.std.ShufflePlanes(mask, planes=0, colorfamily=vs.GRAY)
    return core.fmtc.bitdepth(mask, bits=depth, dmode=1)
github Infiziert90 / getnative / View on Github external
src_st = src_f.sample_type
    src_bits = src_f.bits_per_sample
    src_sw = src_f.subsampling_w
    src_sh = src_f.subsampling_h

    descale_getnative_filter = get_descale_getnative_filter(b, c, taps, kernel)

    if src_cf == vs.RGB and not gray:
        rgb = descale_getnative_filter(to_rgbs(src), width, height)
        return rgb.resize.Point(

    y = descale_getnative_filter(to_grays(src), width, height)
    y_f = core.register_format(vs.GRAY, src_st, src_bits, 0, 0)
    y = y.resize.Point(

    if src_cf == vs.GRAY or gray:
        return y

    if not yuv444 and ((width % 2 and src_sw) or (height % 2 and src_sh)):
        raise ValueError('descale_getnative: The output dimension and the subsampling are incompatible.')

    uv_f = core.register_format(src_cf, src_st, src_bits, 0 if yuv444 else src_sw, 0 if yuv444 else src_sh)
    uv = src.resize.Spline36(width, height,, chromaloc_s=chromaloc)

    return core.std.ShufflePlanes([y, uv], [0, 1, 2], vs.YUV)
github darealshinji / vapoursynth-plugins / scripts / View on Github external
chroma_min = 0
        chroma_max = (2 ** clip.format.bits_per_sample) - 1
        if coring:
            chroma_min = 16 << (clip.format.bits_per_sample - 8)
            chroma_max = 240 << (clip.format.bits_per_sample - 8)

        expr_u = "x {} - {} * y {} - {} * + {} + {} max {} min".format(gray, hue_cos * sat, gray, hue_sin * sat, gray, chroma_min, chroma_max)
        expr_v = "y {} - {} * x {} - {} * - {} + {} max {} min".format(gray, hue_cos * sat, gray, hue_sin * sat, gray, chroma_min, chroma_max)

        if clip.format.sample_type == vs.FLOAT:
            expr_u = "x {} * y {} * + -0.5 max 0.5 min".format(hue_cos * sat, hue_sin * sat)
            expr_v = "y {} * x {} * - -0.5 max 0.5 min".format(hue_cos * sat, hue_sin * sat)

        src_u = clip.std.ShufflePlanes(planes=1, colorfamily=vs.GRAY)
        src_v = clip.std.ShufflePlanes(planes=2, colorfamily=vs.GRAY)

        dst_u = c.std.Expr(clips=[src_u, src_v], expr=expr_u)
        dst_v = c.std.Expr(clips=[src_u, src_v], expr=expr_v)

        clip = c.std.ShufflePlanes(clips=[clip, dst_u, dst_v], planes=[0, 0, 0], colorfamily=clip.format.color_family)

    if bright is not None or cont is not None:
        bright = 0.0 if bright is None else bright
        cont = 1.0 if cont is None else cont

        if clip.format.sample_type == vs.INTEGER:
            luma_lut = []

            luma_min = 0
            luma_max = (2 ** clip.format.bits_per_sample) - 1
            if coring: