How to use the vapoursynth.VideoNode function in VapourSynth

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few VapourSynth examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Beatrice-Raws / VapourSynth-TCPClip / View on Github external
def __init__(self,
                 host: str = None,
                 port: int = 14322,
                 clip: VideoNode = None,
                 threads: int = 0,
                 log_level: Union[str,
                                  LL] = 'info') -> None:
        """ Constructor for Server. """
        self.log_level = Util().as_enum(log_level) if isinstance(
            log_level, str) else log_level
        if not isinstance(clip, VideoNode):
            Util().message('crit', 'argument "clip" has wrong type.')
        self.clip = clip
        self.threads = core.num_threads if threads == 0 else threads
        self.frame_queue_buffer = dict()
        self.client_connected = False
        self.soc = socket.socket(
        self.soc.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
        Util().message('info', 'socket created.')
            self.soc.bind((host, port))
            Util().message('info', 'socket bind complete.')
        except socket.error:
            Util().message('crit', f'bind failed. Error: {sys.exc_info()}')
github darealshinji / vapoursynth-plugins / scripts / View on Github external
def __init__(self, clip):
        self.core = vs.get_core()
        self.clip = clip
        if not isinstance(clip, vs.VideoNode):
            raise TypeError(MODULE_NAME + ': clip is invalid.')
        self.clip_width = clip.width
        self.clip_height = clip.height
        self.clip_bits = clip.format.bits_per_sample
        self.clip_color_family = clip.format.color_family
        self.clip_sample_type = clip.format.sample_type
        self.clip_id =
        self.clip_subsample_w = clip.format.subsampling_w
        self.clip_subsample_h = clip.format.subsampling_h
        self.clip_is_gray = True if clip.format.num_planes == 1 else False
        # Register format for GRAY10
        vs.GRAY10 = self.core.register_format(vs.GRAY, vs.INTEGER, 10, 0, 0).id
github Irrational-Encoding-Wizardry / fvsfunc / View on Github external
src_sh = src_f.subsampling_h
    dst_st = vs.INTEGER if bits < 32 else vs.FLOAT

    if isinstance(range, str):
        range = RANGEDICT[range]

    if isinstance(range_in, str):
        range_in = RANGEDICT[range_in]

    if (src_bits, range_in) == (bits, range):
        return src
    out_f = core.register_format(src_cf, dst_st, bits, src_sw, src_sh)
    return core.resize.Point(src,, dither_type=dither_type, range=range, range_in=range_in)

TYPEDICT = {vs.VideoNode: 'a clip', int: 'an int', float: 'a float', bool: 'a bool', str: 'a str', list: 'a list'}

RANGEDICT = {'limited': 0, 'full': 1}
github darealshinji / vapoursynth-plugins / templinearapproximate / View on Github external
def TempLinearApproximateMC(clip, meclip = None, radius = 2, planes = None, subpel = 4, subpelinterp = None, dct = None, refine = False, blocksize = None,
	overlap = None, search = None, searchparam = None, pelsearch = None, chromamotion = True, truemotion = True, _lambda = None, lsad = None, pnew = None,
	plevel = None, globalmotion = True, thsad = None, thscd1 = None, thscd2 = None, badrange = None, isse = None, gamma = None):
	core = vs.get_core()
	if not isinstance(clip, vs.VideoNode) or != vs.YUV420P8:
		raise ValueError('MCDenoise.TempLinearApproximate: Input format must be YUV420P8.')
	if not isinstance(radius, int) or radius < 1:
		raise ValueError("MCDenoise.TempLinearApproximate: 'radius' must be larger than 1.")
	tla_arguments = {"radius": radius, "planes": planes, "gamma": gamma}
	super_arguments = {"pel": subpel, "sharp": subpelinterp}
	compensate_arguments = {"thsad":thsad, "thscd1":thscd1, "thscd2":thscd2}
	recalculate_arguments = {"chroma":chromamotion, "search":search,  "searchparam":searchparam, "truemotion":truemotion, "lambda":_lambda}
	analyze_arguments = {
github Irrational-Encoding-Wizardry / yuuno / yuuno / vs / View on Github external
def _init_registry(self):
        from vapoursynth import VideoNode, VideoFrame
        from yuuno.vs.clip import VapourSynthClip, VapourSynthFrame
        from yuuno.vs.clip import VapourSynthAlphaClip

        registry = Registry()
        registry.register(VapourSynthClip, VideoNode)
        registry.register(VapourSynthFrame, VideoFrame)
        registry.register(VapourSynthAlphaClip, AlphaOutputClip)
        if is_version(43):
            # Required so that IPython automatically supports alpha outputs
            from vapoursynth import AlphaOutputTuple
            registry.register(VapourSynthAlphaClip, AlphaOutputTuple)

        return registry
github AlphaAtlas / VapourSynth-Super-Resolution-Helper / Scripts / View on Github external
def YUVPreview(clips, matrix_s, writelist = [], matrix=None, full=None, depth=None,\
dither=None, kernel=None, a1=None, a2=None, prefer_props=None, drawtext=True, alignment = 7):
    # Set VS core and function name
	funcName = "YUVPreview"
	if len(writelist) != len(clips):
		writelist = [None] * len(clips)
	if isinstance(clips, list):
		#Remove all Nones from the clip list
		tlist = []
		n = 0
		for c in clips:
			if c == None:
				del writelist[n]
				n = n + 1
				if not isinstance(c, vs.VideoNode):
					raise TypeError(funcName + ': \"clips\" must be a list of clips!') 
		clips = tlist
		ref = clips[0]	
		raise TypeError(funcName + ': \"clips\" must be a list of clips!')
    # Get properties of output clip
	if depth is None:
		depth = 10
	elif not isinstance(depth, int):
		raise TypeError(funcName + ': \"depth\" must be an int!')
	if depth >= 32:
		sample = vs.FLOAT
		sample = vs.INTEGER
github Irrational-Encoding-Wizardry / yuuno / yuuno / vs / View on Github external
return VapourSynthFrameWrapper(frame=frame, compat_frame=compat.get_frame(0))

class VapourSynthClip(VapourSynthClipMixin, HasTraits):

    clip: VideoNode = Instance(VideoNode)

    def __init__(self, clip):
        super(VapourSynthClip, self).__init__(clip=clip)

class VapourSynthFrame(VapourSynthClipMixin, HasTraits):

    frame: VideoFrame = Instance(VideoFrame)
    clip: VideoNode = Instance(VideoNode, allow_none=True)

    def __init__(self, frame):
        HasTraits.__init__(self, frame=frame)

    def _frame_observe(self, value):
        self.clip = self._wrap_frame(value['new'])

class VapourSynthAlphaFrameWrapper(HasTraits):
    clip: VapourSynthFrameWrapper = Instance(VapourSynthFrameWrapper)
    alpha: VapourSynthFrameWrapper = Instance(VapourSynthFrameWrapper)

    _cache: Image.Image = Instance(Image.Image, allow_none=True)

github Endilll / vapoursynth-preview / vspreview / toolbars / View on Github external
def __init__(self, main: AbstractMainWindow) -> None:
        super().__init__(main, 'Pipette')


        self.pos_fmt = '{},{}'
        self.src_hex_fmt = '{:2X}'
        self.src_max_val: Union[int, float] = 2**8 - 1
        self.src_dec_fmt = '{:3d}'
        self.src_norm_fmt = '{:0.5f}'
        self.outputs: Dict[Output, vs.VideoNode] = {}

github Irrational-Encoding-Wizardry / yuuno / yuuno / View on Github external
@inlines.register(VideoNode, format="image/png")
@inlines.register(VideoFrame, format="image/png")
def video_converter(obj):
    img = converters.convert(obj, frame_no=0)
    return image_to_bytes(img), {
        'width': img.width,
        'height': img.height,
        'unconfined': True
github darealshinji / vapoursynth-plugins / scripts / View on Github external
def GetMatrix(clip, matrix=None, dIsRGB=None, id=False):
    # Set VS core and function name
    core = vs.get_core()
    funcName = 'GetMatrix'
    if not isinstance(clip, vs.VideoNode):
        raise TypeError(funcName + ': \"clip\" must be a clip!')
    # Get properties of input clip
    sFormat = clip.format
    sColorFamily = sFormat.color_family
    sIsRGB = sColorFamily == vs.RGB
    sIsYUV = sColorFamily == vs.YUV
    sIsGRAY = sColorFamily == vs.GRAY
    sIsYCOCG = sColorFamily == vs.YCOCG
    if sColorFamily == vs.COMPAT:
        raise ValueError(funcName + ': Color family *COMPAT* is not supported!')
    # Get properties of output clip
    if dIsRGB is None:
        dIsRGB = not sIsRGB