How to use the pyscipopt.Term function in PySCIPOpt

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p = np.zeros(len(self.model.getVars())+1)
                for j in optProblem.constraints: #constraint_list:
                    for k in range(1,len(j.A[0])):
                        if len(p) == len(j.A.T[k,:]) and np.equal(p,j.A.T[k,:]).all():
                            equ = True
                #TODO: need to also make sure, this constraint only appears if y**2 not in any other constraint
                if not equ:
                    #constraint_list.append(ExprToPoly({Term(y,y):-1.0}, nvars))
                    optProblem.addCons(str(ExprToPoly({Term(y,y):-1.0}, nvars)) + '>= 0')
                if y.getUbLocal() != 1e+20:
                    boundcons = ExprToPoly(Expr({Term(): y.getUbLocal(), Term(y):-1.0}), nvars)
                    optProblem.addCons(str(boundcons) + ' >= 0')
                if y.getLbLocal != -1e+20: #TODO: do we also need: and y.getLbLocal != 0.0:
                    boundcons = ExprToPoly(Expr({Term(): -y.getLbLocal(), Term(y):1.0}), nvars)
                    optProblem.addCons(str(boundcons) + ' >= 0')
        #print([(con.A, con.b) for con in constraint_list])
        #constraint_list = [str(con) + " >= 0" for con in constraint_list]

        """Here starts the real computation
            first try to use the GP, if that does not work use scipy"""
        #---try to solve it using GP, so do not need scipy---
        #TODO: sometimes get lower bound > solution, so maybe need to take constant term better into account?
        problem = solve_GP(optProblem)
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def ExprToPoly(Exp, nvar):
    """turn pyscipopt.scip.Expr into a Polynomial (SCIP -> POEM)
    :param: Exp: expression of type pyscipopt.scip.Expr
    :param: nvar: number of variables of given problem
    nterms = len([key for key in Exp])

    #get constant Term
    if Term() in Exp:
        const = Exp[Term()]
        const = 0.0
        nterms += 1

    #turn Expr into Polynomial 
    A = np.array([np.zeros(nterms)]*nvar)
    b = np.zeros(nterms)
    b[0] = const
    j = 1
    for key in Exp:
       if not key == Term():
            for el in tuple(key):
                i = re.findall(r'x\(?([0-9]+)\)?', str(el))
                A[int(i[0])][j] += 1
            b[j] = Exp[key]
            j += 1
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    #TODO: currently working with strings, change that to arrays
    dictP = p.__dict__()
    d = dict()
    for key in dictP.keys():
        i = 0
        t =[]
        varstr = [None]*len(var)
        for j in range(len(var)):
            varstr[j] = str(var[j])
        for el in key[1:]:
            f = 'x' + str(i)
            for _ in range(el):
        term = Term()
        for el in t:
            term += Term(el)
        d[term] = dictP[key]
    return Expr(d)
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if y.getUbLocal() == y.getLbLocal() and y.getUbLocal() == 0:
                equ = False
                p = np.zeros(len(self.model.getVars())+1)
                for j in optProblem.constraints: #constraint_list:
                    for k in range(1,len(j.A[0])):
                        if len(p) == len(j.A.T[k,:]) and np.equal(p,j.A.T[k,:]).all():
                            equ = True
                #TODO: need to also make sure, this constraint only appears if y**2 not in any other constraint
                if not equ:
                    #constraint_list.append(ExprToPoly({Term(y,y):-1.0}, nvars))
                    optProblem.addCons(str(ExprToPoly({Term(y,y):-1.0}, nvars)) + '>= 0')
                if y.getUbLocal() != 1e+20:
                    boundcons = ExprToPoly(Expr({Term(): y.getUbLocal(), Term(y):-1.0}), nvars)
                    optProblem.addCons(str(boundcons) + ' >= 0')
                if y.getLbLocal != -1e+20: #TODO: do we also need: and y.getLbLocal != 0.0:
                    boundcons = ExprToPoly(Expr({Term(): -y.getLbLocal(), Term(y):1.0}), nvars)
                    optProblem.addCons(str(boundcons) + ' >= 0')
        #print([(con.A, con.b) for con in constraint_list])
        #constraint_list = [str(con) + " >= 0" for con in constraint_list]

        """Here starts the real computation
            first try to use the GP, if that does not work use scipy"""
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dictP = p.__dict__()
    d = dict()
    for key in dictP.keys():
        i = 0
        t =[]
        varstr = [None]*len(var)
        for j in range(len(var)):
            varstr[j] = str(var[j])
        for el in key[1:]:
            f = 'x' + str(i)
            for _ in range(el):
        term = Term()
        for el in t:
            term += Term(el)
        d[term] = dictP[key]
    return Expr(d)