How to use the pyscipopt.SCIP_RESULT.DIDNOTRUN function in PySCIPOpt

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def benderssolvesubconvex(self, solution, probnumber, onlyconvex):
        self.model.setupBendersSubproblem(probnumber, self, solution)
        subprob = self.model.getBendersSubproblem(probnumber, self)
        assert self.subprob.getObjVal() == subprob.getObjVal()

        result_dict = {}

        objective = subprob.infinity()
        result = SCIP_RESULT.DIDNOTRUN
        lpsolstat = self.subprob.getLPSolstat()
        if lpsolstat == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT.OPTIMAL:
           objective = self.subprob.getObjVal()
           result = SCIP_RESULT.FEASIBLE
        elif lpsolstat == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT.INFEASIBLE:
           objective = self.subprob.infinity()
           result = SCIP_RESULT.INFEASIBLE
        elif lpsolstat == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT.UNBOUNDEDRAY:
           objective = self.subprob.infinity()
           result = SCIP_RESULT.UNBOUNDED

        result_dict["objective"] = objective
        result_dict["result"] = result

        return result_dict
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def benderssolvesubconvex(self, solution, probnumber, onlyconvex):
        self.model.setupBendersSubproblem(probnumber, self, solution)
        subprob = self.model.getBendersSubproblem(probnumber, self)
        assert self.subprob.getObjVal() == subprob.getObjVal()

        result_dict = {}

        objective = subprob.infinity()
        result = SCIP_RESULT.DIDNOTRUN
        lpsolstat = self.subprob.getLPSolstat()
        if lpsolstat == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT.OPTIMAL:
           objective = self.subprob.getObjVal()
           result = SCIP_RESULT.FEASIBLE
        elif lpsolstat == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT.INFEASIBLE:
           objective = self.subprob.infinity()
           result = SCIP_RESULT.INFEASIBLE
        elif lpsolstat == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT.UNBOUNDEDRAY:
           objective = self.subprob.infinity()
           result = SCIP_RESULT.UNBOUNDED

        result_dict["objective"] = objective
        result_dict["result"] = result

        return result_dict
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def pricerredcost(self):

        # stop pricing if limit for pricing rounds reached
        if not self.keep_on_pricing():
            print("maxrounds reached, pricing interrupted")
            return {'lowerbound' : self.lowerbound, 'result' : SCIP_RESULT.DIDNOTRUN }

        # get dual solution
        pi = {}
        for n in self.model.graph.nodes_iter():
            pi[n] = self.model.getDualsolLinear(self.model.constraints[n]) #TODO: should we receive model instead of storing it in Pricer?

        # get current graph
        G = getCurrentGraph(self.model)

        # brute force (see NOTE 1) cliques of the complement are stable sets of the original
        max_stable_value = 0
        max_stable_set = []
        for quotients_stable_set in networkx.enumerate_all_cliques(networkx.complement(G)):
            # transform quotient's stable set to original's stable set
            stable_set = quotient_to_parent(quotients_stable_set)
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def branchexeclp(self, allowaddcons):
        self.count += 1
        if self.count >= 2:
            return {"result": SCIP_RESULT.DIDNOTRUN}
        assert allowaddcons

        assert not self.model.inRepropagation()
        assert not self.model.inProbing()
        assert not self.model.isObjChangedProbing()
        self.model.fixVarProbing(self.cont, 2.0)

        self.integral = self.model.getLPBranchCands()[0][0]

        if self.count == 1:
            down, eq, up = self.model.branchVarVal(self.cont, 1.3)
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def sepaexeclp(self):
        result = SCIP_RESULT.DIDNOTRUN
        scip = self.model

        if not scip.isLPSolBasic():
            return {"result": result}

        #TODO: add SCIPgetNLPBranchCands
        # get var data ---> this is the same as getVars!
        vars = scip.getVars(transformed = True)

        # get LP data
        cols = scip.getLPColsData()
        rows = scip.getLPRowsData()

        # exit if LP is trivial
        if len(cols) == 0 or len(rows) == 0:
            return {"result": result}
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def sepaexeclp(self):
        result = SCIP_RESULT.DIDNOTRUN
        scip = self.model

        if not scip.isLPSolBasic():
            return {"result": result}

        #TODO: add SCIPgetNLPBranchCands
        # get var data ---> this is the same as getVars!
        vars,_,_,_,_ = scip.getVarsData()

        # get LP data
        cols = scip.getLPColsData()
        rows = scip.getLPRowsData()

        # exit if LP is trivial
        if len(cols) == 0 or len(rows) == 0:
            return {"result": result}
github ds4dm / learn2branch / View on Github external
if self.model.getNNodes() == 1:
            # initialize root buffer for Khalil features extraction
            utilities.extract_khalil_variable_features(self.model, [], self.khalil_root_buffer)

        # once in a while, also run the expert policy and record the (state, action) pair
        query_expert = self.rng.rand() < self.query_expert_prob
        if query_expert:
            state = utilities.extract_state(self.model)
            cands, *_ = self.model.getPseudoBranchCands()
            state_khalil = utilities.extract_khalil_variable_features(self.model, cands, self.khalil_root_buffer)

            result = self.model.executeBranchRule('vanillafullstrong', allowaddcons)
            cands_, scores, npriocands, bestcand = self.model.getVanillafullstrongData()

            assert result == scip.SCIP_RESULT.DIDNOTRUN
            assert all([c1.getCol().getLPPos() == c2.getCol().getLPPos() for c1, c2 in zip(cands, cands_)])

            action_set = [c.getCol().getLPPos() for c in cands]
            expert_action = action_set[bestcand]

            data = [state, state_khalil, expert_action, action_set, scores]

            # Do not record inconsistent scores. May happen if SCIP was early stopped (time limit).
            if not any([s < 0 for s in scores]):

                filename = f'{self.out_dir}/sample_{self.episode}_{self.sample_counter}.pkl'
                with, 'wb') as f:
                        'episode': self.episode,
                        'instance': self.instance,
                        'seed': self.seed,
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j = int(str(el[0])[-1])
                    A[j][i] = 1.0
                    i += 1
                polynomial = Polynomial(A,b)

                #add constraints to constraint_list with constraints >= 0
                _nonnegCons(polynomial, rhs, lhs)
                #TODO: what to do with non-polynomial constraints? (possibly linear relaxation)
                raise Warning("relaxator not available for constraints of type ", constype)

        #No  constraints of type expr, quadratic or linear, relaxator not applicable
        if optProblem.constraints == []: #constraint_list == []:
            return {'result': SCIP_RESULT.DIDNOTRUN}
        #get Objective as Polynomial
        optProblem.setObjective(ExprToPoly(self.model.getObjective(), nvars))

        #use the Variable bounds as linear constraints
        #TODO: improve usage of bounds, maybe delete Constraints if same as bounds (for Polynomial)
        #TODO: problem if bounds are tightened since it makes completely new polynomial (linear term is changed)
        #TODO: 'polynomial unbounded at point ..' appears if variables do not appear in polynomial (possibility to fix them to 0?)
        for i,y in enumerate(self.model.getVars()):
            if y.getUbLocal() == y.getLbLocal() and y.getUbLocal() == 0:
                equ = False
                p = np.zeros(len(self.model.getVars())+1)
                for j in optProblem.constraints: #constraint_list:
                    for k in range(1,len(j.A[0])):