How to use the pyscipopt.SCIP_PARAMSETTING function in PySCIPOpt

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few PySCIPOpt examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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# add heuristic to interrupt solve: the methods we wanna test can only be called in solving stage
    heuristic = MyHeur()
    m.includeHeur(heuristic, "PyHeur", "heur to interrupt", "Y", timingmask=SCIP_HEURTIMING.BEFORENODE)

    # create variables
    x = m.addVar(name="x", lb=-3, ub=3, obj=-1)
    y = m.addVar(name="y", lb=-3, ub=3, obj=-1)

    # create constraints
    m.addCons(1*x + 2*y + 3 * x**2 + 4*y**2  + 5*x*y <= 6)
    m.addCons(7*x**2 + 8*y**2 == 9)
    m.addCons(10*x + 11*y <= 12)

    # optimize without presolving

    # check whether NLP has been constructed and there are 3 nonlinear rows that match the above constraints
    assert m.isNLPConstructed()
    assert m.getNNlRows() == 3

    # collect nonlinear rows
    nlrows = m.getNlRows()

    # check first nonlinear row
    assert nlrows[0].getLhs() == -m.infinity()
    assert nlrows[0].getRhs() == 6

    linterms = nlrows[0].getLinearTerms()
    assert len(linterms) == 2
    assert str(linterms[0][0]) == "t_x"
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def test_heur():
    # create solver instance
    s = Model()
    heuristic = MyHeur()
    s.includeHeur(heuristic, "PyHeur", "custom heuristic implemented in python", "Y", timingmask=SCIP_HEURTIMING.BEFORENODE)

    # add some variables
    x = s.addVar("x", obj=1.0)
    y = s.addVar("y", obj=2.0)

    # add some constraint
    s.addCons(x + 2*y >= 5)

    # solve problem

    # print solution
    sol = s.getBestSol()
    assert sol != None
    assert round(sol[x]) == 5.0
    assert round(sol[y]) == 0.0
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def model():
    # create solver instance
    s = Model()

    # include separator
    sepa = GMI()
    s.includeSepa(sepa, "python_gmi", "generate GMI", 1000, 1)

    # turn off presolve
    # turn off heuristics
    # turn off propagation
    s.setIntParam("propagating/maxrounds", 0)
    s.setIntParam("propagating/maxroundsroot", 0)
    # turn off some cuts
    s.setIntParam("separating/strongcg/freq", -1)
    s.setIntParam("separating/cmir/freq", -1)
    s.setIntParam("separating/gomory/freq", -1)
    s.setIntParam("separating/flowcover/freq", -1)
    s.setIntParam("separating/mcf/freq", -1)
    s.setIntParam("separating/closecuts/freq", -1)
    s.setIntParam("separating/clique/freq", -1)

    # iteration limits over root lp: TODO: this doesn't seem to work. I wanted to use it to write some asserts regarding
    # cuts, but probably I should find a better way of testing.
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def test_flp():
    test the Benders' decomposition plugins with the facility location problem.
    I,J,d,M,f,c = make_data()
    master = flp(I, J, M, d, f, c=c, monolithic=True)
    # initializing the default Benders' decomposition with the subproblem

    # optimizing the monolithic problem

    EPS = 1.e-6
    y =
    facilities = [j for j in y if master.getVal(y[j]) > EPS]

    print("Optimal value:", master.getObjVal())
    print("Facilities at nodes:", facilities)


    return master.getObjVal()
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def model():
    # create solver instance
    s = Model()

    # include separator
    sepa = GMI()
    s.includeSepa(sepa, "python_gmi", "generates gomory mixed integer cuts", priority = 1000, freq = 1)

    # turn off presolve
    # turn off heuristics
    # turn off propagation
    s.setIntParam("propagating/maxrounds", 0)
    s.setIntParam("propagating/maxroundsroot", 0)
    # turn off some cuts
    s.setIntParam("separating/strongcg/freq", -1)
    s.setIntParam("separating/gomory/freq", -1)
    s.setIntParam("separating/aggregation/freq", -1)
    s.setIntParam("separating/mcf/freq", -1)
    s.setIntParam("separating/closecuts/freq", -1)
    s.setIntParam("separating/clique/freq", -1)
    s.setIntParam("separating/zerohalf/freq", -1)

    # only two rounds of cuts
    s.setIntParam("separating/maxroundsroot", 2)

    return s
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maximize  15x + 18y + 30z
subject to 2x +   y +   z <= 60
           x  +  2y +   z <= 60
                        z <= 30
           x,y,z >= 0
Variables correspond to the production of three types of wine blends,
made from pure-grape wines.
Constraints correspond to the inventory of pure-grape wines.

Copyright (c) by Joao Pedro PEDROSO and Mikio KUBO, 2012
from pyscipopt import Model, quicksum, SCIP_PARAMSETTING

#Initialize model
model = Model("Wine blending")

Inventory = {"Alfrocheiro":60, "Baga":60, "Castelao":30}
Grapes = Inventory.keys()

Profit = {"Dry":15, "Medium":18, "Sweet":30}
Blends = Profit.keys()

Use = {