How to use the ol/style.Stroke function in ol

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ol examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github NieuwlandGeo / SLDReader / src / styles / polygonStyle.js View on Github external

  const stroke = style.stroke && style.stroke.styling;
  const fill = style.fill && style.fill.styling;
  return new Style({
      fill &&
      new Fill({
          fill.fillOpacity && fill.fill && fill.fill.slice(0, 1) === '#'
            ? hexToRGB(fill.fill, fill.fillOpacity)
            : fill.fill,
      stroke &&
      new Stroke({
          stroke.strokeOpacity &&
          stroke.stroke &&
          stroke.stroke.slice(0, 1) === '#'
            ? hexToRGB(stroke.stroke, stroke.strokeOpacity)
            : stroke.stroke || '#3399CC',
        width: stroke.strokeWidth || 1.25,
        lineCap: stroke.strokeLinecap && stroke.strokeLinecap,
        lineDash: stroke.strokeDasharray && stroke.strokeDasharray.split(' '),
        lineDashOffset: stroke.strokeDashoffset && stroke.strokeDashoffset,
        lineJoin: stroke.strokeLinejoin && stroke.strokeLinejoin,
github hslayers / hslayers-ng / components / query / query-base.service.js View on Github external
function pointClickedStyle(feature) {
            var defaultStyle = new Style({
                image: new Circle({
                    fill: new Fill({
                        color: 'rgba(255, 156, 156, 0.4)'
                    stroke: new Stroke({
                        color: '#cc3333',
                        width: 1
                    radius: 5

            if (angular.isDefined(config.queryPoint)) {
                if (config.queryPoint == "hidden") {
                else if (config.queryPoint == "notWithin") {
                    if (me.selector.getFeatures().getLength() > 0) {
github infra-geo-ouverte / igo2-lib / packages / geo / src / lib / geometry / shared / geometry.utils.ts View on Github external
export function createDrawInteractionStyle(color?: [number, number, number]): olstyle.Style {
  color = color || [0, 153, 255];
  return new olstyle.Style({
    stroke: new olstyle.Stroke({
      color: color.concat([1]),
      width: 2
    fill:  new olstyle.Fill({
      color: color.concat([0.2])
    image: new olstyle.Circle({
      radius: 8,
      stroke: new olstyle.Stroke({
        color: color.concat([1])
      fill: new olstyle.Fill({
        color: color.concat([0.2])
github openlayers / openlayers / examples / custom-interactions.js View on Github external
url: ''
    new VectorLayer({
      source: new VectorSource({
        features: [pointFeature, lineFeature, polygonFeature]
      style: new Style({
        image: new Icon(/** @type {module:ol/style/Icon~Options} */ ({
          anchor: [0.5, 46],
          anchorXUnits: 'fraction',
          anchorYUnits: 'pixels',
          opacity: 0.95,
          src: 'data/icon.png'
        stroke: new Stroke({
          width: 3,
          color: [255, 0, 0, 1]
        fill: new Fill({
          color: [0, 0, 255, 0.6]
  target: 'map',
  view: new View({
    center: [0, 0],
    zoom: 2
github geosolutions-it / MapStore2 / web / client / components / map / openlayers / LegacyVectorStyle.js View on Github external
if (type === "Circle") {
                        let coordinates = geom.getCenter();
                        return new Point(coordinates);
                    return null;
        return styles;
    if (geomType === "Text" && tempStyle.font) {
        return [getTextStyle(tempStyle, textValues[0], ||];
    if (geomType === "MultiPolygon" || geomType === "Polygon") {
        let styles = [
            new Style({
                stroke: ? new Stroke({
                    color: [255, 255, 255, 1],
                    width: tempStyle.weight + 2
                }) : null
            new Style({
                stroke: new Stroke( tempStyle.stroke ? tempStyle.stroke : {
                    color: ? blue : colorToRgbaStr( && tempStyle.color || "#0000FF", tempStyle.opacity || 1),
                    lineDash: ? [10] : [0],
                    width: tempStyle.weight || 1
                image: isDrawing ? image : null,
                fill: new Fill(tempStyle.fill ? tempStyle.fill : {
                    color: colorToRgbaStr( && tempStyle.fillColor || "#0000FF", tempStyle.fillOpacity || 1)
github sakitam-fdd / HMap / src / style / Style.js View on Github external
getStyleByLine (options) {
    let style = null
    if (!options) {
      style = new olStyle.Style({
        stroke: new olStyle.Stroke({
          width: 4,
          color: '#0000EE'
    } else {
      style = new olStyle.Style({})
      if (options['stroke'] && this._getStroke(options['stroke'])) {
      if (options['text'] && this._getText(options['text'])) {
      if (options['fill'] && this._getFill(options['fill'])) {
github ThinkGeo / VectorMap-js / src / style / geoShieldStyle.js View on Github external
setSquareIcon() {
        let fill = undefined;
        let stroke = undefined;
        let radius = this.iconSize * 0.5;

        if (this.iconColor) {
            fill = new Fill(({ color: this.convertSymbolColor }));
        if (this.iconOutlineColor || this.iconOutlineWidth) {
            stroke = new Stroke(({
                color: this.convertSymbolOutlineColor,
                width: this.iconOutlineWidth

        this.image = new RegularShape({
            fill: fill,
            stroke: stroke,
            points: 4,
            radius: radius,
            angle: Math.PI / 4 + this.angle
github hslayers / hslayers-ng / components / layermanager / hs.layermanager-selection.service.js View on Github external
function ($rootScope, OlMap, config) {
        var me = this;

        this.selectedFeatures = new collection();
        this.multiFalseStored = {};

        let selectStyle = new Style({
            fill: new Fill({
                color: "rgba(108, 184, 222, 0.1)",
            stroke: new Stroke({
                color: '#00ffe2',
                width: 2

        me.selector = new select({ 
            condition: click,
            toggleCondition: click,
            filter: function(feature, layer) {
                    if (layer.get('selectable').multi === true){
                        return layer.get('selectable').enabled == true ;
                    else if (layer.get('selectable').multi == false){
                        if (me.multiFalseStored[layer.ol_uid]) {
github NieuwlandGeo / SLDReader / src / styles / pointStyle.js View on Github external
function getMarkStroke(mark) {
  const { stroke } = mark;

  let olStroke;
  if (stroke && stroke.styling && !(Number(stroke.styling.strokeWidth) === 0)) {
    const { stroke: cssStroke, strokeWidth: cssStrokeWidth } = stroke.styling;
    olStroke = new Stroke({
      color: cssStroke || 'black',
      width: cssStrokeWidth || 2,

  return olStroke;
github openforis / collect-earth-online / src / main / resources / public / js / mercator-openlayers.js View on Github external
return new Style({
            image: new CircleStyle({
                radius: radius,
                fill: fillColor ? new Fill({ color: fillColor }) : null,
                stroke: new Stroke({
                    color: borderColor,
                    width: borderWidth,
    } else {
        return new Style({
            image: new CircleStyle({
                radius: radius,
                fill: fillColor ? new Fill({ color: fillColor }) : null,
                stroke: new Stroke({
                    color: borderColor,
                    width: borderWidth,
            text: new StyleText({
                text: text.toString(),
                fill: new Fill({ color: textFillColor }),