How to use the ol/Map function in ol

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ol examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Viglino / ol-ext / src / control / Globe.js View on Github external
if (/right/.test(options.align))
			this.panel_ = document.createElement("div");
			this.pointer_ = document.createElement("div");
		}, {
		element: element,
		// ???
		// Create a globe map
		this.ovmap_ = new ol_Map({
		controls: new ol_Collection(),
			interactions: new ol_Collection(),
			target: this.panel_,
			view: new ol_View({
			zoom: 0,
				center: [0, 0]
			layers: options.layers
		setTimeout(function () {
		}, 0);
		this.set('follow', options.follow || false);
		// Cache extent
		this.extentLayer = new ol_layer_Vector({
		name: 'Cache extent',
github cswbrian / district-councils-dashboard / web / src / components / DCCACompareMap.js View on Github external
// create map object with feature layer
    const layers = [
      //default OSM layer
      new TileLayer({
        source: new XYZ({

    if (isDCDataExist) {

    const map = new Map({
      target: this.refs.mapContainer,
      view: new View({
        projection: 'EPSG:4326',
        center: [114.2029, 22.3844],
        zoom: 13,
      controls: [],

    this.featureOverlay = new VectorLayer({
      source: new VectorSource(),
      map: map,
      style: function(feature) {
github openlayers / openlayers / examples / mapbox-vector-tiles-advanced.js View on Github external
const resolutions = [];
for (let i = 0; i <= 8; ++i) {
  resolutions.push(156543.03392804097 / Math.pow(2, i * 2));
// Calculation of tile urls for zoom levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15.
function tileUrlFunction(tileCoord) {
  return ('https://{a-d}' +
      '{z}/{x}/{y}.vector.pbf?access_token=' + key)
    .replace('{z}', String(tileCoord[0] * 2 - 1))
    .replace('{x}', String(tileCoord[1]))
    .replace('{y}', String(tileCoord[2]))
    .replace('{a-d}', 'abcd'.substr(
      ((tileCoord[1] << tileCoord[0]) + tileCoord[2]) % 4, 1));

const map = new Map({
  layers: [
    new VectorTileLayer({
      source: new VectorTileSource({
        attributions: '© <a href="">Mapbox</a> ' +
          '© <a href="">' +
          'OpenStreetMap contributors</a>',
        format: new MVT(),
        tileGrid: new TileGrid({
          extent: getProjection('EPSG:3857').getExtent(),
          resolutions: resolutions,
          tileSize: 512
        tileUrlFunction: tileUrlFunction
      style: createMapboxStreetsV6Style(Style, Fill, Stroke, Icon, Text)
github Viglino / ol-ext / src / overlay / Magnify.js View on Github external
var ol_Overlay_Magnify = function (options) {
	var elt = document.createElement("div");
			elt.className = "ol-magnify";
	this._elt = elt;,
		{	positioning: options.positioning || "center-center",
			element: this._elt,
			stopEvent: false
	// Create magnify map
	this.mgmap_ = new ol_Map(
	{	controls: new ol_Collection(),
		interactions: new ol_Collection(),
		target: || this._elt,
		view: new ol_View({ projection: options.projection }),
		layers: options.layers
	this.mgview_ = this.mgmap_.getView();

	this.external_ =;

	this.set("zoomOffset", options.zoomOffset||1);
	this.set("active", true);
	this.on("propertychange", this.setView_.bind(this));
ol_ext_inherits(ol_Overlay_Magnify, ol_Overlay);
github terrestris / react-geo / src / Field / NominatimSearch / NominatimSearch.spec.tsx View on Github external
it('calls this.props.onSelect with the selected item', () => {
      const dataSource = [{
        place_id: 752526,
        display_name: 'Böen, Löningen, Landkreis Cloppenburg, Niedersachsen, Deutschland'
      const map = new OlMap({
        layers: [new OlLayerTile({name: 'OSM', source: new OlSourceOsm()})],
        view: new OlView({
          projection: 'EPSG:4326',
          center: [37.40570, 8.81566],
          zoom: 4
      //SETUP END

      const selectSpy = jest.fn();
      const wrapper = TestUtil.mountComponent(NominatimSearch, {
        onSelect: selectSpy,
        dataSource: dataSource
github terrestris / ol-util / src / MapUtil / MapUtil.spec.js View on Github external
it('returns true: layer (w/ maxResolution) &amp; viewRes &lt; l.maxres', () =&gt; {
      const layer = new OlLayerTile({
        maxResolution: 42
      const view = new OlView({resolution: 41});
      const map = new OlMap({view: view});
      expect(MapUtil.layerInResolutionRange(layer, map)).toBe(true);
github jumpinjackie / mapguide-react-layout / src / components / map-viewer-base.tsx View on Github external
protected createOLMap(options: MapOptions): any {
        return new Map(options);
    private getCallback(): IMapViewerContextCallback {
github ghettovoice / vuelayers / src / component / map / map.vue View on Github external
createOlObject () {
        const map = new Map({
          loadTilesWhileAnimating: this.loadTilesWhileAnimating,
          loadTilesWhileInteracting: this.loadTilesWhileInteracting,
          pixelRatio: this.pixelRatio,
          moveTolerance: this.moveTolerance,
          keyboardEventTarget: this.keyboardEventTarget,
          maxTilesLoading: this.maxTilesLoading,
          controls: this._controlsCollection,
          interactions: this.$interactionsCollection,
          layers: this.$layersCollection,
          overlays: this.$overlaysCollection,
          view: this.$view,

        setMapDataProjection(map, this.dataProjection)
github openlayers / ol-mapbox-style / example / stylefunction.js View on Github external
import VectorSource from 'ol/source/Vector';
import GeoJsonFormat from 'ol/format/GeoJSON';
import Map from 'ol/Map';
import View from 'ol/View';

import stylefunction from 'ol-mapbox-style/stylefunction';

const layer = new VectorLayer({
  declutter: true,
  source: new VectorSource({
    format: new GeoJsonFormat(),
    url: 'data/states.geojson'

const map = new Map({
  target: 'map',
  view: new View({
    center: [-13603186.115192635, 6785744.563386],
    zoom: 2

  .then(r => r.json())
  .then((glStyle) => {
    stylefunction(layer, glStyle, 'states');
    if (map.getLayers().getArray().indexOf(layer) === -1) {