How to use the ol/style.Fill function in ol

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ol examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github vmware-samples / vmware-blockchain-samples / supply-chain / src / app / world-map / world-map.component.ts View on Github external
private initMap() {
    const tilePixels = new Projection({
      code: 'TILE_PIXELS',
      units: 'tile-pixels'

    // Styles for the country layer - same fill and stroke for flat earth look
    const countryStyle = new Style({
      fill: new Fill({
        color: this.theme.countryFill
      stroke: new Stroke({
        color: this.theme.countryBorder,
        width: 1
    // Fill color for feature bubbles
    const nodeFeatureFill = new Fill({ color: this.theme.nodeFill });
    const nodeFeatureFillSelected = new Fill({ color: this.theme.nodeFill });

    // Overlay container for the tooltip on node hover
    this.overlay = new Overlay({
      element: this.tooltipContainer.nativeElement,
      positioning: 'right',
      autoPan: true,
github vmware-samples / vmware-blockchain-samples / supply-chain / src / app / world-map / world-map.component.ts View on Github external
code: 'TILE_PIXELS',
      units: 'tile-pixels'

    // Styles for the country layer - same fill and stroke for flat earth look
    const countryStyle = new Style({
      fill: new Fill({
        color: this.theme.countryFill
      stroke: new Stroke({
        color: this.theme.countryBorder,
        width: 1
    // Fill color for feature bubbles
    const nodeFeatureFill = new Fill({ color: this.theme.nodeFill });
    const nodeFeatureFillSelected = new Fill({ color: this.theme.nodeFill });

    // Overlay container for the tooltip on node hover
    this.overlay = new Overlay({
      element: this.tooltipContainer.nativeElement,
      positioning: 'right',
      autoPan: true,
      autoPanAnimation: {
        source: null,
        duration: 250

    this.vectorSource = new VectorSource({
      wrapX: false,
      features: this.featureCollection
github geosolutions-it / MapStore2 / web / client / utils / openlayers / Icons.js View on Github external
}), new Style({
                image: new Icon({
                    src: extraMarker,
                    anchor: [markers.size[0] / 2, markers.size[1]],
                    anchorXUnits: 'pixels',
                    anchorYUnits: 'pixels',
                    size: markers.size,
                    offset: [markers.colors.indexOf( || 'blue') * markers.size[0], markers.shapes.indexOf( || 'circle') * markers.size[1]]
                text: new Text({
                    text: glyphs[],
                    font: '14px FontAwesome',
                    offsetY: -markers.size[1] * 2 / 3,
                    fill: new Fill({color: '#FFFFFF'})

github SuperMap / iClient-JavaScript / src / openlayers / overlay / graphic / CanvasRenderer.js View on Github external
fill: new olStyle.Fill({
                            color: 'rgba(0, 153, 255, 1)'
                        stroke: style.getStroke(),
                        snapToPixel: Util.getOlVersion() === '4' ? style.getSnapToPixel() : null
                } else if (style instanceof olStyle.RegularShape) {
                    defaultHighLightStyle = new olStyle.RegularShape({
                        radius: style.getRadius(),
                        radius2: style.getRadius2(),
                        points: style.getPoints(),
                        angle: style.getAngle(),
                        snapToPixel: Util.getOlVersion() === '4' ? style.getSnapToPixel() : null,
                        rotation: style.getRotation(),
                        rotateWithView: style.getRotateWithView(),
                        fill: new olStyle.Fill({
                            color: 'rgba(0, 153, 255, 1)'
                        stroke: style.getStroke()
                style = me.highLightStyle || defaultHighLightStyle;
            vectorContext.setStyle(new olStyle.Style({
                image: style
            let geometry = graphic.getGeometry();
            let coordinate = geometry.getCoordinates();
            let pixelP = map.getPixelFromCoordinate(coordinate);
            let rotation = -map.getView().getRotation();
            let center = map.getPixelFromCoordinate(map.getView().getCenter());
            let scaledP = scale(pixelP, center, 1);
github cswbrian / district-councils-dashboard / web / src / components / OLMap.js View on Github external
import Select from 'ol/interaction/Select'
import styled from 'styled-components'

import dc2003 from '../data/DCCA_2003'
import dc2007 from '../data/DCCA_2007'
import dc2011 from '../data/DCCA_2011'
import dc2015 from '../data/DCCA_2015'
import dc2019 from '../data/DCCA_2019'

const MapContainer = styled.div`
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

const regionStyle = new Style({
  fill: new Fill({
    color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)',
  stroke: new Stroke({
    color: '#319FD3',
    width: 1,
  text: new Text({
    font: '16px Calibri,sans-serif',
    fill: new Fill({
      color: '#000',
    stroke: new Stroke({
      color: '#fff',
      width: 2,
github infra-geo-ouverte / igo2-lib / projects / geo / src / lib / import-export / shared / import-export.service.ts View on Github external
const olFeature = format.readFeatures(text, {
      dataProjection: sourceSrs,
      featureProjection: map.projection

    const r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
    const g = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
    const b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
    const stroke = new Stroke({
      color: [r, g, b, 1],
      width: 2

    const fill = new Fill({
      color: [r, g, b, 0.4]

    const layer = new VectorLayer({
      source: overlayDataSource,
      style: new Style({
        stroke: stroke,
        fill: fill,
        image: new Circle({
          radius: 5,
          stroke: stroke,
          fill: fill
github infra-geo-ouverte / igo2-lib / packages / geo / src / lib / measure / shared / measure.utils.ts View on Github external
export function createMeasureLayerStyle(): olstyle.Style {
  return new olstyle.Style({
    stroke: new olstyle.Stroke({
      color: '#ffcc33',
      width: 2
    fill:  new olstyle.Fill({
      color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)'
github geosolutions-it / MapStore2 / web / client / components / map / openlayers / DrawSupport.jsx View on Github external
let strokeColor = style && (style.strokeColor || style.color) ? style.strokeColor || style.color : '#ffcc33';
        if (selected) {
            strokeColor = '#4a90e2';
        strokeColor = this.hexToRgb(strokeColor).concat([style && style.opacity || 1]);
        let newStyle = new Style({
            fill: new Fill({
                color: fillColor
            stroke: new Stroke({
                color: strokeColor,
                width: style && (style.strokeWidth || style.weight) ? style.strokeWidth || style.weight : 2
            text: new Text({
                text: style && style.text ? style.text : '',
                fill: new Fill({ color: style && (style.strokeColor || style.color) ? style.strokeColor || style.color : '#000' }),
                stroke: new Stroke({ color: '#fff', width: 2 }),
                font: style && style.fontSize ? style.fontSize + 'px helvetica' : ''

        if (type === "GeometryCollection") {
            return [...getMarkerStyleLegacy({
                style: { iconGlyph: 'comment',
                    iconShape: 'square',
                    iconColor: 'blue' }
            }), newStyle];
        if (style && (style.iconUrl || style.iconGlyph)) {
            return getMarkerStyleLegacy({
github geosolutions-it / MapStore2 / web / client / components / map / openlayers / LegacyVectorStyle.js View on Github external
if (geomType === "MultiPolygon" || geomType === "Polygon") {
        let styles = [
            new Style({
                stroke: ? new Stroke({
                    color: [255, 255, 255, 1],
                    width: tempStyle.weight + 2
                }) : null
            new Style({
                stroke: new Stroke( tempStyle.stroke ? tempStyle.stroke : {
                    color: ? blue : colorToRgbaStr( && tempStyle.color || "#0000FF", tempStyle.opacity || 1),
                    lineDash: ? [10] : [0],
                    width: tempStyle.weight || 1
                image: isDrawing ? image : null,
                fill: new Fill(tempStyle.fill ? tempStyle.fill : {
                    color: colorToRgbaStr( && tempStyle.fillColor || "#0000FF", tempStyle.fillOpacity || 1)
        let startEndPointStyles = ? startEndPolylineStyle({radius: tempStyle.weight, applyToPolygon: true}, {radius: tempStyle.weight, applyToPolygon: true}) : [];
        return [...styles, ...startEndPointStyles];
    return fallbackStyle;
github hslayers / hslayers-ng / components / query / query.js View on Github external
function pointClickedStyle(feature) {
                var defaultStyle = new Style({
                    image: new Circle({
                        fill: new Fill({
                            color: 'rgba(255, 156, 156, 0.4)'
                        stroke: new Stroke({
                            color: '#cc3333',
                            width: 1
                        radius: 5

                if (angular.isDefined(config.queryPoint)) {
                    if (config.queryPoint == "hidden") {
                    else if (config.queryPoint == "notWithin") {
                        if (me.selector.getFeatures().getLength() > 0) {