How to use the bizcharts.PathUtil.catmullRomToBezier function in bizcharts

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github alibaba / ice / react-materials / blocks / CustomBarChart / src / CustomBarChart.jsx View on Github external
[0, 0],
          [1, 1],

        Util.each(points, (point) => {
          if (
            !prePoint ||
            !(prePoint.x === point.x && prePoint.y === point.y)
          ) {
            prePoint = point;

        const spline = PathUtil.catmullRomToBezier(data, false, constaint);
        let path =
          'M' + first.x + ' ' + first.y + PathUtil.parsePathArray(spline);
        path = PathUtil.pathToAbsolute(path);
        path = this.parsePath(path, false);

        return container.addShape('path', {
          attrs: {
            fill: cfg.color || '#00D9DF',
            path: path,