How to use the bizcharts.G2.track function in bizcharts

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bizcharts examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github m430 / antd-pro-toolkit / components / Charts / g2.ts View on Github external
// 全局 G2 设置
import { G2 } from 'bizcharts';


const config = {
  defaultColor: '#1089ff',
  shape: {
    interval: {
      fillOpacity: 1,

G2.Global.setTheme(config as any);
github snowflakedb / SnowAlert / src / webui / frontend / src / components / Chart / index.ts View on Github external
import {G2} from 'bizcharts';
import Pie from './Pie';


const config = G2.Util.deepMix(
    defaultColor: '#1089ff',
    shape: {
      interval: {
        fillOpacity: 1,


export {Pie};