How to use the bizcharts.G2 function in bizcharts

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import * as React from 'react';
import * as BizCharts from 'bizcharts';
import { Chart, View, Shape, Tooltip, Coord, Axis, Legend, Guide, Facet } from 'bizcharts';

const g2: any = BizCharts.G2;

const global: G2.Global = g2.Global;

// lodash function
const util: G2.Util = {
  each: ()=>{},
  map: ()=>{},
  isObject: ()=>{},
  isNumber: ()=>{},
  isString: ()=>{},
  isFunction: ()=>{},
  other: ''
// same as use BizCharts.Util
const util2: BizCharts.Util = util;