How to use the azure-storage.TableUtilities function in azure-storage

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few azure-storage examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Azure / node-red-contrib-azure / azuretablestorage.js View on Github external
var senddata = function () {
            node.log('Saving data into Azure Table Storage :\n   data: ' + entityClass.partitionKey + " - " + entityClass.rowKey + " - " + + " - " + entityClass.tableName);
            // Create a message and send it to the Azure Table Storage
            var entGen = Client.TableUtilities.entityGenerator;
            node.log('creating entity...');
            var entity = {
                PartitionKey: entGen.String(entityClass.partitionKey),
                RowKey: entGen.String(entityClass.rowKey),
                data: entGen.String(JSON.stringify(,
            node.log('entity created successfully');
            clientTableService.insertEntity(entityClass.tableName, entity, function(err, result, response) {
                node.log('trying to insert');
                if (err) {
                    node.error('Error while trying to save data:' + err.toString());
                } else {
                    node.log('data saved.');
                    node.send('data saved.');
github microsoft / botbuilder-js / libraries / botbuilder-azure / src / tableStorage.ts View on Github external
const getEdmValue = (entityValue) => {
    return entityValue.$ === azure.TableUtilities.EdmType.INT64
        ? Number(entityValue._)
        : entityValue._;
github Azure-Samples / storage-table-node-getting-started / basic.js View on Github external
function BasicAzureTableSamples() {

  entityGen = storage.TableUtilities.entityGenerator;
  storageClient = storage.createTableService(config.connectionString);
  tableName = "Customers" + guid.v1().replace(/-/g, '');

  return scenarios = [
      action: basicTableOperations,
      message: 'Azure Table Basic Sample\n'
github microsoft / opensource-portal / lib / entityMetadataProvider / table.ts View on Github external
if (!this._storageAccountName) {
      throw new Error('Storage account name required');
    const storageAccountKey = options.key;
    if (!storageAccountKey) {
      throw new Error('Storage account key required');
    this._prefix = options.prefix || '';
    this._fixedPartitionKeyMapping = Object.assign(defaultFixedPartitionKeys(this._prefix), (options.metadataTypeToFixedPartitionKeyMapping || {}));
    this._rowKeyPrefixMapping = Object.assign(defaultRowKeyPrefixes(), (options.metadataTypeToRowKeyPrefixMapping || {}));
    this._typeToEncryptedColumnsMapping = Object.assign(defaultEncryptionColumns(), (options.metadataTypeToEncryptedColumnsMapping || {}));
    this._typeToEncryptionOptions = new Map();
    this._encryptionOptions = options.encryption;
    try {
      this._table = azure.createTableService(this._storageAccountName, storageAccountKey);
      this._entityGenerator = azure.TableUtilities.entityGenerator;
    } catch (storageAccountError) {
      throw storageAccountError;
    this._initializedTables = new Map();
github microsoft / botbuilder-js / libraries / botbuilder-azure / src / tableStorage.ts View on Github external
 * @module botbuilder-azure
 * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the MIT License.
import { Storage, StoreItems, StoreItem } from 'botbuilder';
import * as azure from 'azure-storage';
import { flatten, unflatten } from 'flat';
import { Host } from './blobStorage';
const EntityGenerator = azure.TableUtilities.entityGenerator;

 * Additional settings for configuring an instance of `TableStorage`. 
export interface TableStorageSettings {
     * Name of the table to use for storage.
     * @remarks
     * Check table name rules:
    tableName: string;

    /** (Optional) storage access key. */
    storageAccessKey?: string;
github microsoft / opensource-portal / lib / linkProviders / table / tableLinkProvider.ts View on Github external
initialize(callback) {
    const options = this._options || {};

    let table = null;
    try {
      table = azure.createTableService(options.account, options.key);
    } catch (storageAccountError) {
      return callback(storageAccountError);

    this._table = table;
    this._entityGenerator = azure.TableUtilities.entityGenerator;

    this._tableNamePrefix = options.prefix || '';
    this._tableName = options.tableName || `${this._tableNamePrefix}${defaultTableName}`;

    if (options.encryption) {
      try {
        configureTableEncryption(this, options);
      } catch (encryptionInitializationError) {
        return callback(encryptionInitializationError);

    const tableClient = this._table;

    if (options.throwIfTableMissing) {
      tableClient.doesTableExist(this._tableName, (tableError, tableInfo) => {
github DFEAGILEDEVOPS / MTC / _spikes-poc / tableStorageAnswers / insertData.js View on Github external
function createBatches() {

  var batches = [];
  var entGen = azure.TableUtilities.entityGenerator

  for (var batchIndex = 0; batchIndex < 20; batchIndex++) {

    var batch = new azure.TableBatch()
    var partitionKey = new Date().getTime().toString()
    var rowKeySeed = new Date().getTime()

    for (var index = 0; index < 99; index++) {
      var check = createPupilCheck(partitionKey, rowKeySeed.toString())
  return batches;
github CatalystCode / VoTT-web / src / model / access-rights-service.js View on Github external
function mapUserAccessRightToEntity(projectId, right) {
    const generator = azureStorage.TableUtilities.entityGenerator;
    return {
        PartitionKey: generator.String(right.userId.toLowerCase()),
        RowKey: generator.String(projectId),
        email: generator.String(,
        role: generator.String(right.role)
github aspnet / AzureSignalR-samples / samples / EventGridIntegration / javascript / OnConnection / index.js View on Github external
try {
                entity = await getEntry(partitionKey, rowKey);
                operation = 'replace';
            } catch (error) {
                operation = 'insert';

            if (operation === 'replace') {
                newConnectionCount = parseInt(entity.Count._) + (eventGridEvent.eventType == 'Microsoft.SignalRService.ClientConnectionConnected' ? 1 : -1);
                entity.Count._ = newConnectionCount;
                await replaceEntity(entity);
                token = false;
            } else if (operation === 'insert') {
                newConnectionCount = eventGridEvent.eventType == 'Microsoft.SignalRService.ClientConnectionConnected' ? 1 : 0;
                let entryGen = azure.TableUtilities.entityGenerator;
                entity = {
                    PartitionKey: entryGen.String(partitionKey),
                    RowKey: entryGen.String(rowKey),
                    Count: entryGen.Int32(newConnectionCount),
                await insertEntity(entity);
                token = false;
        } catch (error) {
    if (eventGridEvent.eventType == 'Microsoft.SignalRService.ClientConnectionConnected') {
        let message = new Map();
        message.text = 'Welcome to Serverless Chat';
github CatalystCode / VoTT-web / src / model / project-service.js View on Github external
function mapProjectToEntity(project) {
    const generator = azureStorage.TableUtilities.entityGenerator;
    const projectId = project.projectId ||;
    const labels = project.labels.join(',');
    const entity = Object.assign(
            PartitionKey: generator.String(projectId),
            RowKey: generator.String(projectId),
    entity.labels = generator.String(labels);
    return entity;