How to use the azure-storage.TableQuery function in azure-storage

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few azure-storage examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github DFEAGILEDEVOPS / MTC / load-test / bin / init-dev-storage.js View on Github external
async function deleteTableEntities (tables) {
  const deletions = []
  for (let index = 0; index < tables.length; index++) {
    const table = tables[index]
    const query = new azure.TableQuery() // Azure Table Storage has a max of 1000 records returned
    let done = false
    let batch = 1
    while (!done) {
      const data = await tableService.queryEntitiesAsync(table, query, null)
      const entities = data.result.entries
      if (entities.length === 0) {
        done = true
      console.log(`Found ${entities.length} entities to delete in batch ${batch++} from ${table}`)
      entities.forEach(entity => {
        deletions.push(tableService.deleteEntityAsync(table, entity))
      await Promise.all(deletions)
github microsoft / opensource-portal / data.js View on Github external
} else if (typeof teamsIn === 'function') {
    callback = teamsIn;
    teams = []; // Special case: empty list means all pending approvals
  } else {
    if (!(teamsIn && teamsIn.length)) {
      throw new Error('Unknown "teams" type for getPendingApprovals. Please file a bug.');
    // New permissions system refactoring...
    if (teamsIn.length > 0 && teamsIn[0] && teamsIn[0].id) {
      teams = [];
      for (i = 0; i < teamsIn.length; i++) {
  var query = new azure.TableQuery()
    .where('PartitionKey eq ?', this.options.partitionKey)
    .and('active eq ?', true);
  if (teams.length > 0) {
    var clauses = [];
    for (i = 0; i < teams.length; i++) {
      clauses.push('teamid eq ?string?');
    var args = [clauses.join(' or ')].concat(teams);
    query.and.apply(query, args);
    function (error, results) {
      if (error) return callback(error);
      var entries = [];
github microsoft / opensource-portal / data.js View on Github external
DataClient.prototype.getUserLinks = function gul(users, callback) {
  var dc = this;
  var query = new azure.TableQuery()
    .where('PartitionKey eq ?', this.options.partitionKey);
  if (!(users && users.length && users.length > 0)) {
    return callback(new Error('Must include an array of GitHub user IDs, and at least one in that array.'));
  var clauses = [];
  if (users.length > 250) {
    // TODO: Write better code here to use continuation tokens and utilities to resolve any number from storage.
    return callback(new Error(`The application has queried for ${users.length} entities, which is too many for the current design.`));
  for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
    clauses.push('ghid eq ?string?');
  var args = [clauses.join(' or ')].concat(users);
  query.and.apply(query, args);
github CatalystCode / project-fortis / project-fortis-services / src / clients / storage / AzureTableStorageManager.js View on Github external
function FetchSiteDefinitions(siteId, tableService, callback){
  const queryString = `PartitionKey eq ?${siteId ? ' and RowKey eq ?' : ''}`;
  const query = new azureStorage.TableQuery().where(queryString, AZURE_TBL_SITES_PARTITION_KEY, siteId);

  tableService.createTableIfNotExists(AZURE_TBL_SITES, (error, result, response) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
      tableService.queryEntities(AZURE_TBL_SITES, query, null, (error, result, response) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
          const siteEntities = => {
            return {
              'name': site.RowKey._,
              'properties': {
                'logo': site.logo ? site.logo._ : '',
                'title': site.title ? site.title._ : '',
                'supportedLanguages': site.supportedLanguages ? JSON.parse(site.supportedLanguages._) : [],
                'defaultZoomLevel': site.defaultZoomLevel._,
                'fbToken': site.fbToken ? site.fbToken._ : '',
                'mapzenApiKey': site.mapzenApiKey ? site.mapzenApiKey._ : '',
                'targetBbox': site.targetBbox ? JSON.parse(site.targetBbox._) : [],
github Azure / Azurite / test / 01_Basic_table_Tests.js View on Github external
function missingEntityFindTest(cb) {
      const query = new azureStorage.TableQuery()
        .where("RowKey eq ?", "unknownRowKeyForFindError");
      const faillingFindTableService = azureStorage.createTableService(
      faillingFindTableService.queryEntities(tableName, query, null, function(
      ) {
github JakeGinnivan / Drone / src / services / api.js View on Github external
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    var query = new azure.TableQuery()
      .where('PartitionKey eq ?', userId.toString())
    tableService.queryEntities('userRepositories', query, null, function(error, result) {
      if (error) {
      console.log(`Got ${result.entries.length} repositories`)
      resolve(_.sortBy( => ({
        userId: repo.PartitionKey._,
        repoId: repo.RowKey._,
        repoName: repo.RepoName._,
        selected: repo.Selected._
      })), 'repoName'))
github DFEAGILEDEVOPS / MTC / functions / lib / azure-storage-helper.js View on Github external
getFromPreparedCheckTableStorage: async function getFromPreparedCheckTableStorage (azureTableService, checkCode, logger) {
    const query = new azureStorage.TableQuery()
      .where(TableQuery.guidFilter('checkCode', QueryComparisons.EQUAL, checkCode))

    let check
    try {
      const data = await azureTableService.queryEntitiesAsync(preparedCheckTable, query, null)
      check = data.response.body.value[0]
    } catch (error) {
      const msg = `getFromPreparedCheckTableStorage(): error during retrieve for table storage check for checkCode [${checkCode}]`
      throw new Error(msg)

    if (!check) {
      const msg = `getFromPreparedCheckTableStorage(): check does not exist: [${checkCode}]`
github Azure / node-red-contrib-azure / table-storage / azuretablestorage.js View on Github external
var queryEntity = function (table, fromcolumn, where, selectdata) {
        node.log('query entity');
        var query = new Client.TableQuery()
            .where(entityClass.fromcolumn + ' eq ?', entityClass.where);
        clientTableService.queryEntities(entityClass.tableName, query, null, function(err, result, response){
            if (err) {
                node.error('Error while trying to query entity:' + err.toString());
            } else {
github CatalystCode / VoTT-web / src / model / training-image-service.js View on Github external
TrainingImageService.prototype.list = function (projectId, currentToken, requestedLimit) {
    const limit = requestedLimit ? parseInt(requestedLimit) : 128;
    const tableQuery = new azureStorage.TableQuery().top(limit).where('PartitionKey == ?', projectId);
    return storageFoundation.queryEntities(this.tableService, this.trainingImagesTableName, tableQuery, currentToken).then(result => {
        const records = => {
            return this.mapEntityToImage(entity);
        return {
            currentToken: result.continuationToken,
            limit: limit,
            entries: records
github Azure-Samples / iot-hub-c-thingdev-getstartedkit / command_center_node / server.js View on Github external
app.get('/api/temperatures', function(req, res) {
    var query = new azure.TableQuery()
        .select(['eventtime', 'temperaturereading', 'deviceid'])
        .where('PartitionKey eq ?', deviceId);
    var nextContinuationToken = null;
    var fullresult = { entries: [] };
    queryTable(storageTable, query, nextContinuationToken, fullresult, function (err, result, response) {