How to use the azure-storage.TableBatch function in azure-storage

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few azure-storage examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Azure-Samples / storage-table-node-getting-started / basic.js View on Github external
storageClient.deleteEntity(tableName, customer, function entitiesQueried(error, result) {
          if (error) return callback(error);

          console.log("   deleteEntity succeeded.");

          // Demonstrates upsert and batch table operations
          console.log("5. Inserting a batch of entities. ");

          // create batch operation
          var batch = new storage.TableBatch();
          var lastName = "Smith";

          // The following code  generates test data for use during the query samples.  
          for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            var name = zeroPaddingString(i, 4);
            var customerToInsert = createCustomerEntityDescriptor(lastName, name, name + "", "425-555-" + name)


          //  Demonstrate inserting of a large batch of entities. Some considerations for batch operations:
          //  1. You can perform updates, deletes, and inserts in the same single batch operation.
          //  2. A single batch operation can include up to 100 entities.
          //  3. All entities in a single batch operation must have the same partition key.
          //  4. While it is possible to perform a query as a batch operation, it must be the only operation in the batch.
          //  5. Batch size must be <= 4MB  
github Azure-Samples / durablefunctions-apiscraping-nodejs / FanOutFanInCrawler / SaveRepositories / index.js View on Github external
tableService.createTableIfNotExists('Repositories', error => {
    if (error) {
    // creates a batch of operation to be executed
    var batch = new storage.TableBatch()
    for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
      var repository = input[i]

      // Creates an operation to add the repository to Table Storage
        PartitionKey: { _: 'Default' },
        RowKey: { _: },
        OpenedIssues: { _: repository.openedIssues },
        RepositoryName: { _: }
    // execute the batch of operations
    tableService.executeBatch('Repositories', batch, error => {
      if (error) {
github CatalystCode / project-fortis / project-fortis-services / src / clients / storage / AzureTableStorageManager.js View on Github external
function GetAzureTblBatchAction(offset, partitionKey, tasks, action){
  const batch = new azureStorage.TableBatch();

  if(Array.isArray(tasks) && offset < tasks.length){
    const upperBounds = offset + AZURE_TABLE_BATCH_MAX_OPERATIONS < tasks.length ? offset + AZURE_TABLE_BATCH_MAX_OPERATIONS : tasks.length;
    const batchTasks = tasks.slice(offset, upperBounds);
    batchTasks.forEach(operation => {
      const task = Object.assign({}, operation);

        console.error(`${action} is an unsupported azure table action`);
github JakeGinnivan / Drone / src / services / api.js View on Github external
.then(([githubIssues, knownIssues]) => {
      console.log(`Synchronising ${githubIssues.length} github issues with ${knownIssues.length} known issues`)
      var existing = _.indexBy(knownIssues, 'issueNumber')
      var toAdd = _.filter(githubIssues, r => !existing[r.number])
      var toUpdate = _.filter(githubIssues, r => existing[r.number])

      var batches = []
      var batch = new azure.TableBatch()

      var addPromise = enrichWithComments(githubToken, toAdd, repoName)
        .then(toAddWithComments => {
          _.forEach(toAddWithComments, i => {
            if (batch.size() === 100) {
              batch = new azure.TableBatch()
            batch.insertEntity(toTableIssue(i, userId, repoId))
      var updatePromise = enrichWithComments(githubToken, toUpdate, repoName)
        .then(toUpdateWithComments => {
          _.forEach(toUpdateWithComments, i => {
            if (batch.size() === 100) {
github JakeGinnivan / Drone / src / services / api.js View on Github external
.then(([ githubRepos, savedRepos ]) => {
      githubRepos = _.filter(githubRepos, r => r.permissions.admin)
      console.log('Syncing repos')
      var existing = _.indexBy(savedRepos, 'repoName')
      console.log('From github', => r.full_name))
      console.log('Existing', Object.keys(existing))
      var toAdd = _.filter(githubRepos, r => {
        var exists = !existing[r.full_name]
        return exists
      if (toAdd.length === 0) {
        return getAllRepositories(userId)
      console.log(`Adding ${toAdd.length} new repositories`)
      var batches = []
      var batch = new azure.TableBatch()

      try {
        _.forEach(toAdd, r => {
          var entity = {
            PartitionKey: entGen.String(userId.toString()),
            RowKey: entGen.String(,
            RepoName: entGen.String(r.full_name),
            Selected: entGen.Boolean(false)
          if (batch.size() === 100) {
            batch = new azure.TableBatch()
github JakeGinnivan / Drone / src / services / api.js View on Github external
_.forEach(toUpdateWithComments, i => {
            if (batch.size() === 100) {
              batch = new azure.TableBatch()
            batch.mergeEntity(toTableIssue(i, userId, repoId))
github DFEAGILEDEVOPS / MTC / _spikes-poc / tableStorageAnswers / insertData.js View on Github external
function createBatches() {

  var batches = [];
  var entGen = azure.TableUtilities.entityGenerator

  for (var batchIndex = 0; batchIndex < 20; batchIndex++) {

    var batch = new azure.TableBatch()
    var partitionKey = new Date().getTime().toString()
    var rowKeySeed = new Date().getTime()

    for (var index = 0; index < 99; index++) {
      var check = createPupilCheck(partitionKey, rowKeySeed.toString())
  return batches;
github JakeGinnivan / Drone / src / services / api.js View on Github external
_.forEach(toAddWithComments, i => {
            if (batch.size() === 100) {
              batch = new azure.TableBatch()
            batch.insertEntity(toTableIssue(i, userId, repoId))
github JakeGinnivan / Drone / src / services / api.js View on Github external
export function deleteIssuesList(userId, repoId) {
  var batches = []
  var batch = new azure.TableBatch()
  return getAllIssues(userId, repoId)
    .then(issues => {
      if (issues.length === 0)
      _.forEach(issues, i => {
        if (batch.size() === 100) {
          batch = new azure.TableBatch()
          PartitionKey: entGen.String(userId.toString()),
          RowKey: entGen.String(getIssueRowKey(repoId, i.issueNumber))
      return executeBatches('issuesList', batches)
github DFEAGILEDEVOPS / MTC / functions / prepare-check / v2.js View on Github external
async function process (context, v2Message) {
  validate(context, v2Message)

  const batch = new azure.TableBatch()

  let processCount = 0
  for (const preparedCheck of v2Message.messages) {
    context.log.verbose(`prepare-check: v2 process(): checkCode: ${preparedCheck.checkCode}`)
    processCount += 1

  const batchResult = await azureTableService.executeBatchAsync(preparedCheckTable, batch)

  if (batchResult.response.isSuccessful !== true) {
    context.error('prepare-check: v2 process(): there were one or more errors in the batch', batchResult.result)
    for (const result of batchResult.result) {
      if (result.error) {
        context.log.error(`prepare-check: v2 process(): error in checkCode ${result.entity.checkCode}: ${result.error}`)