How to use the @ionic/utils-fs.stat function in @ionic/utils-fs

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @ionic/utils-fs examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ionic-team / starters / src / commands / find-redundant.ts View on Github external
for (const ionicType of IONIC_TYPE_DIRECTORIES) {
      const baseDir = path.resolve(REPO_DIRECTORY, ionicType, 'base');
      const starterDirs = await getStarterDirectories(ionicType, { community });

      for (const starterDir of starterDirs) {
        const [ , starterType ] = getStarterInfoFromPath(starterDir);
        const id = buildStarterId(ionicType, starterType, starterDir);

        const contents = (await readdirp(starterDir)).map(p => p.substring(starterDir.length + 1));

        for (const file of contents) {
          const filePath = path.resolve(starterDir, file);
          const baseFilePath = path.resolve(baseDir, file);

          try {
            const [ fileStat, baseFileStat ] = await Promise.all([stat(filePath), stat(baseFilePath)]);

            if (!fileStat.isDirectory() && !baseFileStat.isDirectory()) {
              const [ fileChecksum, baseFileChecksum ] = await Promise.all([getFileChecksum(filePath), getFileChecksum(baseFilePath)]);

              if (fileChecksum === baseFileChecksum) {
                log(id,`${chalk.bold(file)}: same file in base files`));
              } else {
                log(id, chalk.gray(`${chalk.bold(file)}: found in base files, but checksum differs`));
          } catch (e) {
            // ignore
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / lib / ssh.ts View on Github external
export async function validatePrivateKey(keyPath: string): Promise {
  try {
    await stat(keyPath);
  } catch (e) {
    if (e.code === 'ENOENT') {

    throw e;

  const f = await readFile(keyPath, { encoding: 'utf8' });
  const lines = f.split('\n');

  if (!lines[0].match(/^\-{5}BEGIN [A-Z]+ PRIVATE KEY\-{5}$/)) {
github ionic-team / starters / src / utils / index.ts View on Github external
  return filter( => path.resolve(p, f)), async f => (await stat(f)).isDirectory());
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / commands / deploy / manifest.ts View on Github external
    const stats = await map(contents, async (f): Promise<[string, fs.Stats]> => [f, await stat(f)]);
    const files = stats.filter(([ , s ]) => !s.isDirectory());
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / lib / integrations / cordova / index.ts View on Github external
await mkdirp(tmpdir);

    const ws = tar.extract({ cwd: tmpdir });
    const { req } = await createRequest('GET', this.archiveUrl, this.e.config.getHTTPConfig());
    await download(req, ws, {});

    const contents = await readdirSafe(tmpdir);
    const blacklist: string[] = [];

    debug(`Integration files downloaded to ${strong(tmpdir)} (files: ${ => strong(f)).join(', ')})`);

    for (const f of contents) {
      const projectf = path.resolve(, f);

      try {
        const stats = await stat(projectf);
        const overwrite = await conflictHandler(projectf, stats);

        if (!overwrite) {
      } catch (e) {
        if (e.code !== 'ENOENT') {
          throw e;
    }`Copying integrations files to project`);
    debug(`Blacklist: ${ => strong(f)).join(', ')}`);

    await mkdirp(details.root);