How to use the @ionic/utils-fs.mkdirp function in @ionic/utils-fs

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @ionic/utils-fs examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / lib / integrations / cordova / index.ts View on Github external
const onFileCreate = handlers.onFileCreate ? handlers.onFileCreate : lodash.noop;
    const conflictHandler = handlers.conflictHandler ? handlers.conflictHandler : async () => false;

    const { createRequest, download } = await import('../../utils/http');
    const { tar } = await import('../../utils/archive');`Downloading integration ${input(}`);
    const tmpdir = path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), `ionic-integration-${}`);

    // TODO: etag

    if (await pathExists(tmpdir)) {
      await remove(tmpdir);

    await mkdirp(tmpdir);

    const ws = tar.extract({ cwd: tmpdir });
    const { req } = await createRequest('GET', this.archiveUrl, this.e.config.getHTTPConfig());
    await download(req, ws, {});

    const contents = await readdirSafe(tmpdir);
    const blacklist: string[] = [];

    debug(`Integration files downloaded to ${strong(tmpdir)} (files: ${ => strong(f)).join(', ')})`);

    for (const f of contents) {
      const projectf = path.resolve(, f);

      try {
        const stats = await stat(projectf);
        const overwrite = await conflictHandler(projectf, stats);
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / commands / ssh / generate.ts View on Github external
async run(inputs: CommandLineInputs, options: CommandLineOptions): Promise {
    const { getGeneratedPrivateKeyPath } = await import('../../lib/ssh');

    const { bits, annotation } = options;

    const keyPath = inputs[0] ? expandPath(String(inputs[0])) : await getGeneratedPrivateKeyPath(this.env.config.get(''));
    const keyPathDir = path.dirname(keyPath);
    const pubkeyPath = `${keyPath}.pub`;

    if (!(await pathExists(keyPathDir))) {
      await mkdirp(keyPathDir, 0o700 as any); // tslint:disable-line
      this.env.log.msg(`Created ${strong(prettyPath(keyPathDir))} directory for you.`);

    if (await pathExists(keyPath)) {
      const confirm = await this.env.prompt({
        type: 'confirm',
        name: 'confirm',
        message: `Key ${strong(prettyPath(keyPath))} exists. Overwrite?`,

      if (confirm) {
        await unlink(keyPath);
      } else {
        this.env.log.msg(`Not overwriting ${strong(prettyPath(keyPath))}.`);
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / commands / ssl / generate.ts View on Github external
private async ensureDirectory(p: string) {
    if (!(await pathExists(p))) {
      await mkdirp(p, 0o700 as any); // tslint:disable-line
      this.env.log.msg(`Created ${strong(prettyPath(p))} directory for you.`);
github ionic-team / native-run / src / android / utils / avd.ts View on Github external
export async function createAVD(sdk: SDK, schematic: AVDSchematic): Promise {
  const { avdHome } = sdk;
  const { id, ini, configini } = schematic;

  if (!avdHome) {
    throw new SDKException(`No valid Android AVD home found.`, ERR_AVD_HOME_NOT_FOUND);

  await mkdirp(pathlib.join(avdHome, `${id}.avd`));

  await Promise.all([
    writeINI(pathlib.join(avdHome, `${id}.ini`), ini),
    writeINI(pathlib.join(avdHome, `${id}.avd`, 'config.ini'), configini),

  return getAVDFromConfigINI(pathlib.join(avdHome, `${id}.ini`), ini, configini);
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / lib / helper.ts View on Github external
export async function sendMessage({ config, ctx }: SendMessageDeps, msg: IPCMessage) {
  const dir = path.dirname(config.p);
  await mkdirp(dir);
  const fd = await open(path.resolve(dir, 'helper.log'), 'a');
  const p = fork(ctx.binPath, ['_', '--no-interactive'], { stdio: ['ignore', fd, fd, 'ipc'] });

github ionic-team / native-run / src / ios / utils / app.ts View on Github external
await unzip(ipaPath, async (entry, zipfile, openReadStream) => {
    debug(`Unzip: ${entry.fileName}`);
    const dest = path.join(destPath, entry.fileName);
    if (entry.fileName.endsWith('/')) {
      await mkdirp(dest);
      if (entry.fileName.endsWith('.app/')) {
        appPath = entry.fileName;
    } else {
      await mkdirp(path.dirname(dest));
      const readStream = await openReadStream(entry);
      readStream.on('error', (err: Error) => error = err);
      readStream.on('end', () => { zipfile.readEntry(); });
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / lib / integrations / capacitor / index.ts View on Github external
if (details.enableArgs) {
      const parsedArgs = parseArgs(details.enableArgs);

      name = parsedArgs._[0] || name;
      packageId = parsedArgs._[1] || packageId;
      if (parsedArgs['web-dir']) {
        options.push('--web-dir', parsedArgs['web-dir']);
      options.push('--npm-client', this.e.config.get('npmClient'));

    await this.installCapacitorCore();
    await this.installCapacitorCLI();

    await mkdirp(details.root);
    await'capacitor', ['init', name, packageId, ...options], { cwd: details.root });

    await super.add(details);